Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 5
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Part: IV._Bapt.  
Paragraph: Inc.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
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Line: 3  IIII.
Line: 4 
Die Heilige Tauffe
Line: 5 
No to ſweete Cruſtibe.

Paragraph: 1   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
Page: 6  
Line: 6       Muſſe Kunx JEſus Chriſtus ſʒatcy vſʒ
Line: 7    
ſʒouwems Maetceklems. Eythe exkan tho
Line: 8    
wuͤſſe Paſſoule / vnde maczeth wuͤſſes lou=
Line: 9    
des / vnde Cruſtyeth toͤs exkan to Waerde
Line: 10    
to Thewe / vnde to Dhele / vnde to Sweete
Line: 11    
Garre. Kas tur titcz vnde Cruſtitcz thope /
Line: 12    
tas taps ſweetcz / Beth kas nee titcz / thope
Line: 13    

Paragraph: 2   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
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Line: 14  Ko maetce tu aran tho Cruſtibe , Adbilde.

Line: 15    
Es maetce tur aran / ka man Dews grib ſʒelix buuth /
Line: 16    
vhd tha patteſe ka es Cruſtytcz eſme / tha patteſe grib
Line: 17    
thas mannes Greekes pammeſt / vnd man par ſʒouwe
Line: 18    
Bherne thãs muͤſʒiges cziwoſchennes vſiemt / Taiſne
Line: 19    
vnd Sweete darryth.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.