Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 77
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Chapter: 76 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Sic est regnum dei quemadmodum si homo iaceat sementem in terram, Link to gotnt et dormiat et exsurgat nocte ac die, et semen germinet et crescat dum nescit ille.
So ist gotes rihhi zi thero uuisun oba man uuirphit samon in erda, inti sláfe inti arstante nahtes inti tages, inti thie samon bere inti uuahse mit thiu hér iz ni uueiz.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Ultro enim terra (112) fructificat primum herbam, deinde spicam, deinde plenum frumentum in spica. Link to gotnt Et cum se produxerit fructus, statim mittit falcem, quoniam adest messis.
Ira thankes erda (112) birit zi eristen grás, after thiu ehír, after thiu folcurni in themo ehíre. Mit thiu sih framgileitit thie uuahsmo, sliumo sentit ana sihhilun, uuanta ázist arnzít.
Sentence: 3    Link to gotnt
Tunc dimissis turbis venit in domum, et accesserunt ad eum discipuli eius dicentes: dissere nobis parabolam zizaniorum agri.
Thó furlazenen menigin quam in hús; giengun thó zi imo sine iungiron sus quedante: arsage uns ratissa beresbotono thes accares.
Sentence: 4    Link to gotnt
Qui respondens ait: qui seminat bonum semen, est filius hominis, Link to gotnt ager autem est mundus, bonum vero semen hi sunt filii regni, zizania autem filii sunt nequam. Link to gotnt Inimicus autem qui seminavit ea est diabolus: messis vero consummatio sæculi est, messores autem angeli sunt. Link to gotnt Sicut ergo colliguntur zizania et igne conburentur, sic erit in consummatione sęculi.
Her thó antlingenti quad: thie thar sauuit guotan samon, ther ist mannes sun, thie accar uuarlihho ist mittiligart, thie guoto samo thaz sint kind rihhes, thie beresboto thaz sint kind thes abuhén. Thie fiiant thie íz sata thaz ist ther diuual, thiu árn thaz ist enti therro uuerolti, thie arnara thaz sint engila. Soso arlesene sint thie beresboton inti in fiure furbrennit, ist enti therro uuerolti.
Sentence: 5    Link to gotnt
Mittet filius hominis angelos suos, et colligent de regno eius omnia scandala et eos qui faciunt iniquitatem, Link to gotnt et mittunt eos in caminum ignis: ibi erit fletus et stridor dentium. Link to gotnt Tunc iusti fulgebunt sicut sol in regno (113) patris sui. Qui habet aures, audiat.
Sentit thie mannes sun sine engila, inti arlesent fon sinemo rihhe allu asuih inti thie thar tuont unreht, inti sentent sie in ouan fiures: thar ist vvuoft inti stridunga zeno. Thanne rehte skinent samasó sunna in rihhe (113) iro fater. Thie thar habe órun, thie hóre.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.