Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 19
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Part: Orat.  
Paragraph: Inc.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
Page: 55  
Line: 21  Wie ein Haßvater ſein Geſinde
Line: 22 
ſol leren das Benedicite vnd Gartias *45
Line: 23 

Line: 24  Tems

Page: 56  
- (56) -

Paragraph: Ben.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
Page: 56  
Line: 1  Tems Bhernems vnde tay Szaime buuſe ar ſʒallick=
Line: 2 
tims Rokims / vnd diſſchanne godige prexkan
Line: 3 
to Galde ſthaweet vnd ſʒatcyth.

Line: 4    Wueſſes Atczes gaide vs thoͤw Kunx /
Line: 5    
vnde tu dhos thems winge Barribe
Line: 6    
ſʒouwan laykan / Tu atwher touwe / Ro=
Line: 7    
ke vnde peehdena wuͤſſe / kattre thur cziwo
Line: 8    
ar labbe prathe.

Line: 9       
Peetcz to Muſʒe Thews exkan to Deb=
Line: 10       
bes vnde ſcho Luuckſchenne.

Line: 11    
Kunx Dews Debbeſſe thews / gouſʒena
Line: 12    
mums ſchos touwes Dawanes / kat=
Line: 13    
tres mhes no touwe mylige Szeeleſtibe py
Line: 14    
mums yemmam / czour JEſum Chriſtum
Line: 15    
muſʒam Kungam / Amen.

Paragraph: Grat.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
Page: 56  
Line: 16  Das Gratias.

Line: 17    
Patteitczet tham Kungam aiſto thas
Line: 18    
gir mylyx / vnde winge Myleſtibe pal=
Line: 19    
leck muſʒige / katters wuͤſſe Meſʒe Barribe
Line: 20    
dode / katters tims lopims ſʒouwe Baryo=
Line: 21    
ſchenne dode / tems Jounems kroucklems

Line: 22  kattre

Page: 57  
- (57) -

Line: 1    
kattre tho peſʒoutcz: Tham nhe gir labs
Line: 2    
Prätcz / py to ſirge ſtiprumme / nedtcz tam
Line: 3    
gir labs pratcz py tems Wyre lelims / Tam
Line: 4    
Kungam gir wens labs prätcz / py thems
Line: 5    
kattre to bya / vnde vs winge Szeeleſtibe
Line: 6    
czerre yeb Gaide.

Line: 7  Peetcz tho / Muſʒe Thews / vnde ſcho
Line: 8 

Line: 9    
Mhes patteitczam thoͤw Kunx Dews
Line: 10    
Debbeſſe Thews / czour JEſum Chri=
Line: 11    
ſtum muſʒam Kungam / par wuͤſſe touwe
Line: 12    
labbe darriſchenne / katters tu cziwo vnde
Line: 13    
walde muſʒige / Amen.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.