Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 30
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Chapter: 29 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Dictum est autem: quicunque dimiserit uxorem suam, det illi libellum repudii.
Íz ist giquetan: uúer so fúrlaze sina quenun, gebe iru buoh thanatribes.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Ego autem dico vobis, quia omnis qui dimiserit uxorem suam, excepta fornicationis causa, facit eam moechari, et qui dimissam duxerit, adulterat.
Thanne ih quidu íu, thaz thero giuuelih thie furlazit sina quenun, uzan sahha huores, tuot sia furligan, thie thar thie furlazanun hálot, huorot.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.