Part No. 17
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Chapter: XVII 

Verse: 1381    So sprac he [thô] spâhlîco   endi sagda spel godes,
Verse: 1382    
lêrde the landes uuard   liudi sîne
Verse: 1383    
mid hluttru hugi.   Heliðos stôdun,
Verse: 1384    
gumon umbi thana godes sunu   gerno suîðo,
Verse: 1385    
uueros an uuilleon:   uuas im thero uuordo [niud],
Verse: 1386    
thâhtun endi thagodun,   gihôrdun [thero] thiodo drohtin
Verse: 1387    
seggean êu godes   eldibarnun;
Verse: 1388    
gihêt im heƀenrîki   endi te them heliðun sprac:
Verse: 1389    
"ôc mag ic iu seggean,   gesîðos mîna,
Verse: 1390    
uuârun uuordun,   that gi thesoro uueroldes nu forð
Verse: 1391    
sculun lioht uuesan   liudio barnun,
Verse: 1392    
fagar mid firihun   oƀar folc manag,
Verse: 1393    
uulitig endi uunsam:   ni mugun iuuua uuerk mikil
Verse: 1394    
biholan uuerðan,   mid huuilico gi sea hugi cûðeat:
Verse: 1395    
than mêr the thiu burg ni mag,   thiu an berge stâð,
Verse: 1396    
[hôh holmkliƀu],   biholen uuerðen,
Verse: 1397    
uurisilîc giuuerc,   ni mugun iuuua uuord than mêr
Verse: 1398    
an thesoro middilgard   mannum uuerðen,
Verse: 1399    
iuuua dâdi bidernit.   Dôt, ic iu lêriu:
Verse: 1400    
lâtad iuuua lioht mikil   liudiun skînan,
Verse: 1401    
manno barnun,   that sie farstandan iuuuan môdseƀon,
Verse: 1402    
iuuua uuerc endi iuuuan uuilleon,   endi thes uualdand god
Verse: 1403    
mit hluttro hugi,   himiliscan fader,
Verse: 1404    
loƀon an [thesumu] liohte,   thes he iu sulica lêra fargaf.

Verse: 1405    
Ni scal neoman lioht, the it haƀad,   liudiun dernean,
Verse: 1406    
te hardo [behuuelƀean],   ac he it hôho scal
Verse: 1407    
an seli settean,   that thea gesehan mugin
Verse: 1408    
alla [gelico],   thea thar inna sind,
Verse: 1409    
heliðos an hallu.   Than [hald] ni sculun gi iuuua hêlag uuord
Verse: 1410    
an thesumu landskepa   liudiun dernien,
Verse: 1411    
heliðcunnie farhelan,   ac ge it hôho sculun
Verse: 1412    
brêdean, that gibod godes,   that it allaro barno gehuuilic,
Verse: 1413    
oƀar [al] thit landscepi   liudi farstandan
Verse: 1414    
endi gefrummien,    it an forndagun
Verse: 1415    
tulgo uuîse man   uuordun gesprâcun,
Verse: 1416    
than sie thana aldan êuu   erlos heldun,
Verse: 1417    
endi ôc sulicu suuîðor,    ic iu nu seggean mag,
Verse: 1418    
alloro gumono gehuuilic   gode thionoian,
Verse: 1419    
[than] it thar an them aldom   êuua gebeode.

Verse: 1420    
Ni uuâniat gi thes mit uuihtiu,   that ic bi thiu an thesa uuerold quâmi,
Verse: 1421    
that ic thana aldan êu   irrien uuillie,
Verse: 1422    
fellean [undar] thesumu folke   eftho thero forasagono
Verse: 1423    
uuord uuiðaruuerpen,   thea hêr giuuârea man
Verse: 1424    
[barlîco] gebudun.   Êr scal bêðiu tefaran,
Verse: 1425    
himil endi erðe,   thiu nu bihlidan standat,
Verse: 1426    
êr than thero    uuordo   uuiht [bilîƀa]
Verse: 1427    
[unlêstid] an thesumu liohte,   thea sie thesum liudiun hêr
Verse: 1428    
[uuârlîco] gebudun.   Ni quam ic an thesa uuerold te thiu,
Verse: 1429    
that ic feldi thero forasagono uuord,   ac ic siu fullien scal,
Verse: 1430    
[ôkion] endi nîgean   eldibarnum,
Verse: 1431    
thesumu folke te frumu.   That uuas forn gescriƀan
Verse: 1432    
an them aldon êo   - [ge hôrdun] it oft sprecan
Verse: 1433    
[uuorduuîse] man -:    huue that an thesoro uueroldi gidôt,
Verse: 1434    
that he âðrana   aldru bineote,
Verse: 1435    
lîƀu bilôsie,   them sculun liudio barn
Verse: 1436    
dôd adêlean.   Than uuilleo ic [it] iu diopor nu,
Verse: 1437    
furður bifâhan:    huue ina thurh fîundskepi,
Verse: 1438    
man uuiðar ôðrana   an is môdseƀon
Verse: 1439    
[bilgit] an is breostun   - huuand sie alle gebrôðar sint,
Verse: 1440    
sâlig folc godes,   sibbeon bitengea,
Verse: 1441    
man mid mâgskepi -,   than uuirðit thoh huue ôðrumu an is môde gram,
Verse: 1442    
lîbes uueldi ina [bilôsien],   of he mahti gilêstien :
Verse: 1443    
than is he sân afêhit   endi is thes ferahas scolo,
Verse: 1444    
al sulikes urdêlies    the [ôðar] uuas,
Verse: 1445    
the thurh is handmegin   [hôƀdo] bilôsde
Verse: 1446    
erl ôðarna.   Ôc is an them êo gescriƀan
Verse: 1447    
uuârun uuordun,    gi uuiton alle,
Verse: 1448    
than man is nâhiston   [niudlîco scal]
Verse: 1449    
minnian an is môde,   uuesen is mâgun hold,
Verse: 1450    
gadulingun gôd,   [uuesen] is geƀa mildi,
Verse: 1451    
[frâhon] is friunda gehuuane,   endi scal is fîund hatan,
Verse: 1452    
uuiðerstanden them mid strîdu   endi mid starcu hugi,
Verse: 1453    
uuerean uuiðar uurêðun.   Than seggeo ic iu [te uuâron nu],
Verse: 1454    
fullîcur for thesumu folke,   that gi iuuua fîund sculun
Verse: 1455    
minneon an iuuuomu môde,    samo gi iuuua mâgos dôt,
Verse: 1456    
an godes namon.   Dôt im gôdes filu,
Verse: 1457    
tôgeat im hluttran hugi,   holda treuua,
Verse: 1458    
liof uuiðar ira lêðe.   That is langsam râd
Verse: 1459    
manno [sô huuilicumu],    is môd te thiu
Verse: 1460    
[geflîhit] uuiðar [is] fîunde.   Than môtun gi thea fruma    êgan,
Verse: 1461    
that gi môtun hêten   heƀencuninges suni,
Verse: 1462    
is blîði barn.   Ne mugun gi iu betaran râd
Verse: 1463    
geuuinnan an thesoro uueroldi.   Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc,
Verse: 1464    
barno gehuilicum,   that gi ne mugun [mid] gibolgono hugi
Verse: 1465    
iuuuas gôdes uuiht   te godes hûsun
Verse: 1466    
uualdande fargeƀan,   that it imu uuirðig
Verse: 1467    
te antfâhanne,    lango thu fîundskepies [uuiht],
Verse: 1468    
[uuiðer ôðran man   inuuid] hugis.

Verse: 1469    
Êr scalt thu thi simbla gesônien   uuið thana sacuualdand,
Verse: 1470    
gemôdi gimahlean:   sîðor maht thu mêðmos thîna
Verse: 1471    
te them godes altere [ageƀan]:   than sind sie themu gôdan uuerðe,
Verse: 1472    
heƀencuninge.   Mêr sculun gi aftar is huldi thionon,
Verse: 1473    
godes uuilleon [fulgân],   than [ôðra] Iudeon duon,
Verse: 1474    
ef gi uuilleat êgan   [êuuan rîki],
Verse: 1475    
sinlîf sehan.   Ôc scal [ic] iu seggean noh,
Verse: 1476    
huuô it thar an them aldon   êo gebiudid,
Verse: 1477    
that ênig erl ôðres   idis ni bisuuîca,
Verse: 1478    
[uuîf] mid uuammu.   Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc,
Verse: 1479    
that thar man is siuni mugun   suuîðo farlêdean
Verse: 1480    
an mirki [mên],   ef hi [ina lâtid] is môd spanen,
Verse: 1481    
that [he] beginna thero girnean,   thiu imu gegangan ni scal.

Verse: 1482    
Than haƀed he an imu selƀon sân   sundea geuuarhta,
Verse: 1483    
geheftid an is hertan   helliuuîti.

Verse: 1484    
Ef than thana man is [siun] uuili   ettha is [suîðare] hand
Verse: 1485    
farlêdien is liðo huuilic   an lêðan uueg,
Verse: 1486    
than is erlo gehuuem   ôðar betara,
Verse: 1487    
firiho barno,   that he ina fram uuerpa
Verse: 1488    
endi thana lið lôsie   af is lîchamon
Verse: 1489    
endi ina âno cuma   up te himile,
Verse: 1490    
than he [sô] mid allun   te them inferne,
Verse: 1491    
huuerƀe mid hêlun   an helligrund.

Verse: 1492    
Than mênid thiu [lêfhêd],   that ênig liudeo ni scal
Verse: 1493    
farfolgan is friunde,   ef he ina an firina spanit,
Verse: 1494    
suâs man an saca:   [than ne he imu eo suuîðo an sibbiun bilang],
Verse: 1495    
[ne] iro    mâgskepi mikil,   ef he ina an morð spenit,
Verse: 1496    
bêdid baluuuerco;   betera is imu than ôðar,
Verse: 1497    
that he thana friund fan imu   fer faruuerpa,
Verse: 1498    
mîðe thes mâges   endi ni hebbea thar êniga [minnea] ,
Verse: 1499    
that he môti êno   up gestîgan
Verse: 1500    
himilrîki,   than sie [helligethuing],
Verse: 1501    
brêd baluuuîti   bêðea gisôkean,
Verse: 1502    
uƀil arƀidi.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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