Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19
Part No. 2
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Verse: a    zltwšt21* ՚hnwl pr՚c slwt [ZK Y22* 2 yt՚hwwylyw'23* MNW hušiti OL24* LOYN'25* *QDM26* YKOYMWNyt'27*] APš MYA Y28* ŠPYL pr՚c YḎBHWNyt29* MNW30* ŠPYL31* d՚yty32* APš dyn' Y33* mẕdst՚n'34* pln՚pt35* [AYKš36* frauuarāne37* krt].
Zardušt ahunawar frāz srūd [ān ī yatāhuvairyō hušiti ō pēš abar ēstēd] u-š āb ī weh frāz yazēd weh dāitī u-š dēn ī mazdēsnān franāft [kū-š frauuarāne kard].

Verse: b    
dlwc MN OLE stlt'38* LAWHL dwb՚lyt'39* HWEd bwt'40* ŠDYA W41* syc nyh՚n'42* lwbšn' Y43* plypt՚l.
druz az ōy stard abāz dwārīd hēnd Būd dēw ud sēj nihān rawišn ī frēftār.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 24.3.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.