Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien

Forthcoming events (in chronological order):
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8.-12. 9. 25 NEU! 35. Deutscher Orientalistentag Universität Erlangen Link
26.-30. 6. 25 NEU! 19th World Sanskrit Conference Nepal Sanskrit University Kathmandu Link
9.-13. 6. 25 23rd International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics Università di Udine Link
20.-24. 11. 24 76. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Marburg Link
25.-26. 10. 24 35th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (WeCIEC 35) UCLA Los Angeles, USA Link
9.-12. 9. 24 XVII. Fachtagung "The Speakers of Indo-European and their World – 150 years of Indo-European studies in Basel" Universität Basel Link
8.-14. 9. 24 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL 21) Universität Poznan Link
4.-7. 9. 24 Language and Culture in the Borderlands of the Eastern Silk Road Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien Link
2.-7. 9. 24 6th Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European linguistics University of Pavia Link
19.-30. 8. 24 Summer school in languages of the Eastern Silk Road Universität Wien Link
15.-26. 7. 24 Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics Universiteit Leiden Link
25.-27. 6. 24 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL) Nice, France Link
24.-26. 6. 24 30. GeSuS-Jahrestagung "Europa und die Vielfalt seiner Sprachen" Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza Poznan Link
17.-18. 6. 24 8th Indo-European Research Colloquium Universität Marburg Link
9.-12. 5. 24 75. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Graz Link
2.-4. 5. 24 The Tablets and Their Scribes: The Palaeography of Hittite Cuneiform and Writing Practices in Hittite Anatolia Akademie der Wissenschaften Mainz Link
17.-19. 1. 24 Symposion "Spatial Perception in Antiquity from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Taklamakan Desert" Universität Innsbruck Link
10.-11. 11. 23 The Weather in Indo-European: Environment in Language and Culture Universität Kopenhagen Link
7. 11. 23 Symposion "Armenian across the millennia" Universiteit Leiden Link
1. 11. 23 Symposion "Italic, Celtic, and what lies beneath" Universiteit Leiden Link
27.-28. 10. 23 34th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (WeCIEC 34) UCLA Los Angeles, USA Link
26.-29. 10. 23 74. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Wien Link
12.-14. 10. 23 Trends in Classics - Greek & Latin Linguistics 1: “Synchronic and diachronic issues of Postclassical Greek” Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Link
5.-6. 10. 23 Tools, Trades, and Technologies - Exploring Prehistory through Archaeolinguistics SCAS Uppsala Link
18.-22. 9. 23 Summer School Deciphering and Editing Hittite Cuneiform Texts Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz Link
18.-19. 9. 23 Early Germanic Poetics and Religion from Linguistic and Comparative Perspectives Universität Kopenhagen Link
12.-14. 9. 23 Arbeitstagung "Lautwandel und morphologische Analogie" Universität Köln Link
4.-8. 9. 23 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL26) Universität Heidelberg Link
29.8. - 8.9. 23 International Summer School on "Documenting and Archiving Language and Culture in the Digital Age" Academy of Digital Humanities Tbilisi Link
29.8. - 1.9. 23 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) National and Kapodistrian University Athens Link
21.-25. 8. 23 Tenth European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS 10) Universiteit Leiden Link
24.-28. 7. 23 XVIIth International Congress of Celtic Studies Universiteit Utrecht Link
10.-21. 7. 23 17th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics Universität Leiden Link
29.-30. 6. 23 Seminar: Relative chronology in historical linguistics Universität Kopenhagen Link
8.-10. 6. 23 29. GeSuS-Jahrestagung "Sprachwissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung und ihre praktische Anwendung" Université Paris-Est Créteil Link
25.-29. 5. 23 73. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Frankfurt Link
26.-28. 4. 23 7th Indo-European Research Colloquium Università Cattolica Milano Link
39. 3. 23 Symposion Indo-European Afterlife SCAS Uppsala (hybrid) Link
10.-11. 3. 23 Workshop "Deadjectival verb formation in Indo-European: Historical and theoretical perspectives" Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien Link
8.-10. 3. 23 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Sprachliche Kreativität und Routine Universität Köln Link
15. 12. 22 Conference "Anchoring the Invention of Writing in Ancient Societies. A Global Comparative Approach" Radboud University Nijmegen Link
12.-13. 11. 22 33rd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (WeCIEC 33) UCLA Los Angeles, USA (online) Link
2.-6. 11. 22 72. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Hamburg Link
6.-8. 10. 22 Towards a diachronic typology of converbs University of Verona Link
12.-17. 9. 22 34. Deutscher Orientalistentag FU Berlin Link
5.-10. 9. 22 5th International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics Università di Pavia Link
5.-7. 9. 22 Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft "The Secondary Homelands of the Indo-European Languages" Universiteit Leiden Link
24.-27. 8. 22 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) Universität Bukarest Link
1.-5. 8. 22 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 25) University of Oxford Link
18.-29. 7. 22 16th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics Universität Leiden Link
18.-22. 7. 22 Summer School “I Messapi: epigrafia, lingua, archeologia, storia”: Excursion excavations Alezio Link
11.-15. 7. 22 Summer School “I Messapi: epigrafia, lingua, archeologia, storia”: Course Verona (online)
23.-25. 6. 22 Symposion "Cisalpine Celtic Literacy" University of Maynooth (hybrid) Link
26.-27. 5. 22 Workshop: Linguistic Evidence of the Settlement Dynamics in the Balkans Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien Link
30.-31. 05. 22 Colloque "Déplacements, migrations et contacts culturels en Méditerranée orientale dans le miroir de l’anthroponymie" Sorbonne, Paris Link
26.-28. 05. 22 Spring Seminar in Indo-European Linguistics University of Belgrade (online) Link
23.-27. 05. 22 71. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Leeuwarden Link
16.-18. 5. 22 28. GeSuS-Jahrestagung "Sprache(n) – Language(s) – Sprog (" Süddänische Universität Odense Link
11. 5. 22 Exploring New Methods: Quantitative Approaches to Indo-European Linguistics SCAS Uppsala (hybrid) Link
3.-4. 5. 22 12. Jenaer Maikolloquium: Reduplikation in indogermanischen Sprachen Universität Jena Link
3. 5. 22 Gedenksymposium für Norbert Jokl / Symposium commemorating Norbert Jokl Universität Wien (hybrid) Link
4.-5. 4. 22 The Lexicon-Grammar Interface in the Synchrony and Diachrony of Armenian Universität Würzburg Link
25.-26. 3. 22 Theonyms, Panthea and Syncretisms in Hittite Anatolia and Northern Syria University of Verona (hybrid) Link
24.-25. 3. 22 Languages and Cultures in Contact in the Ancient Mediterranean
23. 3. 22 The Next Step – Shaping the Future of Indo-European Studies SCAS Uppsala (hybrid) Link
7.-8. 3. 22 6th Indo-European Research Colloquium MPI Jena (online) Link
23.-25. 2. 22 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Sprache verpflichtet Universität Tübingen Link
1.-3. 12. 21 Descriptive Grammars and Typology: The chalenges of writing grammars of underdescribed and endangered languages 2 Paris Link
17.-20. 11. 21 70. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Wien Link
5.-7. 11. 21 32st Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference UCLA, USA (online) Link
1.-2. 10. 21 Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities and new perspectives University of Cambridge Link
8.-10. 9. 21 Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies Università degli Studi di Pavia Link
30.8. - 3.9. 21 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) online Link
Aug. 21 Thurneysen–Kolloquium 2020 Universität Bonn Link
18.-20. 8. 21 Ninth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL 9) Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna (online or hybrid) Link

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