Part No. 21
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Chapter: XXI 

Verse: 1771    Ôc scal ic iu [uuîsean],   huuô hîr uuegos tuêna
Verse: 1772    
liggead an thesumu liohte,   thea farad [liudeo barn],
Verse: 1773    
al irminthiod.      Thero is ôðar sân
Verse: 1774    
uuîd strâta endi brêd,   - farid sie uuerodes filu,
Verse: 1775    
mancunnies manag,   huand sie tharod iro môd spenit,
Verse: 1776    
uueroldlusta [uueros] -   thiu an thea uuirson hand
Verse: 1777    
liudi lêdid,   thar sie te farlora uuerðad,
Verse: 1778    
heliðos an [helliu],   thar is hêt endi suart,
Verse: 1779    
egislîc an innan:   ôði [ist] tharod te faranne
Verse: 1780    
eldibarnun,   thoh it im [at] themu endie ni dugi.

Verse: 1781    
Than ligid eft ôðar   engira mikilu
Verse: 1782    
uueg an thesoro uueroldi,   ferid ina uuerodes [lût],
Verse: 1783    
fâho folcskepi:   ni uuilliad ina firiho barn
Verse: 1784    
gerno gangan,   thoh he te godes rîkea,
Verse: 1785    
an that êuuiga lîf,   erlos [lêdea].

Verse: 1786    
Than nimad gi iu thana engean:   thoh he ôði ne
Verse: 1787    
firihon te faranne,   thoh scal hi te frumu uuerðan
Verse: 1788    
[huuemu] ina thurhgengid,    scal is geld niman,
Verse: 1789    
suuîðo langsam lôn   endi lîf êuuig,
Verse: 1790    
diurlîcan drôm.   Eo gi thes [drohtin sculun],
Verse: 1791    
uualdand biddien,   that gi thana uueg môtin
Verse: 1792    
fan foran antfâhan   endi forð [thurh gigangan]
Verse: 1793    
an that godes rîki.   He ist garu simbla
Verse: 1794    
uuiðar thiu te geƀanne,   the man ina gerno bidid,
Verse: 1795    
fergot firiho barn.   Sôkead fadar iuuuan
Verse: 1796    
[up te] themu [êuuinom] rîkea:   than môtun gi ina aftar thiu
Verse: 1797    
te iuuuoru frumu fîðan.   Cûðead iuuua fard tharod
Verse: 1798    
at iuuuas [drohtines] durun:   than uuerðad iu andôn aftar thiu,
Verse: 1799    
[himilportun] anthlidan,   that gi an that hêlage lioht,
Verse: 1800    
an that godes rîki   gangan môtun,
Verse: 1801    
[sinlîf] sehan.   Ôc scal ic iu seggean noh
Verse: 1802    
far thesumu uuerode allun   uuârlîc biliði,
Verse: 1803    
that alloro liudeo huilic,    thesa mîna lêra uuili
Verse: 1804    
gehaldan an is herton   endi uuil iro an is hugi [athenkean],
Verse: 1805    
lêstean sea an thesumu lande,   the gilîco duot
Verse: 1806    
uuîsumu manne,   the giuuit haƀad,
Verse: 1807    
horsca hugiskefti,   endi hûsstedi kiusid
Verse: 1808    
an fastoro foldun      endi an [felisa] uppan
Verse: 1809    
uuêgos uuirkid,   thar im uuind ni mag,
Verse: 1810    
ne uuâg ne uuatares strôm   [uuihtiu] getiunean,
Verse: 1811    
ac mag im thar uuið ungiuuidereon   allun standan
Verse: 1812    
an themu [felise] uppan,   huand it fasto uuarð
Verse: 1813    
gistellit an themu stêne:   anthaƀad it thiu stedi niðana,
Verse: 1814    
uureðid uuiðar uuinde,   that it uuîcan ni mag.

Verse: 1815    
duot eft manno huilic,    thesun mînun ni uuili
Verse: 1816    
lêrun hôrien   [ne] thero lêstien uuiht,
Verse: 1817    
duot [the] unuuîson   erla gelîco,
Verse: 1818    
[ungeuuittigon uuere],   [the] im be uuatares staðe
Verse: 1819    
an sande uuili   selihûs uuirkean,
Verse: 1820    
[thar] it uuestrani uuind   endi [uuâgo] strôm,
Verse: 1821    
[sêes ûðeon] teslâad;   ne mag im sand endi greot
Verse: 1822    
geuureðien uuið themu uuinde,   ac uuirðid teuuorpan [than],
Verse: 1823    
[tefallen] an themu flôde,   huand it an [fastoro nis]
Verse: 1824    
[erðu getimbrod].    scal allaro [erlo gehues]
Verse: 1825    
uuerc gethîhan   uuiðar thiu, [the] hi [thius mîn] uuord frumid,
Verse: 1826    
[haldid] hêlag gebod."   Thô bigunnun an iro hugi uundron
Verse: 1827    
meginfolc mikil:   gehôrdun mahtiges godes
Verse: 1828    
lioflîca lêra;   ne uuârun an themu lande geuuno,
Verse: 1829    
that sie eo fan sulicun êr   seggean gehôrdin
Verse: 1830    
uuordun ettho uuercun.   Farstôdun uuîse man,
Verse: 1831    
that he lêrde,   liudeo drohtin,
Verse: 1832    
uuârun uuordun,    he geuuald habde,
Verse: 1833    
allun them ungelîco,   the thar an êrdagun
Verse: 1834    
undar them liudskepea   [lêreon] uuârun
Verse: 1835    
acoran undar themu cunnie:   ne habdun thiu Cristes uuord
Verse: 1836    
gemacon mid mannun,   the he far thero menigi [sprac],
Verse: 1837    
gebôd uppan themu berge.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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