Ninth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics
(ICIL 9)Institut für Iranistik, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Vienna / AustriaProgram
available here:
All times in the program are Vienna / Paris / Berlin times.
Abstract booklet
available here:
(December 2020)
Accepted papers
As a result of the anonymous reviewing, the following abstracts were accepted:
PapersThe following abstracts were accepted as presentations:
Ahmadreza Qaemmaqami Old Persian hucâra- Ali Hussain Birahimani Some consequences of lenition on the verb system of Eastern Balochi Anton Zykov Parsi (Parsi Gujarati) and Gavruni (Zoroastrian Dari): Language Change and Ritual Lexicon Chams Bernard On Iranian borrowings in Tocharian Daniel Barry The Turkic and Semitic sources of /q/ in Kurmanji Kurdish Dorian Pastor Persian of Tehran: towards a new rise of simple verbs? Emine Şahingöz Digor-Ossetic Definite Particle i Erik Anonby, Bettina Leitner, Mortaza Taheri-Ardali & Dina El Zarka Arabic of south Iran: The dialect of Bandar Moqam in Hormozgan Province Erik Anonby Independent outlier: On the linguistic history of Kumzari Fahimeh Tasalli Bakhsh Grammaticalization of Modals in Persian Fati Antadze On One Peculiarity of Lexicalization of Arabic Broken Plural in Persian Gerardo Barbera Bashkardi and the languages of Southeast Iran Harald Bichlmeier & Maria Carmela Benvenuto The expression of predicative possession in Avestan Jeremy Bradley, Veronika Milanova, Sampsa Holopainen & András Czentnár Structural parallelism in Turkic, Iranian, and Uralic languages from a contact-linguistic perspective Juan Briceño-Villalobos On Old Persian tuvam ka haya "you, whoever" Julian Kreidl The reconstruction of Early New Pashto Kateryna Iefremenko Placement of the locational goal elements in Kurmanji Kurdish in contact with Turkish and German Liubov Silanteva Multielement Structure Of Wakhi Stress In Pamir Region Mahjoub Zirak & Faryar Akhlaghi Areal Typological Study of Contact-Induced Features in Arabic Varieties of Iran Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand The emergence of periphrastic aspectual verbs in Persian Mohsen Mahdavi Mazdeh Phonological Effects in the Ordering of Persian Binominals Murad Suleymanov Possessor-Source Syncretism in Abşeron Tat Natalia Serdobolskaya Differential Object Marking in Iron Ossetic Oleg Belyaev & Irina Khomchenkova "Ablative coordination" in Ossetic? Raha Musavi Dashtaki Verb Inflection Ronald Kim Towards a historical phonology of Ossetic: relative chronology and Alanic evidence Saeid Norouzi & Hassan Rafiey The Features of the "Iranian Drug Addict's Slang" (IDAS) Sara Belelli Verbal particles in Laki: Patterns of Polysemy and Development of an Elusive Lexical Class Setayesh Dashti On the Developments of Bayestan Shuan Karim The Proto-Zaza-Gorani case system: evidence for convergence and expansion Vahid Sadeghi On the phonetic differences between the intonation of Persian statements and Questions Velizar Sadovski (TBA) Zahra Etebari The rise of contrastive-partitive and definite functions of =eš in colloquial Persian: A grammaticalization from third person clitic pronoun
Standby presentations
Muhammed Ourang The derivation of light verbs in Aheli Sima Zolfaghari Lexical Semantic Fields in Iranian Languages: The case of Bakhtiari Body Parts Terminology Dinara Stepina Optative or Subjunctive? Two mood systems of Azerbaijani Talysh Artem Trofimov The accentual system of Parachi and Ormuri and its role for placing them among Iranian languages
PostersThe following abstracts were accepted as posters:
A. Ali Ahangar & Setareh Mojahedi Rezaeian The Representation of Switch-Participant Reference in Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse Agnès Lenepveu-Hotz Hesitations in the first French words borrowed by New Persian: The example of the first Safarname-ye Naser ad-din Shah (1873) Arseniy Vydrin Tajik National Corpus CV Anonby Said, Seen, or Thought: Evidentiality in Kumzari Faryar Akhlaghi Adverbial Relations in Modern Persian language: A Typological Study Jens Helfer-Fleischhauer Horizontal alignment and tense/aspect-restricted differential object marking in Iranian languages Katarzyna Marszalek-Kowalewska 'kampyutere shaxsi' or 'rayane shaxsi': Deep Learning Methods for the Extraction of Persian Multi-word Expressions with English Loanwords and their Persian Equivalents Maryam Nourzaei Definiteness markers in New Western Iranian languages, from a typology perspective Mehrnoosh Taherkhani & Farnoosh Taherkhani Hybrid alignment patterns in ergative system of Iranian languages: evidence from Takestani Minoo Nassajian & Razieh Shojaei A Dependency Grammar Approach to Persian Ezafe Construction Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand & Elham Izadi The corpus-based study post-predicate elements in spoken Persian Mortaza Taheri-Ardali Definiteness marking in the languages of Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari Province, Iran Nafiseh Tadayyon & Javid Fereidoni Code-switching Pattern in Persian: A Sociolinguistic Study in Urmia Sampsa Holopainen & András Czentnár On some problematic Ossetic etymologies Sayuri Igarashi The Function of The Passive Voice as An Alternative Expression in Modern Persian Shadi Davari & Kian Karbalaei-Mohammadi Phrasal and Clausal Superior Comparative Construction in Persian Songül Gündoğdu, Arsalan Kahnemuyipour & Andrew Peters Traces of Genitive Case in Southern Zazaki Ezafe Tatiana Kononova Building a Tagged Corpus of the Classical Persian Langugage