| |
8.-13. 8. 21 | Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum: Symposion "Areal effects in prehistoric contacts between Uralic and Indo-European" | Universität Wien | Link |
15.-16. 7. 21 | Oxford Workshop on Indo-European Accentuation (OWIEA) | University of Oxford (online) | Link |
12.-23. 7. 21 | 15th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universität Leiden (online) | Link |
21.-25. 6. 21 | ZuKoKo: Zürcher Korpuslinguistik und Korpuspragmatik Summer School | Universität Zürich | Link |
24.-28. 5. 21 | Workshop: Latin in the linguistic context of the ancient Mediterranean | Santiago de Compostela | Link |
6.-8. 5. 21 | 69. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Leipzig | Link |
3.-7. 5. 21 | The Copenhagen phylolinguistics workshop | Universität Kopenhagen (online) | Link |
26.-27. 3. 21 | Power, Gender and Mobility: Features of Indo-European Society | Universität Kopenhagen (online) | Link |
[cancelled] | 16. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: Jenseits der Formenlehre. Indogermanische Morphologie mit Grauzonen- und Schnittstellenphänomenen | Universität Zürich | Link |
23.-26. 2. 21 | 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Modell und Evidenz | Universität Freiburg | Link |
Workshop: On the nouniness of propositional arguments | Link | ||
cancelled | The Sound of Indo-European 4: Phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics | Universität Köln | Link |
8.-10. 12. 20 | Tocharian in Progress | Universiteit Leiden (online) | Link |
29.-22. 11. 20 | 68. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Berlin (virtuell) | Link |
15.-16. 10. 20 | Indo-European Interfaces: Building Bridges between Mythology, Linguistics and Archaeology | Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study Uppsala | Link
Programm (mit Zoom-Link) |
7.-11. 9. 20 | International School in Linguistic Fieldwork | CNRS Villejuif | Link |
2.-5. 9. 20 | The Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology | American University of Greece Athens | Link |
21.-23. 5. 20 | 67. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Bayreuth (virtuell) | Link |
4.-6. 3. 20 | 42. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) | Universität Hamburg | Link |
12.-13. 12. 19 | The Aegean Interface. The Eastern Mediterranean - Ancient meeting place of cultures. International conference (19th "Grazer Althistorische Adventgespräche") | Graz | Link / Registration form |
28.11. - 1.12. 19 | 66. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität München | Link |
20.-22. 11. 19 | Languages in an Open World | Universität Graz | Link |
14. 11. 19 | Kunst und Kultur im öffentlichen Raum in der Antike. 14. JungakademikerInnen Tagung | Universität Graz | Link |
8.-9. 11. 19 | 31st Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA, USA | Link |
11.-12. 10. 19 | Indo-European Religion and Poetics - A Comparative Approach | Universität Kopenhagen | Link |
1.-8. 10. 19 | Summer school in "Digital Caucasiology" | University of Batumi / Georgia | Link |
4.-6. 9. 19 | 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT 13) | Università di Pavia | Link |
21.-24. 8. 19 | 52th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) | Universität Leizig | Link |
22.7. - 2.8. 19 | 14th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universität Leiden | Link |
4.-7. 6. 19 | Arbeitstagung "100 Years of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at the Universit of Ljubljana" | Universität Ljubljana | Link |
1.-5. 7. 19 | 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 24) | University of Canberra | Link |
6.-7. 6. 19 | LingCologne2019: Multimodality.
Conference on a multimodal view of language and the interactions of different language modalities | Universität zu Köln | Link |
30.5. - 1.6. 19 | 27. GeSuS-Jahrestagung "Sprach(en)forschung: Disziplinen und Interdisziplinarität" | Schlesische Technische Universität Warschau | Link |
23.-25. 5. 19 | 65. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Köln | Link |
21.-22. 3. 19 | 5th Indo-European Research Colloquium | University of Leiden | Link |
14.-16. 3. 19 | Exploring the Social and Cultural Contexts of Historic Writing Systems | University of Cambridge | Link |
8.-9. 3. 19 | Early Career Researcher Forum | University of Oxford | Link |
21.-22. 2. 19 | International Workshop Languages and Cultures in Contact in the Ancient Mediterranean | Universität Verona | Link |
29.11. - 1.12. 19 | 64. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Göttingen | Link |
9.-10. 11. 18 | 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA, USA | Link |
8.-9. 11. 18 | International Workshop "Learning scripts, forgetting scripts" | Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Link |
11.-13. 10. 18 | Eighth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL 8) | Yerevan | Link |
11.-12. 10. 18 | Dérivation nominale et innovations dans les langues indo-européennes anciennes | Université de Rouen | Link |
13.-14. 9. 18 | Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft "Schriftkonventionen in pragmatischer Perspektive / Writing conventions and pragmatic perspectives" | Brüssel | Link |
12.-14. 9. 18 | Aux frontières de la composition et de la dérivation : les composés « hypostatiques » dans les langues indo-européennes | Université de Lausanne | Link |
3.-5. 9. 18 | Syntax of the World's Languages (SWL) 8 | INaLCO Paris | Link |
7.-12. 8. 18 | Summer Seminar "Languages and migrations in pre-historic Europe" | University of Copenhagen | Link |
7.-9. 6. 18 | Oral narration in Iranian Cultures | Uppsala Universitet | Link |
4.-7. 6. 18 | Loanwords and Substrata in Indo-European languages | Université de Limoges | Link |
23.-27.5. 19 | 63. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Nijmegen | Link |
17.-18. 5. ; 19.-20. 4. 18 | Variation and contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages | Pisa / Oxford | Link |
3.-4. 5. 18 | 11. Jenaer Maikolloquium: Die italischen Sprachen – neue Aspekte in linguistischer und philologischer Hinsicht (zur Erinnerung an Albert Debrunner) | Universität Jena | Link |
12.-14. 4. 18 | A corpus and usage-based approach to Ancient Greek: from the Archaic period until the Koiné | Universität Riga | Link |
5.-7. 4. 18 | 26. GESUS-Kongress "Traditionen und Erneuerungen" | Université de Montpellier | Link |
5.-6. 4. 18 | 4. Indogermanistisches Forschungskolloquium | Universität Zürich | Link |
20.-21. 3. 18 | Vielfaltslinguistik – 2. Konferenz zu Typologie und Feldforschung | Humboldt-Universität Berlin | Link |
22.-23. 2. 18 | Workshop: Parallel text analysis in diachronic research | Universität Marburg | Link |
14.-15. 12. 17 | Workshop "What is a word?" | Universität Zürich | Link |
5.-6. 12. 17 | Descrizione e spiegazione nella linguistica storica del terzo millennio | Università degli studi di Milano | Link |
11.-14. 10. 17 | Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft "Tra semantica e sintassi: il ruolo della linguistica storica Zwischen Semantik und Syntax: Die Rolle der Historischen Sprachwissenschaft" | Verona | Link |
3.-4. 11. 17 | 29th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA, USA | Link |
18.-22. 9. 17 | 33. Deutscher Orientalistentag "Asien, Afrika und Europa" | Universität Jena | Link / Sektion Indogermanistik |
13.-15. 9. 17 | The Split: Reconstructing Early Indo-European Language and Culture | Universität Kopenhagen | Link |
10.-13. 9. 17 | 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2017) | Universität Zürich | Link |
7.-8. 9. 17 | Ritual und Terminologie: Phasen antiker Rituale und ihre Bezeichnungen | Universität Würzburg | s.u. / see below | 4.-9. 9. 17 | 4th Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics | Università di Pavia | Link |
28.-30. 8. 17 | Seventh International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL 7) | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Link |
24.7. - 4.8. 17 | Summer School Historical Linguistics - With a Focus on Speech Acts and Sentence Types | Universität Göttingen | Link |
20.-21. 7. 17 | Workshop "The regularity principle in sound change - Approaching the Neogrammarian controversy in the 21st century" | Universität zu Köln | Link |
10.-21. 7. 17 | 12th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universität Leiden | Link |
24.-27. 5. 17 | SPRACHKONZEPTE UND SPRACHKATEGORIEN in Geschichte und Gegenwart | Verona | Link |
25.-28. 5. 17 | 61. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Zürich | Link |
11.-13. 5. 17 | 25. GeSuS Linguistik- und Literaturtage | Universität Miskolc | Link |
20.-21. 4. 17 | 3. Indogermanistisches Forschungskolloquium | Universität Wien | Link |
31.3. - 1.4. 17 | Workshop on Morpho-syntactic isoglosses in Indo-European | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Link |
16.-17. 2. 17 | International Workshop of the Digital Philological-Etymological Dictionary of the Minor Ancient Anatolian Corpus Languages | Universität München | Link | 18.-20. 11. 16 | Workshop "Caland in Sicht" auf der 42. Österreichischen Linguistiktagung | Universität Graz | Link |
11.-12. 11. 16 | Twenty-Eighth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA, USA | Link |
29. 9.- 1. 10. 16 | Symposium "The Function and Semantics of the Perfect in Indo-European Languages" | Uppsala | Link |
15.-17. 9. 16 | Non-canonical subjects: Their rise and development (Evidence from Indo-European and beyond) | Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań | doc |
13.-16. 9. 16 | 15. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: "Zurück zur Wurzel - Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen" | Universität Wien | Link |
13.-15. 9. 16 | Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society: Onomastics and its History | Cambridge | doc |
28. 8. - 1. 9. 16 | 14th International Conference On The History of The Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIV) | Paris | Link |
22. 8. - 26. 8. 16 | Jena Summer School in Indo-European 2016 | Jena | Link |
25. 7. - 7. 8. 16 | Summer school: Roots of Europe language, culture and migrations | Kopenhagen | Link |
11.-22. 7. 16 | 11th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | University of Leiden | Link |
8.-9. 7. 16 | The International Symposium on Endangered Iranian Languages (ISEIL) | Paris | Link |
1. 7. 16 | 11. Grazer Althistorische JungakademikerInnen-Tagung zum Thema “Fremdsein in antiken Gesellschaften Flüchtlinge, Immigranten und Fremdarbeiter” | Graz | Link |
28.-29. 6. 16 | Formal Representation & Digital Humanities: text, language and tools | Verona | |
3.-4. 6. 16 | Émile Benveniste, la croisée des disciplines International and Interdisciplinary Colloquium organized by the Cercle Benveniste | Calgary | Link |
17.-20. 5. 16 | Sanskrit und die SprachRevolution: 200 Jahre Indogermanistik | H-Universität Berlin | Link |
31. 3.-1. 4. 16 | 2. Indogermanistisches Forschungskolloquium | Universität Würzburg | |
24.-26. 2. 16 | 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Konstanz | Link |
15.-17. 2. 16 | Postclassical Greek: The Intersections of Philology and Linguistics | Universität Mainz | Link |
12.-14. 11. 15 | Hrozný and Hittite: The first hundred years | Charles University Prague | |
28.-31. 10. 15 | 12th International Cogress of Baltistics | Vilnius University | Link |
23.-24. 10. 15 | 27th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
25.-26. 9. 15 | Diachrony and Suppletion | Charles University Prague | |
21.-23. 9. 15 | Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: "100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen" - Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung" | Universität Marburg | Link |
18.-19. 9. 15 | 'Insufficient strength to defend its case': Case attraction and related phenomena | University of Wrocław | Link |
15.-19. 9. 15 | 8th European Conference of Iranian Studies | State Hermitage Museum / Institute of Oriental Manuscripts St. Petersburg |
Link |
7.-12. 9. 15 | Third Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics | University of Pavia | Link |
4.-14. 9. 15 | Summer Academy "World Scripts: Concepts and Practices of Writing from a Comparative Perspective" | Cape Town | Link |
2.-5. 9. 15 | 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
27. 7. - 8. 8. 15 | "Roots of Europe - language, culture and migrations. An interdisciplinary summerschool in linguistics, archaeology, anthropology and genetics" | University of Copenhagen | Link |
27.-31. 7. 15 | 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics | Università di Napoli | Link |
21.-24. 7. 15 | Corpus Linguistics 2015 | Lancaster University | Link |
13. - 24. 7. 15 | 10th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | University of Leiden | Link |
13.-15. 7. 15 | Summer School on Linguistic Linked Open Data | Sibiu, Romania | Link |
9.-11. 7. 15 | Workshop "The precursors of Proto-Indo-European: the Indo-Hittite and Indo-Uralic hypotheses" | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
8.-11. 7. 15 | World Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their non-dominant Varieties | Universität Graz | Link |
23.-26. 6. 15 | 6th International Conference of Iranian Linguistics | Ilia State University Tbilisi, Georgia | Link |
22.-24. 6. 15 | 23. GeSuS Linguistik- und Literaturtage | Staatliche Universität St. Petersburg | Link |
7.-8. 5. 15 | 3rd conference on Elvdalian | University of Copenhagen | Link |
1.-3. 5. 15 | Diversity Linguistics: Retrospect and Prospect | Max-Planck Institut Leipzig | Link |
16.-18. 4. 15 | XV Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group (N-TAG): Session Archaeology and Language - and the future of archaeo-linguistic studies |
University of Copenhagen | |
7. 4. 15 | The Codex Bononiensis from Bologna | Université de Lausanne | Link |
26.-27. 3. 15 | 1. Indogermanistisches Forschungskolloquium | Universität Erlangen | Link |
4.-6. 3. 15 | 37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Leipzig | Link |
10.-12. 12. 14 | Blockseminar The Pahlavi Translations of Avestan Texts | Universität Kopenhagen | doc |
5.-6. 12. 14 | Konferenz: Synchrone Betrachtungen, diachrone Erkenntnisse - Slavistisch-Historische Linguistik heute | Universität Freiburg i.Br. | Link |
5.-6. 12. 14 | Internationales Kolloquium "Sprachgeschichte und Epigraphik" | Augst / CH | |
19.-23. 11. 14 | 56. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Hamburg | Link |
12.-14. 11. 14 | The Sound of Indo-European 3 | Slezská univerzita v Opavì | Link |
25.-29. 10. 14 | Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | Doha, Qatar | Link |
24.-25. 10. 14 | 26th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | doc |
17.-18. 10. 14 | Workshop Grammatical hybridization and social conditions | MPI Leipzig | Link |
15.-17. 10. 14 | Conferences during the Week of related Finno-Ugric peoples | University of Tartu | doc |
26.-27. 9. 14 | Sixth International Conference Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective | Kaunas | Link |
24.-26. 9. 14 | Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: "Verbal adjectives and participles" | Paris | Link |
15.-20. 9. 14 | 5th Conference Textual Heritage and Information Technologies: El'Manuscript-2014 | Varna, BG | Link |
11.-14. 9. 14 | 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | University Poznañ | Link |
11. 9. 14 | Workshop "Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective" | Università di Pavia | Link |
8.-10. 9. 14 | Syntax of the World's Languages VI (SWL6) | Università di Pavia | Link |
3.-7. 9. 14 | 2nd International Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics | Universität Bremen | Link |
2.9. - 16. 12. 14 | Roots of Europe (lecture series) | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
18.-23. 8. 14 | CIDLeS Summer School "Community-driven Language Documentation" | Centro Interdisciplinar de Documentação Linguística e Social Minde | Link |
11.-22. 8. 14 | 26th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2014) | Universität Tübingen | Link |
21.7. - 2.8. 14 | Summer School "Culture and Technology" | Universität Leipzig | Link |
14.-25. 7. 14 | 9th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
9.-11. 7. 14 | 7th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Link |
7.-10. 7. 14 | 7th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics | Athens Institute for Education and Research | Link |
8.-12. 7. 14 | Digital Humanities with Workshop "Multilinguality in historical documents" |
Université et École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne |
3.-5. 7. 14 | 16th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference | Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest | Link |
2.-5. 7. 14 | Workshop "Converging Corpora: How to standardize historical corpora of typologically and genetically different languages" | Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest | Link |
30.6. - 11.7. 14 | Summer school Documentary Linguistics and Variationist Sociolinguistics | Universität Bamberg | Link |
28. 6. 14 | Young Linguists' International Conference | Stockholms universitet | Link |
23.-25. 6. 14 | 22. Linguistik- und Literaturtage | Univerzita Mateja Bela Banská Bystrica | Link |
11.-13. 6. 14 | Endangered languages: comprehensive models for research and revitalization | Wilamowice | Link |
6.-7. 6. 14 | 8th Celtic Linguistics Conference | University of Edinburgh | Link |
26.-31. 5. 14 | 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference | Harpa Conference Centre Reykjavík | Link |
11.-16. 5. 14 | 15. Internationale Konferenz der Kommission für Slavische Wortbildung | Lutherstadt Wittenberg | Link |
26.-30. 4. 14 | 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics | Göteborg | Link |
6.-12. 4. 14 | 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics | Kathmandu | Link |
7.-9. 4. 14 | Colloque International : Le multilinguisme au carrefour des disciplines | American University of Beirut | Link |
31.3. - 4. 4. 14 | Fifth International Seminar on Vedic Sanskrit | Università di Pavia | |
25.-28. 3. 14 | "Digital Humanities - methodischer Brckenschlag oder feindliche šbernahme? Chancen und Risiken der Begegnung zwischen Geisteswissenschaften und Informatik" | Universität Passau | Link |
5.-7. 3. 14 | 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Marburg | Link |
13.-15. 2. 14 | Linguistic Evidence 2014 Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives | Universität Tübingen | Link |
6.-7. 2. 14 | Junge Altgermanistik - Internationaler Nachwuchsworkshop | Universität Zürich | Link |
7.-10. 1. 14 | 6th International Vedic Workshop | Kozhikode / Kerala | Link |
5.-7. 12. 13 | Herrenhausen Conference: "(Digital) Humanities Revisited - Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age" | Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover | Link |
2.-3. 12. 13 | Workshop "Talking Neolithic: The Indo-European Homeland Problem versus the Origin(s) of the First European Farmers" | Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig | Link |
27.-29. 11. 13 | 35th and I1st International Conference of the Linguistic Society of India | Mysore | Link |
22.-24. 11. 13 | 40. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Salzburg | Link |
22.-23. 11. 13 | Applying Documentary Linguistics | Universität Freiburg | Link |
14.-15. 11. 13 | 1. Grazer Kolloquium zur indogermanischen
Altertumskunde "Der antike Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ritual und Magie" |
Universität Graz | Link |
25.-26. 10. 13 | 25th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
17.-18. 10. 13 | Colloque international "Nouveaux acquis sur la formation des noms en grec" | Université de Rouen | Link |
17.-18. 10. 13 | International Conference on Endangered Languages in Europe | CIDLeS Minde, Portugal | Link |
10.-11. 10. 13 | 2nd Colloquium of Indo-European | Masarykova univerzita Brno | Link |
25.-27. 9. 13 | 8th International Conference on Comparative Historical Linguistics "Modern methods of comparative historical research" | Lomonosov Universität Moskau | doc |
25.-27. 9. 13 | International Conference of the German Society for Computational Lingustics and Language Technology (GSCL 2013) | T-Universität Darmstadt | Link |
23.-27. 9. 13 | 32. Deutscher Orientalistentag | Universität Münster | Link |
19.-21. 9. 13 | 9th International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology (IWoBA) | Juraj Dobrila University Pula | Link |
18.-21. 9. 13 | 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | Universität Split (Kroatien) | Link |
9.-14. 9. 13 | Second Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics | Università degli studi di Pavia | Link |
8.-13. 9. 13 | 13th International Pragmatics Conference | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi | Link |
3.-8. 9. 13 | International Conference "Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics" | Universität Bremen | Link |
2.-13. 9. 13 | Sommerschule Pali | Universität Halle | Link |
2.-6. 9. 13 | 10th Indo-European Dahlem Summer School | F-Universität & H-Universität Berlin | |
2.-4. 9. 13 | Kolloquium "Sprache und Metrik in Synchronie und Diachronie" | Universität München | Link |
26.8. - 13.9. 13 | 2. Berliner Sommerschule zur Lituanistik und Litauisch-Intensivkurs | H-Universität Berlin | Link |
24.-26. 8. 13 | 5th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL 5) | Universität Bamberg | Link |
15.-18. 8. 13 | Association for Linguistic Typology Biennial Conference (ALT 10) | Max Planck-Institute Leipzig | Link |
12.-30. 8. 13 | Sommerschule "Sprachentwicklung: Evolution, Wandel, Erwerb" | H-Universität Berlin | Link |
12.-13. 8. 13 | Workshop: The relative frequencies of nouns, pronouns, and verbs in discourse | Max Planck-Institute Leipzig | Link |
5.-9. 8. 13 | 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 21) | Universitetet i Oslo | Link |
5.-9. 8. 13 | 1. Europäisches Keltologie-Symposion | Universität Trier | Link |
29.-31. 7. 13 | Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: "The lengthened grade" | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
25.-27. 7. 13 | Australex 2013: Endangered Words, and Signs of Revival | University of Adelaide | Link |
22.7. - 2.8. 13 | European Summer School in Digital Humanities "Culture and Technology" | Universität Leipzig | Link |
15.-26. 7. 13 | 8th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
1.-6. 7. 13 | Sommerschule "Diachronic linguistics and reconstruction: methods, results, recent advances" | INALCO, Paris | Link |
26.-28. 6. 13 | Tocharian Texts in Context: International Conference on Tocharian Manuscripts and Silk Road Culture | Universität Wien | Link |
24.6. - 19.7. 13 | Linguistic Society of America Institute "Universality and Variability" | University of Michigan Ann Arbor | Link |
13.-15. 6. 13 | Seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures | Université Paris Diderot | Link |
11.-14. 5. 13 | 8th Australian Conference of Celtic Studies | University of Sydney | Link |
25.-26. 5. 13 | Ways to Protolanguage 3 | Wy¿sza Szko³a Filologiczna w Wroc³awiu | Link |
13.-16. 5. 13 | 4th International Seminar on Vedic Sanskrit | Università degli Studi di Pavia | |
24.-30. 3. 13 | 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics | University of the Aegean, Samos | Link |
15.-18. 3. 13 | 223rd Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Portland | Link |
12.-15. 3. 13 | 35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft: "Informationsstruktur" | Universität Potsdam | Link |
7.-8. 3. 13 | Paradigm change in historical reconstruction: the Transeurasian languages and beyond |
Universität Mainz | Link |
17.-19. 1. 13 | Blockseminar Tocharisch | Universität Erlangen | 12.-14. 12. 12 | Blockseminar "Tracing the Indo-Europeans: origin and migrations" | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
6.-9. 12. 12 | Historical Corpora 2012
mit Workshop "25 Jahre TITUS" | Digital Humanities, Goethe-University of Frankfurt | Link |
8.-26. 11. 12 | Blockseminare "(Selected) Topics in Anatolian Historical Grammar" | Universität Köln | |
4. - 7. 11. 12 | Second World Veda Conference on the eve of Silver Jubilee | Pradhikaran Bhawan Bharatpuri, Ujjain | Doc |
7.-9. 11. 12 | The IXth International Conference on Armenian Linguistics | Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg | Link |
26.-28. 10. 12 | 39. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Innsbruck | Link |
26.-27. 10. 12 | 24th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
28.-30. 9. 12 | Symposion "Germanische Altertumskunde: Quellen, Methoden, Ergebnisse" | Universität Wien | Link |
28.-29. 9. 12 | Conference "Syntactic change and syntactic reconstruction" | Universität Zürich | Link |
24. - 28. 9. 12 | 4th International Summer School on Pahlavi Papyrology | F Universität Berlin | Link |
23.-30. 9. 12 | Sommerschule Islamische Handschriftenkultur | Universität Leipzig | Link |
18.-21. 9. 12 | 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics | Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi Ankara | Link |
17.-22. 9. 12 | 14. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft / 14th Congress of the Society for Indo-European Studies | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
10.-21. 9. 12 | Sommerschule Vedisch | Universität Halle | Link |
29.8. - 1.9. 12 | 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | Stockholms Universitet | Link |
3.-7./10.-15. 9. 12 | 9th Indo-European Dahlem Summer School | F-Universität & H-Universität Berlin | |
8. - 14. 9. 12 |
Tage der Lituanistik |
H-Universität Berlin |
pdf |
16.-27. 7. 12 | 7th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
5.-7. 7. 12 | Zoroastrianism in the Levant | University of Oxford | Link |
6. 7. 12 | Language Endangerment: Methodologies and New Challenges | University of Cambridge | Link |
4.-6. 7. 12 | Workshop relationships of speech tone and music | Phonogrammarchiv Wien | Link |
6.-9. 6. 12 | 21. Linguistiktage 2012 (GeSuS) | Eötvös Loránd Universität Budapest | Link |
25. 5. 12 | 29th Annual Symposion "The Sanskrit Tradition in the Modern World" | University of Manchester | Link |
23.-25. 5. 12 | Blockseminar "Celtic Spring" | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
16.-20. 5. 12 | 51. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Stuttgart | Link |
10.-12. 5. 12 | Symposium on Iranian and Indo-European Onomastics and Linguistics in the memory of Manfred Mayrhofer | Institut für Iranistik, ÖAdW, Vienna | Link |
4.-6. 5. 12 | Graduate Conference on Areal Linguistics, Grammar and Contacts | University of Tartu |
Link |
26.-28. 4. 12 | 23rd Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
27. 4. 12 | Conference Indo-European compounds and beyond | Universiteit Leiden | |
21.-23. 3. 12 | Workshop "Grammatische und lexikalische Strukturen im Wandel" | Universität Köln | |
16.-19. 3. 12 | 222nd Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Boston | Link |
16.-17. 3. 12 | Symposion: Synchrony and Diachrony: Variation and Change in Language History | University of Oxford | Call for papers Registration |
11.-17. 3. 12 | 13th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | Link |
6.-9. 3. 12 | 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Sprachwissenschaft mit Sektion Computerlinguistik samt deren Postersession |
Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
6.-10. 2. 12 | Spring School "Digitale Edition von Archivalien und Handschriften" | Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik Wien | |
3.-5. 2. 12 | International Conference on Tense Aspect & Modality | Central Institute of Indian Languages Mysore | Link |
1.-3. 2. 12 | EMLAR VII (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research) | Utrecht | Link PDF | 16.-20. 11. 11 | 50. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Göttingen | Link |
28.-30. 10. 11 | The Zaza people: language, culture, identity | Yerevan | Link |
28.-29. 10. 11 | 23rd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
17.-19. 10. 11 | Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference CLA'11 | Jachranka, PL | Link |
10.-14. 10. 11 | Course: Lost in linguistics. A guide to the current landscape of linguistic theory | Universitetet i Oslo | s.u. / see below |
28.-30. 9. 11 | 700 years of Oriental Studies in Spain and Europe | Universidad de Salamanca | Link |
21.-23. 9. 11 | Symposium: Shared grammaticalization in the Transeurasian languages | Universiteit Leuven | Link |
20.-23. 9. 11 | 5th International Vedic Workshop | Bucharest | s.u. / see below |
20.-22. 9. 11 | 12th ESCAS Biennial Conference "Central Asia: a maturing field" | University of Cambridge | Link |
19.-25. 9. 11 | International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics | University of Pavia | |
14.-16. 9. 11 | Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: Das Nomen im Indogermanischen. Morphologie, Substantiv versus Adjektiv, Kollektivum | Universität Erlangen | Link |
12.-23. 9. 11 | Intensivkurs Pali (Internationale Sommerschule) | Universität Halle | Link |
8.-11. 9. 11 | 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | Universidad de la Rioja Logroño / ES | Link |
7.-10. 9. 11 | 7th European Conference of Iranian Studies | Uniwersytet Jagielloñski w Krakowie | Link |
5.-9. 9. 11 | 8th International Congress of Hittitology | Uniwersytet Warszawski | Link |
5.-9. 9. 11 | 8th Indo-European Dahlem Summer School | F-Universität Berlin | |
25.-27. 8. 11 | Variation and Typology: New Trends in Syntactic Research | Helsinki | Link |
25.-30. 7. 11 | 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics | National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka | Link |
18.-29. 7. 11 | 6th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
27.6. - 1.7.11 | 3rd International School on Pahlavi Papyrology | Cité Universitaire Paris | s.u. / see below |
19.-22. 6. 11 | Digital Humanities 2011 | Stanford University | Link |
17.-19. 6. 11 | 4th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics | Uppsala Universitet | Link |
2.-4. 6. 11 | 49. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Leipzig | Link |
26.-28. 5. 11 | 20. Linguistiktage 2011 (GeSuS) | Metropolitní Univerzita Praha | Link |
20.-22. 5. 11 | Workshop on Referential Hierarchies in Three-participant Constructions | Lancaster University | Link |
24.-27. 5. 11 | 4e Colloque internationale de l'Association Française de linguistique collective (AFLiCo IV) | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Link |
27.-30. 4. 11 | Blockseminar "Anatolian Spring" | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
8. 4. 11 | WORKSHOP: Language Contact in the Baltic Sea Region | Stockholm University | doc |
1.-3. 4. 11 | 20th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied
Linguistics: Workshop on Proto-Indo-European Syntax and its Development |
Thessaloniki | Link |
30. 3. - 2. 4. 11 | Das Menschenbild bei den Indogermanen | Universität Halle | Link |
11.-14. 3. 11 | 221th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Chicago | Link |
7.-8. 3. 11 | Convegno internazionale: Le lingue dell'Italia antica:
iscrizioni, testi, grammatica / Die Sprachen Altitaliens: Inschriften,
Texte, Grammatik. In memoriam Helmut Rix (1926-2004) |
Università IULM di Milano | Link |
23.-25. 2. 11 | 33. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Göttingen | Link |
20.-26. 2. 11 | 12th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics | WASEDA University, Tokyo | Link |
17.-18. 12. 10 | Strategies of Translation: Language contact and poetic language | Universität Köln | |
10.-11. 12. 10 | Archiving Orality and Connecting with Communities: World Oral Literature Project 2010 Workshop | University of Cambridge | Link |
26.-27. 11. 10 | International Conference on Greek and Latin Syntax | Université Paris-Sorbonne, ENS | Link |
26. 11. 10 | Workshop: Namenforschung in und über Sprachinseln | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien | Link |
17.-21. 11. 10 | 48. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Potsdam | Link |
16.-19. 11. 10 | The Sound of Indo-European 2: Phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics | Slezská Univerzita v Opavì | s.u. / see below |
10.-12. 11. 10 | Blockseminar "Baltic Languages, Folk Belief and Natural Science" | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
5.-6. 11. 10 | 22nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
18.-20. 10. 10 | 4th International Conference "Oriental Languages in Translation and Interpretation" | Uniwersytet Jagielloñski w Krakowie | |
15.-16. 10. 10 | 6. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie | Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
11.-13. 10. 10 | Blockseminar "Greek and Indo-European Religion" | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
7.-10. 10. 10 | Human language technologies: The Baltic Perspective | University of Riga | Link |
27.-30. 9. 10 | 11th International Congress of Baltistics | University of Latvia | Link |
27. 9. - 8. 10. 10 | Intensivkurs Vedisch | Universität Halle | |
23.-26. 9. 10 | Syntaxe des Langues du Monde (SWL IV) | Institut des Sciences de l'Homme Lyon | Link |
20.-24. 9. 10 | XXXI. Deutscher Orientalistentag | Universität Marburg | Link |
13.-15. 9. 10 | The Indo-European Verb (Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft) |
University of California Los Angeles | Link |
6.-17. 9. 10 | Intensivkurs Pali | Universität Halle | |
6.-10. 9. 10 | Indogermanistische Sommerschule | Freie Universität Berlin | s.u. / see below |
6.-9. 9. 10 | 2nd Summer School on Pahlavi Papyrology | Università di Roma "La Sapienza" | Link |
30. 8. - 3. 9. 10 | Sommerschule"Sprachressourcen für die Geisteswissenschaften" | Universität Gießen | Link |
6.-8. 9. 10 | ARAM 32nd International Conference: Zoroastrians | University of London | Link |
2.-5. 9. 10 | 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | University of Vilnius | Link |
16.-27. 8. 10 | Jena Summer School of Indo-European Languages (JSIEL) | Universität Jena | Link |
16.-27. 8. 10 | Summer School New Western Iranian and Early Judaeo-Persian Dialectology | Universität Hamburg | Link |
10.-14. 8. 10 | 19th International Conference on Historical Linguistics | Radboud University Nijmegen | Link |
19.-31. 7. 10 | 5th Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
8.-10. 7. 10 | Greek and Latin form an Indo-European Perspective (GLIEP 3) | Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave | Call
Registration form |
5.-16. 7. 10 | Language archiving technology - CLARA summer school | MPI Nijmegen | Link |
7.-10. 7. 10 | 6th International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology | Vilniaus Universitetas | Link |
5.-7. 7. 10 | ARAM 31st International Conference: Neo-Aramaic Dialects | University of Oxford | Link |
4.-8. 7. 10 | 10th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA10) | Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim | Link |
11.-12. 6. 10 | Conference: "The Baltic Languages - Structure and Contacts" | Stockholms Universitet | Link |
27.-29. 5. 10 | Conference: "Codicology and History of the Manuscript in Arabic Script" | Madrid | Link |
25.-27. 5. 10 | Albanian in Indo-European, Albanian in the Balkans: Archaisms and Innovations | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
18.-20. 5. 10 | Morphology and Semantics of Some Indo-European Denominal Derivational Types | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
12.-16. 5. 10 | 47. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Mainz | Link |
29.-30. 4. 10 | Colloque "La langue bretonne des origines / Les origines de la langue bretonne" | Université Rennes 2 | Link |
23.-25. 4. 10 | Young linguists' meeting | Uniwersytet A.M. w Poznaniu | Link |
22.-23. 4. 10 | Questions zoroastriennes II: Le sort des Gâthâs | Université de Liège | s.u. / see below |
21.-23. 4. 10 | Sprachkontakt und Kulturkontakt im alten Italien: Onomastik und Lexikon | Universität Köln | |
21.-23. 4. 10 | Handschriften- und Textforschung heute: Zur &Umml;berlieferung der griechischen Literatur | Universität Hamburg | Link |
24.-26. 3. 10 | Workshop on Indo-European Accentology | Universität Göttingen | Link |
21.-27. 3. 10 | 11th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics | University of Iaºi, Romania | Link |
12.-15. 3. 10 | 220th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | St. Louis | Link |
2.-4. 3. 10 | 19. Linguistik-Tage der GeSuS | Universität Freiburg i.Br. | Link |
8.-12. 2. 09 | Blockseminar "Baltoslawisch" | Universität zu Köln | s.u. / see below |
25.-27. 1. 10 | Dynamics in the History of Religions | Universität Bochum | Link |
10.-13. 1. 10 | ARAM 30th International Conference: Mandaeans | University of Sydney | Link |
17.-18. 12. 09 | Workshop Dialektologie als Brücke zwischen synchronischer und diachronischer Linguistik | Università degli Studi di Verona | s.u. / see below |
15.-16. 12. 09 | World Oral Literature Project Workshop | University of Cambridge | Link |
25.-27. 11. 09 | Block Seminar: Middle Breton | University of Copenhagen | Link |
18.-22. 11. 09 | 46. StuTS (Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft) | Universität Bochum | Link |
30.-31. 10. 09 | 21st Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
21.-23. 10. 09 | Serica - Da Qin: Over 2000 years of Sino-Western relations | Uniwersytet Wroc³awski | Link |
21. 10. 09 | Indoevropeistické kolokvium | Univerzita v Brnì | doc |
8.-10. 10. 09 | 16. Kongreß der Dt. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient | Universität Bonn | Link |
24.-26. 9. 09 | FEI XIII: Endangered Languages and History | Institute of Humanities Khorog, Tajikistan | Link |
24.-26. 9. 09 | Die Ausbreitung des Indogermanischen: Thesen aus
Sprachwissenschaft, Archäologie und Genetik (Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft) |
Universität Würzburg | Link |
19.-25. 9. 09 | International Summer School in Pahlavi Papyri | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien | Link |
16.-18. 9. 09 | Block seminar: The roots of epic and tragedy - the oriental component in literary genres of antiquity | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
14.-16. 9. 09 | 4th International Colloquium of the Societas Celto-Slavica | University of Lód¼ | Link |
11.-13. 9. 09 | 3rd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics | University of Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle | Link |
9.-12. 9. 09 | 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | University of Vilnius | Link |
8.-11. 9. 09 | Blockseminar "Die Nominalkomposition in den älteren indogermanischen Sprachen" | Universität zu Köln | s.u. / see below |
7.-10. 9. 09 | 5. Symposion deutschsprachiger KeltologInnen | Universität Zürich | Link |
3.-5. 9. 09 | International Conference on Dunhuang Studies | Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg | Link |
2.-5. 9. 09 | Poets, priests, scribes and (e-)librarians. The transmission of holy wisdom in Zoroastrianism | Universidad de Salamanca | Link |
1.-5. 9. 09 | 14th World Sanskrit Conference | Kyoto University | Link |
31.8.-11. 9. 09 | Indogermanistische Sommerschule | Freie Universität Berlin | s.u. / see below |
27.-29. 8. 09 | Symposion "Case in and across languages" | Helsinki | Link |
24.-28. 8. 09 | Blockseminar Armenian | Universitetet i Oslo | Link |
18.-21. 8. 09 | Summer School "Grammaticalisation" | University of Copenhagen | Link |
17.-30. 8. 09 | Summer School of Indo-European Languages | Universität Jena | Link |
10.-15. 8. 09 | XIXth International Conference on Historical Linguistics featuring inter alia: |
University Nijmegen | Link |
27.7. - 7.8. 09 | Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
10.-12. 7. 09 | The Turkic World, the Caucasus, and Iran: Civilisational Crossroads of Interactions | Arya International University Yerevan | Link |
9.-11. 7. 09 | ARAM 28th International Conference: Mandaeans | University of Oxford | Link |
26.-28. 6. 09 | Sentence Types: Ten Years After | Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
6.-8. 7. 09 | ARAM 27th International Conference: Neo-Aramaic Dialects | University of Oxford | Link |
21. 5. 09 | Languages of Early Britain | University of Manchester | Link |
19.-20. 6. 09 | Conference "The Baltic Languages and the Nordic Countries" | University of Oslo | Link |
5.-6. 6. 09 | Seminario "Il concetto di semi-parlante | Universitä degli studi di Trento | Link |
13.-15. 5. 09 | Workshop "Pragmatics and syntax of early Indo-European" | University of Athens, Georgia / USA | Link |
24.-26. 4. 09 | Young linguists' meeting | Uniwersytet A.M. w Poznaniu | Link |
16.-19. 4. 09 | The Sound of Indo-European: Phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics | University of Copenhagen | Link |
9. 4. 09 | Workshop in Computational Linguistics and Latin Philology | Universität Innsbruck | s.u. / see below |
4.-5. 4. 09 | Non manuals in sign languages | Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
3.-5. 4. 09 | 19th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied
featuring inter alia: |
University of Thessaloniki | Link |
13.-16. 3. 09 | 219th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Albuquerque | Link |
25.-29. 2. 09 | Block seminar: Gothic word formation | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
24.-26. 2. 09 | 18. Linguistik-Tage der GeSuS | Universität Jena | Link |
10.-13. 2. 09 | Blockseminar "Der indogermanische Ablaut als morphonologischer Prozeß und Wortbildungsmittel" | Universität zu Köln | s.u. / see below |
5.-6. 2. 09 | Congrès international "Les démons iraniens" | Université de Liège | s.u. / see below |
15.-16. 1. 09 | Incontri di filologia digitale | Università degli Studi di Verona | Link |
20.-22. 12. 08 | Workshop Middle Persian Lexicography | Academy of Sciences and Humanities Jerusalem | Link |
7.-12. 12. 08 | 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science | University Indianapolis | |
3.-5. 12. 08 | Introduction to Indo-European Mythology and Poetics | University of Kopenhagen | Link |
19.-23. 11. 08 | 44. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Münster | Link |
14.-15. 11. 08 | Workshop "Transitivität" | Universität zu Köln | pdf Dt.
pdf EN |
13.-14. 11. 08 | Scientific meeting "Lesser Used Languages and Computer Linguistics" (LULCL) II | European Academy Bozen/Bolzano | Link |
10. 11. 08 | 1st International Armenology and Iranology Conference | University of Isfahan | Link |
6.-7. 11. 08 | La traduzione come strumento di interazione culturale e linguistica | Universitàdegli studi di Genova | informazioni
programma |
31.10. - 1.11. 08 | 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
28.-31. 10. 08 | 1st International Conference on Languages and Dialects in Iran | University of Sistan and Baluchestan Zahedan | Link |
ab 28. 10. 08 | Ringvorlesung "Das Zimbrische im synchronen, diachronen und kontrastiven Vergleich" | Università degli Studi di Trento | |
20.- 24. 10. 08 | Blockseminar "Baltic Languages" | University of Copenhagen | s.u. / see below |
9.-11. 10. 08 | 2nd International Symposion of Linguists "Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics: Legacy and Perspectives" | Georgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Tiflis | Link |
1.-3. 10. 08 | 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics
Workshops: * Language Documentation and Language Description * Language Change in Bilingual Communities. Focus on the Post-Soviet Countries and their Immigrant Communities Elsewhere | Uppsala Universitet | Link |
30.9. - 2.10. 08 | 9. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprachen | Granada | Link |
22.-26. 9. 08 | Summer-School on Persian Codicology and Paleography | Amademie der Wissenschaften Wien | Link |
22.-27. 9. 08 | Xth Symposium Syriacum | Granada | Link |
21.-27. 9. 08 | XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft | Universität Salzburg | Link |
18.-19. 9. 08 | Symposion "The Gothic Language: Origins, Structure, Development" | Syddansk Universitet Odense | doc-Datei |
15.-20. 9. 08 | 7th International Congress on Greek Paleography | Madrid, Salamanca | Link |
8.-10. 9. 08 | ARAM 26th International Conference: Mandaeans | SOAS, University of London | Link |
3.-4. 9. 08 | Workshop "Verbal morphology and the historical comparison of the Trans-Eurasian languages | Universität Mainz | Link |
1.-12. 9. 08 | Indogermanistische Sommerschule: Anatolisch | Freie Universität Berlin | doc |
28.8.-2. 9. 08 | ICHoLS XI (International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences) | Universität Potsdam | Link |
25.-30. 8. 08 | Tocharisch | Universitäten Moskau und St. Petersburg | s.u. / see below |
31.7.-3. 8. 08 | 7th Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies | Toronto | Link |
28.7. - 8.8. 08 | Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
16.-18. 7. 08 | Sektion Sprachwissenschaft bei der 32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation | Universität Hamburg | |
5.-6. 7. 08 | Complex Predicates in Iranian Languages | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris | Link |
23.6. - 4.7. 08 | Workshops on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation | University of California Santa Barbara | doc |
23.6. - 4.7. 08 | International Summer School in Language Documentation and Description | Lyon | Link |
6.-8. 6. 08 | Iran and the Caucasus: Unity and Diversity | Yerevan | Link |
22.-24. 5. 08 | Levels of Analysis in the History of Indo-European Languages | University of Trieste | doc |
15.-17. 5. 08 | 2nd International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposion and Sanskrit Library Workshop | Brown University, Providence, RI | Link |
7.-11. 5. 08 | 43. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Amsterdam | Link |
25.4. - 23. 5. 08 | Blockseminar Lydisch | Universität zu Köln | s.u. / see below |
3.-4. 4. 08 | Die Erforschung des Tocharischen und die alttürkische Maitrisimit | Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften | Link |
26.3. - 4.4. 08 | Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity | Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig | Link |
22.-23. 3. 08 | 15th Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference | Indiana University, Bloomington | s.u. / see below |
14.-17. 3. 08 | 218th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Chicago | Link |
5.-7. 3. 08 | 17. Linguistik-Tage der GeSuS | Helsingin Yliopisto | Link |
27.-29. 2. 08 | 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Bamberg | Link |
25. 1. 08 | AncientPGLinguistics Colloquium | University of Manchester | Link |
7.-9.12.07: | Conference on the Languages of the Caucasus | Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig | Link |
21.-25.11.07: | 42. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Kiel | Link |
16.-17.11.07: | Electronic Corpora of Ancient Languages | Universität Prag | Link |
2.-3.11.07: | 19th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
26.-28.10.07: | 35. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Innsbruck | Link |
8.-11.10.07: | Workshop in "Manuscriptology" | Københavns Universitet | Link |
24.-28.9.07: | 7th Biennial meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology | Carré des sciences Paris | Link |
Workshop Linguistic Typology and Language Documentation | Link | ||
24.-28.9.07: | 30. Deutscher Orientalistentag | Universität Freiburg | Link |
24.-26.9.07: | Arbeitstagung der Idg. Gesellschaft: Pragmatische Kategorien: Form, Funktion und Diachronie | Universität Marburg | s.u. / see below |
21.-22.9.07: | Jono Kazlausko diena: Kalbos istorijos dalykai | Vilniaus Universitetas | doc-Datei |
18.-22.9.07: | 6th European Conference of Iranian Studies | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien | Link |
13.-15.9.07: | VII Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca:
"La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia" | Università di Cagliari | Link |
4.-7.9.07: | 5th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics | Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig | Link |
29.8.-1.9.07: | 40th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | Joensuun Yliopisto | Link |
27.8.-7.9.07: | Indogermanistische Sommerschule | Freie Universität Berlin | |
20.-31.8.07: | Summer School "Documenting Endangered Iranian Languages" | Universität Kiel | Link |
17.-19.8.07: | 2nd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics | Universität Hamburg | Link |
6.-11.8.07: | 17. Nordiske Slavistmøde | Københavns Universitet | Link |
30.7.-10.8.07: | Leiden Summer Schools: Indo-European Linguistics, Indology, Russian etc. | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
27.-29.7.07: | 3rd International Workshop on Baltic Accentology | Universiteit Leiden | Call for papers Link |
23.-27.7.07: | XIIIth International Congress of Celtic Studies | Universität Bonn | Link |
16.-24.7.07: | Summer School on Linguistic Methodology | Università degli Studi del Molise | Link |
8.-13.7.07: | 10th International Pragmatics Conference | Göteborg | ![]() ![]() |
5.-6.7.07: | Greek and Latin from an Indo-European Perspective 2 | Universitetet i Oslo | Link |
4.-7.7.07: | International Workshop "Cultural, linguistic and ethnological interrelations in and around Armenia" | Abtei Michaelbeuern / AT | doc-Datei |
4.-6.7.07: | Vortragsreihe "Jüdisch-iranische Kontakte in vor- und frühislamischer Zeit" | FUniversität Berlin | Link |
25.6.-6.7.07: | Summer School in Yaghnobi | Istituto Italiano per l`Africa e l`Oriente Ravenna | Link |
24.-30.6.07: | 45th Annual Meeting for Computational Linguistics | Karls-Universität Prag | ![]() ![]() |
11.-22.6.07: | LOT Summer School | University of Leuven | Link |
15.-17.6.07: | Gaeltacht Europe: 1st Conference on the Irish Language in Europe | Hotel Intercontinental Frankfurt a.M. | pdf-Datei |
14.-17.6.07: | East Coast Indo-European Conference 26 | Yale University | |
24.-27.5.07: | 4th International Vedic Workshop "The Vedas in Culture and History" | University of Texas at Austin | Link |
22.-23.5.07: | Recent Approaches to Formal and Functional Linguistics | Shahid Beheshti University Tehran | Link |
16.-20.5.07: | 41. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Bielefeld | Link |
9.-11.5.07: | Course in Diagnostics of Speech Perception in Children | Eötvös Lórand University Budapest | doc |
7.-11.5.07: | Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans - Iranian-Speaking Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Link |
21.-22.4.07: | Diachrone Corpora, Historische Syntax und Texttechnologie | Universität Frankfurt | Link |
20.-23.3.07: | Russkij Jazyk: istorièeskij sud'by i sovremennost' | Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova | Link |
16.-18.3.07: | 14th Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference Dialects and Dialogues | University of California Berkeley | s.u. / see below |
16.-20.3.07: | 217th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | San Antonio | Link |
28.2.-2.3.07: | 29. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Siegen | Link |
12.-14.2.07: | 16. Linguistik-Tage der GeSuS | Universität Bochum | Link |
8.-10.2.07: | Blockseminar Mitteliranisch | Universität zu Köln | Link |
13.1.07: | Chamorro Dance Workshop | Universität Bremen | s.u. / see below |
22.-26.11.06: | 40. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Göttingen | Link |
3.-4.11.06: | 18th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
8.-10.9.06: | Languages and Genes | UCLA Santa Barbara | Link |
5.-7.9.06: | Slavic Etymology Today | Serbian Academy od Sciences and Arts Belgrad | doc-Datei |
3.-8.9.06: | Indogermanistische Sommerschule (Baltisch, Germanisch, Idg. Altertumskunde) | Freie Universität Berlin | s.u. / see below |
1.-3.9.06: | 2nd International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology | University Kopenhagen | Link |
30.8.-2.9.06: | 39th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea "Relativism and Universalism in Linguistics" | Universität Bremen | Link |
28.8.-2.9.06: | Sommerschule "Sprachen und Schriften der Sogder und Türken an der Seidenstraße" | Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften | Link |
24.-25.8.06: | Symposion "Early and Pre-Historic Language Development in North-Western Europe" | Syddansk Universitet Odense | doc-Datei |
7.-11.8.06: | Concord Phenomena at the Syntax-Semantic Interface | University of Malaga | Link |
3.-5.8.06: | 6th Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies | School of Oriental and African Studies London | Link |
31.7.-11.8.06: | Summer School in Indo-European Linguistics | Leiden University | Link |
21.-23.7.06: | Tagung "Zeuß im kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlichen Kontext" | Rathaus Kronach | doc-Datei |
10.-14.7.06: | 13th World Sanskrit Conference | University of Edinburgh | Link |
7.-8.7.06: | GREIFMORPH 2006: Morphologie und Digitale Welt in Sprach- und Naturwissenschaft | FU Berlin | Link |
26.-30.6.06: | 19th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies | International Institute for Asian Studies Leiden | Link |
5.-8.6.06: | Relative Chronology in Greek Epic Poetry | Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters Oslo | Link |
2.-4.6.06: | Blockseminar "History of the Baltic Languages" | University of Oslo | s.u. / see below |
30.5.-1.6.06: | Blocklehrveranstaltung Luwisch | Freie Universität Berlin | s.u. / see below |
29.-31.5.06: | First Central European Student Conference in Linguistics | Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest | Link |
24.-28.5.06: | 39. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Bern | Link |
14.-15.4.06: | Swarthmore Workshop on Negation and Polarity | Swarthmore College / PA | Link |
3.-5.4.06: | Arbeitstagung der Idg. Gesellschaft: Struktur und Semantik der Verbalphrase | Universität Jena | Link |
17.-20.3.06: | 216th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Seattle | Link |
27.2.-1.3.06: | Normen- und Wertbegriffe in der Verständigung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa | Universität Jena | Link |
22.-24.2.06: | 28. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Bielefeld | Link |
2.-5.2.06: | 15. Linguistik-Tage der GeSuS: "Ohne Sprachen wäre Europa ein leerer Begriff" | Uniwerziteta Wroc³aw / PL | Link |
31.1.-3.2.06: | 5th International conference on comparative-historical linguistics "Comparative Linguistics in cultural and historical aspect" | Moscow State University | doc-Datei |
20.-22.1.06: | Digital Philology - Problems and Perspectives | Universität Hamburg | Link |
19.-21.12.05: | 15th Amsterdam Colloquium | Universität Amsterdam | Link |
16.-20.11.05: | 38. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Bremen | Link |
28.-29.10.05: | 17th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
27.-28.10.05: | Lesser Used Languages and Computer Linguistics | European Academy Bolzano / IT | Link |
15.-17.10.05: | Iran and its Environment: View from the XXI century | Russian State University Moscow | doc-Datei |
4.-8.10.05 | Blockseminar "Einführung in die Finnisch-Ugrische Sprachwissenschaft" | Technische Universität Dresden | Link
Plakat |
29.9.05: | International Conference "Undescribed & Endangered Languages: the preservation of linguistic diversity | Università della Tuscia, Viterbo | Link |
23.-25.9.05: | 10th International Congress of Balticists | Vilniaus Universitetas | doc-Datei |
19.-21.9.05: | Conference: "Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845-1929)" | Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Kraków | doc-Datei |
14.-16.9.05: | The Futhark and the Fur Trade: Reconstructing Language Contact in the Pre-Viking Period | Umeå Universitet | Link |
7.-10.9.05: | SLE 38: "Formal, functional and typological perspectives on discourse and grammar" | Universitat Politécnica de Valencia | Link |
28.8.-10.9.05: | Indo-European Summer School | Freie Universität Berlin | doc-Datei |
25.-29.8.05: | International Symposium of Turfanological Studies: Cultural Diversity and Interaction in Ancient Central Asia | Turfan / Xinjiang / China | s.u. / see below |
18.-21.8.05: | 3rd International Conference on Balochistan: "Pluralism in Balochistan" | Uppsala Universitet | Link |
8.-12.8.05: | 3rd International Linguistics Olympiad for High School Students | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
31.7.-5.8.05: | XVIIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics | University of Wisconsin Madison | Link |
8.-9.7.05: | Greek and Latin from an Indo-European Perspective | Cambridge University, UK | Link |
1.-3.7.05: | International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Accentology | Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu | Link |
1.-2.7.05: | Minority Languages in post-2004 Europe | Trieste / IT | Link |
27.6.-5.8.05: | Linguistic Institute | MIT Cambridge, Mass. | Link |
6.-7.6.05: | Colloquium "Indo-European and its Neighbours" | Universiteit Leiden | doc-Datei |
4.-8.5.05: | 37. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Saarbrücken | Link |
21.-23.4.05: | 2nd Language and Technology Conference | University of Poznan / PL | Link |
18.-21.3.05: | 215th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | Philadelphia | Link |
8.-10.3.05 | Blockseminar "Lautlehre und Morphologie des Hethitischen" | Universität Erlangen | Link |
1.-4.3.05 | Blockseminar "Albanisch: Historische Grammatik und Textlektüre" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
23.-25.2.05: | 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Köln | Link |
27.-29.1.05: | 14. Linguistik-Tage der GeSuS: "Sprache und Sprachen im mitteleuropäischen Raum" | Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave / SK | Link |
14.12.04: | Workshop "Genetic vs. contact-based structural change" | University of Copenhagen | doc-Datei |
19.-21.11.04: | Colloquium "Language Typology in a diachronical perspective" | University of Göteborg | Link |
17.-21.11.04: | 36. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Mainz | Link |
12.-14.11.04: | 32. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Salzburg | doc-Datei |
5.-7.11.04: | 16th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
4.-5.11.04: | Symposium "Language History and Language Contact on the North-Sea Littoral" | University of Southern Denmark Odense | doc-Datei |
1.-3.11.04: | Sinn und Bedeutung IX: 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Semantik | Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen | Link |
11.-16.10.04: | XII. Fachtagung der Idg. Gesellschaft:
Protolanguage and Prehistory | Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Kraków | Programm map hotel form participant form 3rd circular |
Treffen des Mittelbaus |
1. Brief, 2. Brief | ||
4.-8.10.04 | Blockseminar "Sprachverwandtschaft und Sprachwandel" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
20.-24.9.04: | 29. Deutscher Orientalistentag | Universität Halle | Link |
4.-5.9.04: | A World of Many Voices: Interfaces in Language Documentation Linguistics, Anthropology, Speech Communities, and Technology | Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
1.-11.9.04: | Summer School on Language Documentation: Methods and Technology | Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
30.8.-10.9.04: | Indo-European Summer School | Freie Universität Berlin | |
5.-8.8.04: | Syntax of the World's Languages (SWL 1) | MPI Leipzig | Link |
24.-27.6.04: | "Syntactic Variation and Change" DIGS VIII | Yale University | Link |
24.-26.6.04: | Blockseminar "Problems of verbal morphology: IE, Germanic, Latin" | FU Berlin | Link |
4.-6.6.04: | 3rd international gender and language association conference | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | Link |
20.-23.5.04: | X. Fachtagung für mittelalterliche und neuzeitliche Epigraphik | Halberstadt | s.u. / see below |
20.-22.5.04: | Workshop "How did Farming reach Europe?" | DAI Istanbul | doc-Datei |
19.-23.5.04: | 35. STudentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Leipzig | Link |
17.-19.5.04: | International Conference on Kurdish Studies | Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Kraków | s.u. / see below |
7.-8.5.04: | 1. Indogermanistische Arbeitstagung Münster/Leiden | Universität Münster | doc-Datei |
30.3.-2.4.04: | Intensivkurs Altirisch | Universität München | s.u. / see below |
12.-15.3.04: | 214th Meeting of the American Oriental Society | San Diego, CA | Link |
4.-6.3.04: | XVI. Internationales Kolloquium des Studienkreises Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft | Humboldt-Universität Berlin | Link |
1.-5.3.04: | Blockseminar "Griechisch-orientalische Kontakte von der Bronzezeit bis in die archaische Zeit" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
25.-27.2.04: | 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Mainz | Link |
29.1.-2.2.04: | Linguistic Evidence. Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives | Universität Tübingen | Link |
3.-6.1.04: | Language, consciousness and Culture: East West Perspectives | Calcutta | Link |
19.-21.12.03: | 14th Amsterdam Colloquium | University of Amsterdam | Link |
12.-14.12.03: | Conference "The sociolinguistic situation of present-day Caucasia" | Universität Frankfurt a.M. | Link |
6.-8.12.03: | 31. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Wien | Link |
7.-8.11.03: | 15th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
2003 / 2004: | Vortragsreihe "Gene, Sprachen und ihre Evolution" | Universität Regensburg | Link |
22.-24.10.03: | Arbeitstagung der Idg. Gesellschaft: Indogermanische Dichtersprache | Paris | s.u. / see below |
20.-21.10.03: | Symposion "Komparativ sprogforskning på vej" | Københavns Universitet | Link |
6.-11.10.03: | 5th European Conference of Iranian Studies | University of Bologna Ravenna | Link |
6.-10.10.03: | Blockseminar "Historische Syntax und Sprachtypologie" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
2.-5.10.03: | 4th Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society | Harvard University Cambridge/Mass. | Link |
autumn 03-winter 04: | Conferences on the History of Iranology and its Achievements up to the Present | Tehran | Link |
29.9.-1.10.03: | 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Semantik | Universität Frankfurt | Link |
15.-18.9.03: | 5th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | Link |
7.-10.9.03: | 3rd Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics | Ghent University | s.u. / see below |
4.-7.9.03: | 36e colloque international de la Société Européenne de Linguistique | ENS Lyon | Link |
4.-6.9.03: | 7th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue | Universität Saarbrücken | Link |
1.-12.9.03: | Summer School in Linguistic Typology | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | Link |
24.-30.8.03: | 12th International Congress of Celtic Studies | University of Wales Aberystwyth | Link |
11.-15.8.03: | XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics | University of Copenhagen | s.u. / see below |
25.-27.7.03: | XV. Internationales Kolloquium des Studienkreises Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Frankfurt/Oder | Link |
14.-19.7.03: | 12th World Sanskrit Conference | Helsingin yliopisto | Link |
7.-9.7.03: | Workshop "New Technologies, Old Texts" | University Leicester | Link |
5.7.-10.8.03: | Summer School in Kartvelian Studies | Tbilisi | s.u. / see below |
5.-7.7.03: | Symposion on Language Dynamics and Linguistic Diversity in an Anthropological Perspective | Firenze | Link |
13.-14.6.03: | 1st International Workshop on Franconian Tone Accents | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
28.5.-1.6.03: | 33. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Marburg | Link |
29.-30.4.03: | Workshop "Phylogenetics and Texts" | University Leicester | Link |
28.-30.4.03: | Conference "Iranian Studies in Russia" | University St. Petersburg | Link |
30.3.03: | Infotag "Die Lasen" | VHS Duisburg | pdf-Datei |
24.-28.3.03: | Blockseminar "Frühgeschichte der germanischen Sprachen" | FU Berlin | Link |
Sommersemester 03: | Vorlesungsreihe "Sprache und Schrift - Schriftlichkeit und Sprache" | Universität Wien | Link |
26.-28.2.03: | 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität München | Link |
17.-21.2.03: | Blockseminar "Vedische Prosa" | Universität Freiburg | Link |
22.-24.1.03: | Comparative and Historical Study of Language: Current State and Perspectives | Moscow State University | s.u. / see below |
6.-8.12.02: | 30. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Innsbruck | Link |
20.-24.11.02: | 32. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Göttingen | Link |
8.-9.11.02: | Symposion on Typology | Universität Frankfurt | Link |
8.-9.11.02: | 2. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik | Universität Bern | Link |
8.-9.11.02: | 14th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
1.-3.11.02: | 9th International Phonology Meeting "Structure and Melody" | Universität Wien | Link |
24.-26.10.02: | VII Congreso Internacional de Estelas Funerarias | Santander | Link |
7.-10.10.02: | Blockseminar "Themen aus der historischen Syntax und Pragmatik" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
4.-7.10.02: | 5. Deutsche TurkologInnenkonferenz | Universität Mainz | Link |
23.-26.9.02: | Block seminar "Indo-European word formation" | Kopenhagen University | s.u. / see below |
18.-20.9.02: | Arbeitstagung der Idg. Gesellschaft:
Indogermanistik, Germanistik, Linguistik | Universität Jena | Link |
16.-17.9.02: | Workshop on Agreement | Universitity of Manchester | Link |
9.-12.9.02: | 5th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue | Univerzita v Brne / CZ | Link |
8.-13.9.02: | 1st World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies | Universität Mainz | Link |
4.-6.9.02: | 6th Workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue (EDILOG) | University of Edinburgh | Link |
24.8.-1.9.02: | 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics | Taipei / Taiwan | Link |
5.-16.8.02: | 14th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information | Trento / IT | Link |
30.7.-3.8.02: | 29th LACUS Forum "Linguistics and the Real World" | University of Toledo / USA | Link |
24.-28.7.02: | New Directions in Humanities Computing | Universität Tübingen | Link |
23.-28.7.02: | 17th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies | Universität Heidelberg | Link |
22.-28.7.02: | 2002 International Course and Conference on
Role and Referecne Grammar: New Topics in functional Linguistics | Universidad de La Rioja | Link |
22.-25.7.02: | 35. Tagung der Societas Linguistica
Europaea "Neue Überlegungen zu Sprache und Geist" |
Universität Potsdam | Link |
22.-24.7.02: | 26. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (mit Sektion Linguistik) | Universität Mannheim | Link |
22.-23.7.02: | International Workshop "Computational Approaches to Collocations" | Universität Wien | Link |
14.7.-3.8.02: | Summer School "Formal and Functional Linguistics" | Universität Düsseldorf | Link |
11.-12.7.02: | Seminar Internacional de Llengües Minoritaries | Valencia | Link |
6.7.-11.8.02: | Summer School in Kartvelian Studies | Tbilisi | s.u. / see below |
27.6.02: | Workshop "Nomina agentis" | Universität Jena | s.u. / see below |
26.-29.6.02: | 10th International Conference on Functional Grammar | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Link |
23.-28.6.02: | 48th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference | Budapest | s.u. / see below |
20.-22.6.02: | 11th Caucasian Colloquium | Moscow State University | s.u. / see below |
17.-18.6.02: | Block seminar "Historical and comparative grammar of Anatolian" | École Pratique des Hautes Études Paris | s.u. / see below |
11.-13.6.02: | Block seminar "New researches about the Paippalâda recension of the Atharvaveda" | École Pratique des Hautes Études Paris | s.u. / see below |
29.5.-2.6.02: | 3rd International Vedic Workshop | Universiteit Leiden | Link |
8.-12.5.02: | 31. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität München | Link |
26.-28.4.02: | 8th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference | Indiana University Bloomington | Link |
26.-28.4.02: | 5th Workshop on American Indigenous Languages | University of California, Santa Barbara | Link |
12.-14.4.02: | 2nd International Gender and Language Association Conference | Lancaster University | Link |
4.-6.4.02: | New Reflections on Grammaticalisation 2 | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Link |
27.-30.3.02: | 4th International Conference on the Evolution of Language | Harvard University | Link |
11.-15.3.02: | Blockseminar "Historical and Comparative Grammar of Anatolian" | Universität Erlangen | s.u. / see below |
7.-9.3.02: | Symposion "Indoeuropærne - sproget og forhistorien" | Københavns Universitet | Link |
4.-8.3.02: | Blockseminar "Syntax und Semantik der Gradation" | Universität Salzburg | s.u. / see below |
4.-8.3.02: | Blockseminar "The Indo-European Verb" | Freie Universität Berlin | s.u. / see below |
27.2.-1.3.02: | 24. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Mannheim | Link |
16.-18.2.02: | 7th International Columbia School Conferenceon the Interaction of Linguistic Form and Meaning with Human Behavior | Columbia University New York | s.u. / see below |
12.-14.2.02: | Symposion "Iranistik in Europa" | Universität Graz | Link |
10.-12.1.02: | 19th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics | University of Tromsø | Link |
17.-19.12.01: | 13th Amsterdam Colloquium | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Link |
21.-25.11.01: | 30. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität München | Link |
16.-18.11.01: | Coordination: syntax, semantics and pragmatics | University of Salford / GB | Link |
16.-18.11.01: | Expolingua | Berlin | Link |
10.11.01: | Workshop Sprachbeschreibung und Typologie II | Universität Zürich | Link |
9.-10.11.01: | 13th Annual Indo-European Conference | UCLA Los Angeles | Link |
8.-11.11.01: | 6th TELRI Seminar "Multilingual Corpus Research" | Bansko / Bulgaria | Link |
26.-28.10.01: | 29. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Klagenfurt | Link |
25.-27.10.01: | 2nd International Contrastive Linguistics Conference | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | Link |
23.-26.10.01: | Language and Society on the Threshold of a New Millenium | Academy of Sciences Moscow | Link |
15.-20.10.01: | How to use corpora in language teaching | Tuscan Word Centre Toscana | Link |
1.-5.10.01: | Blockseminar "Probleme der historischen und vergleichenden Syntax" | Universität Salzburg | s.u. / see below |
24.-30.9.01: | XXII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románica | Universidad de Salamanca | Link |
23.-28.9.01: | 4th International Tbilisi Symposion on Language, Logic and Computation | Borjomi / Georgia | Link |
20.-23.9.01: | Endangered Languages and the Media | Agadir / Maroc | Link |
20.-22.9.01: | Kolloquium "Die altgriechischen Dialekte, ihr Wesen und Werden" | Freie Universität Berlin | Link |
19.-22.9.01: | Arbeitstagung "Das indogermanische Nomen" | Universität Freiburg | Link |
10.-13.9.01: | International Conference on Text Speech and Dialogue | Zelezna Ruda, Spicak / CZ | Link |
7.-9.9.01: | 7th Himalayan Languages Symposion | Uppsala Universitet | Link |
3.-14.9.01: | Internationale Sommerakademie des Arbeitskreises Moderne und Islam Berlin | Yildiz Technical University Istanbul | Link |
29.8.-1.9.01: | Linguistic Perspectives on Endangered Languages | Helsingin yliopisto | Link |
28.-31.8.01: | 34th SLE Meeting "Language Study in europe at the Turn of the Millenium" | Universiteit Leuven | Link |
27.8.-7.9.01: | 5th Summer School in Celtic and Medieval Irish Studies | University of Ireland Maynooth | s.u. / see below |
13.-24.8.01: | 13th Summer School in Logic, Language and Information | Helsingin yliopisto | Link |
6.-10.8.01: | 5th International Congress of Hungarian Studies | Jyväskylän yliopisto | Link |
30.7.-11.8.01: | EUROLAN: Summer Summer Institute on "Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources" | Sinaia, Iasi (Romania) | Link |
22.-27.7.01: | 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference | University of California, Santa Barbara | Link |
7.7.-12.8.01: | Summer School in Kartvelian Studies | Tbilisi | s.u. / see below |
2.-6.7.01: | XLVIIe rencontre assyriologique internationale "Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East" | Helsingin yliopisto | Link |
28.-30.6.01: | 6th Conference on Computational Lexicography and Corpus Research | University of Birmingham | s.u. / see below |
25.6.-3.8.01: | Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America | University of California, Santa Barbara | Link |
22.-23.6.01: | 4. Neuland-Tagung der Historisch-Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Potsdam | Link |
18.-20.6.01: | Inference in Computational Semantics | Siena | Link |
23.-27.5.01: | 29. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Saarbrücken | Link |
21.-23.5.01: | Sanskrit in Southeast Asia | Silpakorn University Bangkok | s.u. / see below |
7.-12.5.01: | How to use corpora in multilingual work | Tuscan Word Centre Toscana | Link |
5.-6.5.01: | 16th Workshop on Comparative Germanic Syntax | McGill University Montréal | Link |
21.-23.4.01: | 7th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference | University of Calgary / CA | Link |
30.-31.3.01: | 4th High Desert Linguistic Conference | University of New Mexico Albuquerque | s.u. / see below |
26.-30.3.01: | 28. Deutscher Orientalistentag | Universität Bamberg | Link |
26.-30.3.01: | Blockseminar "Proto-Indo-European Nominal Derivation" | Universität Berlin | Link |
22.-24.3.01: | 3. Deutsches KeltologInnen-Symposion | Universität Marburg | s.u. / see below |
19.-30.3.01: | 16th Vilem Mathusius Lecture Series | Univerzita Karlova Praha | s.u. / see below |
15.-17.3.01: | 14th Conference on Human Sentence Processing | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia | Link |
14.-16.3.01: | 25. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (mit Sektion Linguistik) | Universität München | Link |
5.-9.3.01: | Blockseminar "Sprachliche Kategorien in der Indogermania" | Universität Salzburg | s.u. / see below |
28.2.-2.3.01: | 23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft "Sprache und Kognition" | Universität Leipzig | Link |
16.-18.2.01: | 27th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society | University of California, Berkeley | Link |
1.-2.2.01: | 5th TermNet Symposion "Sharing Terminological Knowledge: Terminology for Multilingual Corpora" | Lessius Hogeschool Antwerp | Link |
23.-26.1.01: | VII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación social | Centro de Lingüística Aplicada Santiago de Cuba | Link |
12.-15.12.00: | Web-Based Language Documentation and Description | University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia | Link |
8.-10.12.00: | 28. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Graz | Link |
6.-8.12.00: | La Médiation: Marquages en langue et en discours | Université de Rouen | Link |
29.11.-3.12.00: | 28. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft | Universität Münster | Link |
23.-25.11.00: | Language Technologies for Dynamic Business in the Age of the Media | Fachhochschule Köln | Link |
20.-22.11.00: | Machine Translation and Multilingual Applications | University of Exeter | Link |
17.-19.11.00: | 4th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium | Indiana University, Bloomington | s.u. / see below |
16.-17.11.00: | 22nd Conference "Translating and the Computer" | London | s.u. / see below |
8.-9.11.00: | Multilinguae Congress | San Sebastian | Link |
20.-22.10.00: | "Indo-European Word Formation - Inventory and Analysis" | University of Copenhagen | Link |
16.-18.10.00: | 7e conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles | École Polytechnique de Lausanne | Link |
11.-12.10.00: | Crash Course "The Grammar of Scenes and Scenarios": Its Application in Language Typology | Universität München | Link |
6.-8.10.00: | Making Sense: From Lexeme to Discourse | Universiteit Groningen | Link |
6.-7.10.00: | 1. Freiburger Arbeitstagung zur Romanistischen Korpuslinguistik | Universität Freiburg / D | Link |
4.-6.10.00: | Symposium Iranistik 2000 | Universität Bamberg | Link |
3.-6.10.00: | 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics | Hong Kong | Link |
2.-6.10.00: | Blocklehrveranstaltung "Sprachwissenschaftliche Probleme der Altiranistik" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
25.-30.9.00: | 7th European Conference on Central Asian Studies | Universität Wien | s.u. / see below |
22.-24.9.00: | 5th TELRI Seminar "Corpus Linguistics: How to Extract Meaning from Corpora" | University of Ljubljana | Link |
20.-23.9.00: | 9th International Conference on Functional Grammar | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Madrid | s.u. / see below |
18.-23.9.00: | XI. Fachtagung der Idg. Gesellschaft: Sprachkontakt und Sprachwandel | Universität Halle | Link |
13.-16.9.00: | 3rd International Workshop on Text, Speech, and Dialogue | Masarykova univerzita Brno / CZ | Link |
4.9.00: | Alternatives to Chomsky: A new paradigm for language studies | Rutgers University New Brunswick / USA | s.u. / see below |
8.-10.9.00: | Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases | Sozopol / BG | Link, s.u. / see below |
2.-10.9.00: | New Theoretical Perspectives on Syntax and Semantics in Cognitive Science | Dubrovnik | Link, s.u. / see below |
1.-11.9.00: | Weltkonferenz Armenien 2000 | Universität Halle | s.u. / see below |
27.8.-1.9.00: | XXXVIth International Congress of Asian and North African Studies | Université de Montréal | Link, s.u. / see below |
24.-26.8.00: | 4th International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics | Academy of Sciences Praha | s.u. / see below |
21.-25.8.00: | Block seminar "Tocharian A and the Tocharian Verbal System" | Rijksuniversiteit Leiden | s.u. / see below |
17.-19.8.00: | Symposion "Parts of Speech in and across Languages" | Helsingin yliopisto | Link |
8.-12.8.00: | IXth EURALEX International Congress | Universität Stuttgart | Link |
7.-13.8.00: | Congressus Nonus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum | Tartu Ülikool | Link |
6.-18.8.00: | 12th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information | University of Birmingham | Link |
6.-13.8.00: | 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences | Universitetet i Oslo | Link |
5.-12.8.00: | Symposion on the Upanishads | University of Durban | s.u. / see below |
5.-8.8.00: | 4th International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approach to Discourse | Ittre / BE | Link |
2.-5.8.00: | 10th Caucasian Colloquium | Universität München | Link |
29.7.-6.8.00: | 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics | Saarbrücken, Luxembourg, Nancy | Link |
28.-30.7.00: | Contemporary Views on Indian Civilization | Hoboken / USA | Link |
25.-29.7.00: | 25th Forum of the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States | Rice University Houston / Texas | Link |
24.-28.7.00: | 23rd Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval | Athens University of Economics and Business | Link |
19.-23.7.00: | 4th International Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora | Universität Graz | Link |
8.7.-13.8.00: | Summer School in Kartvelian Studies | Tbilisi / GE | s.u. / see below |
3.-28.7.00: | Summer courses "Spoken Language in Context" | Ohio State University Columbus | Link |
3.-5.7.00: | 3rd Workshop on Human-Compouter Conversation | Bellagio / I | Link |
28.6.-2.7.00: | SILFI VI. Convegno Internazionale "Tradizione e Innovazione, italienische Linguistik und Philologie am Beginn eines neuen Milleniums" | Universität Dortmund | Link |
26.-30.6.00: | Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative Conference | British Library London | s.u. / see below |
26.-30.6.00: | Block seminar "Tocharian and Sanskrit manuscripts from Central Asia" | École Pratique des Hautes Études Paris | s.u. / see below |
15.-17.6.00: | 6th Himalayan Languages Symposion | University of Wisconsin Milwaukee | Link |
12.-16.6.00: | 1st International Naturla Language Generation Conference | Mitzpe Ramon / Israel | Link |
31.5.-2.6.00: | 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation | Technical University of Athens | Link |
30.5.00: | Developing language resources for minority languages | Technical University of Athens | Link |
28.-30.5.00: | 40th All-India Oriental Conference | Meenakshi College Chennai | Link |
26.-27.5.00: | 12th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | Los Angeles | Link |
26.-27.5.00: | Jubileumskollokvium "Centennial of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics" | Göteborgs Universitet | Link |
18.-21.5.00: | 3. Tagung der Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft der Neuen Länder "Die Indogermanistik und ihre Anrainer" | Universität Greifswald | Link |
11.-14.5.00: | 5th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language | University of California Santa Barbara | Link |
8.-11.5.00: | 10th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases | Saariselkä / Finnland | Link |
Mai 00: | XXVII. STUTS (Studentische Tagung der Sprachwissenschaften) | Universität Bochum | Link |
29.4.-3.5.00: | Language Technology Joint Conference ANLP-NAACL | Seattle | Link |
18.4.00: | Seminario "Il verbo indoeuropeo" | Università di Genova | s.u. / see below |
15.4.00: | The History of Indology and Comparative Philology in Germany | University of California Los Angeles | Link |
14.-16.4.00: | 3rd Workshop on American Indigineous Languages | University of California Santa Barbara | Link |
12.-14.4.00: | International Conference on Cognitive Typology | University of Antwerp | Link |
12.-14.4.00: | 6th Conference "Recherche d'Informations Assisté par Ordinateur" | Collège de France Paris | Link |
6.-8.4.00: | Spring Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain | University College London | Link |
3.-8.4.00: | XIth World Sanskrit Conference | Torino | Link |
3.-6.4.00: | 3rd Conference "The Evolution of Language" | ENST Paris | Link |
27.-30.3.00: | 16th International Unicode Conference | Amsterdam | Link |
16.-17.3.00: | Kolloquium "Die armenologische Forschung in Deutschland im Jahre 2000" | Staatsbibliothek Berlin | s.u. / see below |
9.-11.3.00: | 5. Journées Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Données Textuelles | École Polytechnique de Lausanne | Link |
6.-10.3.00: | Blocklehrveranstaltung "Italische Wortbildung" | Universität Salzburg | Link |
1.-3.3.00: | 22. Jahrestagung des DGfS "Das Wort: Strukturen und Konzepte, Kommunikation 2000" | Universität Marburg | Link |
25.-27.2.00: | 9th International Morphology Meeting | Universität Wien | Link |
18.-21.2.00: | 26th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society | University of California at Berkeley | Link |
6.2.00: | Vortrag "Sprachen und Sprachpolitik in Europa" | Fernsehsender SWR | s.u. / see below |
6.-9.1.00: | WWW-CGI-TUSTEP: Erfassen, Durchsuchen und Ändern von strukturierten Daten | Blaubeuren | Link |
9.-11.12.99: | Processes of Convergence and Differentiation in the Languages of Mediaeval and Modern Europe | Università di Udine | Link |
3.-5.12.99: | ConSOLE 8: Konferenz angehender SprachwissenschafterInnen | Universität Wien | Link |
1.-3.12.99: | VII Conferencia internacional de lenguas minoritarias | Bilbao | s.u. / see below |
27.-28.11.99: | Kaukasische Sprachprobleme VIII | Universität Oldenburg | s.u. / see below |
19.-21.11.99: | Museumstag "Götter, Ärzte und Patienten" | Rheinisches Museum Trier | Link |
17.-21.11.99: | XXVI. STUTS (Studentische Tagung der Sprachwissenschaften) | Universität Bielefeld | Link |
30.10.-1.11.99: | Second International Vedic Workshop | Kyoto University | s.u. / see below |
27.-28.10.99: | Convegno "Le radici prime dell'Europa" | Banca Popolare di Milano | Link |
23.-26.10.99: | 27. Österreichische Linguistiktagung | Universität Wien | s.u. / see below |
6.-10.10.99: | Internationales Uralistisches Symposium "Diachronie in der synchronen Sprachbeschreibung" | Universität Hamburg | s.u. / see below |
8.-9.10.99: | Electronic Publication of Ancient Near Eastern Texts | University of Chicago | Link |
4.-8.10.99: | 4th International Congress of Hittitology | Universität Würzburg | s.u. / see below |
29.9.-3.10.99: | Arbeitstagung "Indogermanische Syntax" | Universität Würzburg | s.u. / see below |
13.-24.9.99: | Sommerschule "Feldforschung und empirische Sprachwissenschaft" | Universität Kiel | Link |
13.-14.9.99: | Workshop "Natürlichsprachliche Schnittstellen" | Universität Bonn | Link |
12.-16.9.99: | 3rd International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation | Batumi | Link |
8.-10.9.99: | Budapest Uralic Workshop II | Academy of Sciences | Link |
7.-12.9.99: | 4th Conference "Preservation of Dunhuang and Central Asian Collections | Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg | s.u. / see below |
7.-10.9.99: | 34. Linguistisches Kolloquium | Universität Mainz | Link |
6.-10.9.99: | 4ème Conférence Européenne d'Études Iraniennes | Paris | Link |
30.8.-2.9.99: | XVth International Unicode Conference | San Jose / CA | Link |
23.-28.8.99: | XIIth Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies | Universität Lausanne | Link |
25.-31.7.99: | 11th International congress of Celtic Studies | Cork | Link |
8.-11.7.99: | 32nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | Univerza v Ljubljani | s.u. / see below |
8.-10.7.99: | 11. Jahrestagung der GLDV | Universität Frankfurt | Link |
5.-9.7.99: | 6ème Colloque International de Linguistique Arménienne | Paris | Link |
28.6.-2.8.99: | Summer Sanskrit | Harvard University | Link |
21.6.-20.8.99: | Summer courses in Sanskrit | University of Chicago | Link |
21.6.-30.7.99: | 60th Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Link |
18.6.-26.7.99: | Summer program in Indian studies | Taxila Academy Bangalore | Link |