Mac Neill had the stone raised "out of the ground" in order to inspect it: "Of the portion of the stone underground, about one half of the engraved arris had been carried away by a large flake" (cp. his sketch). - "After careful inspection, I arrived at the conclusion that the .. stone, in its present position, was inverted, the uninscribed portion now at the top being the part originally underground. .. If it were to be read upwards, there would, at all events, be hardly room for any more characters below the lowest one now visible, so that Q**UQEN would have to be taken as the whole name, and a very unlikely name it would seem .. - There was no trace of scoring visible on the basal edges of the stone .. - It did occur to me that one might read QEDATOQI, corresponding to Cetadach, the name of an abbot of Clonmacnois in the ninth century"; cp. Cedattoqa as appearing in "Macalister's collection" [i.e., on a stone at Kilcoolaght: {206}]. But how to account for the "five consonant scores which now stand at the head of the inscription" in this case? - If read Qenuvin ... or Qenuven ..., this could easily be identified with the name Qenuvin[di] or a "derivative form" Qenuvin[dagni], corresponding to the "early MS. forms" Cenond, Cenondÿn, Cenindÿn, Mod.Ir. Ceannan, Ceanannÿn; "the etymological elements are the Celtic *qvennos `head' and *vindos `white'. .. The ending -gni" > -n "is familiar to students of the Ogham forms". - Cenond, ceanann, "sometimes etymologically written cennfind, ceannfhionn," means `white-headed'". The usage of the "simple consonant N" for "strong or tense" nn is frequent, cp. CUNACENA = Conchenn, Coincheann {199: Coolmagort}. "The substitution of U for A .. indicates comparative lateness in the Ogham period"; cp. CONUNETT {176: Camp} for Cunanetas, ms. Connath, Connad a.o. - "The older Celtic stem vowel -o, and also the link-vowel -o- after a consonant-stem in compound words, are regularly represented in early Ogham forms by -a", but "the neutral a would normally tend to become o or u when followed by the consonant v"; cp. CALUNOVICA {273: Drumloghan}, DENOVAL {233: Dromkeare} [thus in accordance with Macalister, Epig. 2, 86, whereas the CIIC has TIDONNA], DUCOVAROS {158: Ballintaggart}, VALUVI {302: Ballyvellon}. [For the composition vowel further cp. CUNOVATO at Drummin {11}.] - For Qennovindagni cp. the Parcau inscription {364: Henllan Amgoed} reading Quenvendagni fili Barcuni; according to Holder [Sprachschatz] this has to be dated between 500 and 700 A.D. and commemorates a Gaelic, not a British person because it contains a Q, not a P. The Cloonmorris inscription must be older because of the "joining vowel, u". - There is no "Cenindÿn among the ancestors of the O Fearghail (O'Farrell) and Mag Raghnaill (Reynolds)" who were the "chiefs of" the local "section of the Conmhaicne of Magh Rin the "ancient territory" of which Cloonmorris is located in; but the name is found in other pedigrees.
"Second" angle:
G and T are the only readable letters on the "first" angle; after T a single H-stroke follows, most probably part of a second T; "a name like Gattagni (cp. Windgap {107}) followed by maqi mucoi", would fit. But there are no traces of GN; mucoi is improbable, because this would mean that exceptionally "the name of the owner of the monument" had been destroyed, not the name of an ancestor. - On the "second" angle nothing remains after the second N; QENUVENDI as proposed by Mac Neill would "amply fit the available space".
The number of letters that would have to be assumed to fill the gap between the preserved parts of the inscription is undefinable.
Reading Gippert (1978):
Dexter angle up -
top -
sinister angle down:
QEN[OVE]N[A.....A]|QI [T|......A]M[A.....]G[...]T[H
îíåãêé[ãéåã]êé[â.....â]|îíåä í|[......â]ï[â.....]ð[...]í[ë
For the reading cf. Prliminarien, 303 f., for the restitution the following entry in Genealogies, 120 a 5: Cenannÿn m. Ceise m. Lugdech.
Last changes of this record: 14.04.97
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.