Part No. 26
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Chapter: XXVI 

Verse: 2167       Thô geuuêt imu the hêlogo Crist
Verse: 2168    
forðuuardes faren,   [fremide] alomahtig
Verse: 2169    
alloro dago gehuilikes,   drohtin the gôdo,
Verse: 2170    
liudeo barnum leof,   [lêrde] mid uuordun
Verse: 2171    
godes uuilleon gumun,   habda imu iungorono filu
Verse: 2172    
simbla te gisîðun,   sâlig folc godes,
Verse: 2173    
manno megincraft,   managoro theodo,
Verse: 2174    
hêlag heriskepi,   uuas is helpono gôd,
Verse: 2175    
mannun mildi.   Thô hi mid theru menigi quam,
Verse: 2176    
mid thiu [brahtmu] that barn godes   te burg theru hôhon,
Verse: 2177    
the neriendo te Naim:   thar scolde is namo uuerðen
Verse: 2178    
mannun gemârid.   Thô geng mahtig
Verse: 2179    
neriendo Crist,   antat he ginâhid uuas,
Verse: 2180    
[hêleandero bezt:   thô] sâhun sie thar ên hrêo dragan,
Verse: 2181    
[ênan] lîflôsan lîchamon   thea liudi [fôrien],
Verse: 2182    
[beran] an ênaru [bâru]   ût at [thera] burges dore,
Verse: 2183    
maguiungan man.   Thiu môder aftar geng
Verse: 2184    
an iro hugi hriuuig   endi handun slôg,
Verse: 2185    
carode endi cûmde   iro kindes dôð,
Verse: 2186    
idis armscapan;   it uuas ira [ênag] barn:
Verse: 2187    
siu uuas iru uuidouua,   ne habda uunnea than mêr,
Verse: 2188    
[biûten] te themu ênagun sunie   al [gelâten]
Verse: 2189    
uunnea endi uuillean,   anttat ina iru [uurd] benam,
Verse: 2190    
mâri metodogescapu.   Megin folgode,
Verse: 2191    
burgliudeo gebrac,   thar man ina an [bâru] drôg,
Verse: 2192    
iungan man te graƀe.   Thar uuarð imu the godes sunu,
Verse: 2193    
mahtig mildi   endi te theru môder sprac,
Verse: 2194    
hêt that thiu uuidouua   uuôp farlêti,
Verse: 2195    
cara aftar themu kinde:   "thu scalt [hîr craft sehan],
Verse: 2196    
uualdandes giuuerc:   thi scal hîr uuilleo [gestanden],
Verse: 2197    
frôfra far thesumu folke:   ne tharft thu ferah caron
Verse: 2198    
barnes thînes."      *Thuo hie ti thero bâron geng
Verse: 2199    
iac hie ina selƀo anthrên,   suno drohtines,
Verse: 2200    
hêlagon handon,   endi ti them [heliðe] sprak,
Verse: 2201    
hiet ina alaiungan   [up] astandan,
Verse: 2202    
arîsan fan theru restun.   Thie rinc up asat,
Verse: 2203    
that barn an thero bârun:   uuarð im eft an is briost cuman
Verse: 2204    
thie gêst thuru godes craft,   endi hie tegegnes sprac,
Verse: 2205    
the man uuið is mâgos.   Thuo ina eft thero muoder bifalah
Verse: 2206    
hêlandi Crist an hand:   hugi uuarð iro te froƀra,
Verse: 2207    
thes uuîƀes an uunneon,   huand iro thar sulic uuilleo gistuod.

Verse: 2208    
Fell siu thô te fuotun Cristes   endi thena folco drohtin
Verse: 2209    
loƀoda for thero liudeo menigi,   huand hie iro at liobes [ferahe]
Verse: 2210    
mundoda uuiðer metodigisceftie:   farstuod siu that hie uuas thie mahtigo drohtin,
Verse: 2211    
thie hêlago, thie himiles giuualdid,   endi that hie mahti gihelpan managon,
Verse: 2212    
allon irminthiedon.   Thuo bigunnun that ahton managa,
Verse: 2213    
that uunder, that under them uueroda giburida,   quâðun that uualdand selƀo,
Verse: 2214    
mahtig quâmi tharod is menigi uuîson,   endi that hie im mârean sandi
Verse: 2215    
uuârsagon an thero [uueroldes rîki,]   thie im thar sulican uuilleon frumidi.

Verse: 2216    
Uuarð thar thuo erl manag   egison bifangan,
Verse: 2217    
that folc uuarð an forohton:   gisâhun thena is [ferah] êgan,
Verse: 2218    
dages lioht sehan,   thena the êr dôð fornam,
Verse: 2219    
an suhtbeddeon sualt:   thuo uuas im eft gisund after thiu,
Verse: 2220    
kindiung aquicot.   Thuo uuarð that kûð obar all
Verse: 2221    
aƀaron Israheles.   Reht thuo âƀand quam,
Verse: 2222    
uuarð thar all gisamnod   seokora manno,
Verse: 2223    
haltaro endi hâƀaro,    huat thar huergin uuas,
Verse: 2224    
thia lêƀun under them liudeon,   endi uurðun thar gilêdit tuo,
Verse: 2225    
cumana te Criste,   thar hie im thuru is craft mikil
Verse: 2226    
halp endi sie hêlda,   endi liet sia eft gihaldana thanan
Verse: 2227    
uuendan an iro uuilleon.   Bethiu scal man is uuerc loƀon,
Verse: 2228    
diuran is dâdi,   huand hie is drohtin self,
Verse: 2229    
mahtig mundboro   manno kunnie,
Verse: 2230    
liudeo huilicon,    thar gilôbit tuo
Verse: 2231    
an is uuord endi an is uuerc.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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