Minor Old High German Monuments
Part No. 21
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Text: Ludwigsl. 
Page: S85 
Manuscript: Valenc._150 
XVI. Ludwigslied

Cod. Valenc. (Bibl.), ms. 150, p. 141v
Ms. page: 141v 
Rithmus teutonicus de piae memoriae Hluduico rege filio Hluduici aeque regis.

Line: 1     Einan1 kuning uueiz ih,   Heizsit her Hluduig,
Line: 2     
Ther gerno gode thionot:   Ih uueiz her imos lonot.
Line: 3     
Kind uuarth her faterlos,   Thes uuarth imo sar buoz:2
Line: 4     
Holoda inan truhtin,   Magaczogo uuarth her sin.
Line: 5     
Gab her imo dugidi,   Fronisc githigini,
Line: 6     
Stuol3 hier in Urankon.   So bruche her es lango!
Line: 7     
Thaz gideilder thanne   Sar mit Karlemanne,

Cod. Valenc. (Bibl.), ms. 150, p. 142r

Ms. page: 142r 
Line: 8     
Bruoder4 sinemo,   Thia czala uuunniono.
Line: 9     
So thaz uuarth al gendiot,   Koron uuolda sin god,
Line: 10     
Ob her arbeidi   So iung tholon mahti.
Line: 11     
Lietz her heidine man   Obar seo lidan,
Line: 12     
Thiot Urancono   Manon sundiono.
Line: 13     
Sume sar uerlorane   Uuurdun sum erkorane,
Line: 14     
Haranskara5 tholota,   Ther er misselebeta.
Line: 15     
Ther ther thanne thiob uuas,   Inder thanana ginas,
Line: 16     
Nam sina uaston:   Sidh uuarth her guot man.
Line: 17     
Sum uuas luginari,   Sum skachari,
Line: 18     
Sum fol loses,   Inder gibuozta sih thes.
Line: 19     
Kuning uuas eruirrit,   Thaz richi al girrit,
Line: 20     
Uuas erbolgan Krist:   Leidhor, thes ingald iz.
Line: 21     
Thoh erbarmedes6 got,   Uuisser7 alla thia not :
Line: 22     
Hiez her Hluduigan   Tharot sar ritan:
Line: 23     
"Hluduig, kuning min,   Hilph minan liutin!
Line: 24     
Heigun sa Northman   Harto biduuungan."
Line: 25     
Thanne sprah Hluduig:   "Herro, so duon ih,
Line: 26     
Dot ni rette mir iz,   Al thaz thu gibiudist."
Line: 27     
Tho nam her godes urlub,   Huob her gundfanon uf,
Line: 28     
Reit her thara in Urankon8   Ingagan Northmannon.
Line: 29     
Gode thancodun   The sin beidodun
Line: 30     
Quadhun al "fro min,   So lango beidon uuir thin."
Line: 31     
Thanne sprah luto   Hluduig ther guoto

Cod. Valenc. (Bibl.), ms. 150, p. 142v

Ms. page: 142v 
Line: 32     
"Trostet9 hiu, gisellion,   Mine notstallon.
Line: 33     
Hera santa mih god   Ioh mir selbo gibod,10
Line: 34     
Ob hiu rat thuhti,   Thaz ih hier geuuhti,
Page: S86   Line: 35     
Mih selbon nisparoti,   Uncih hiu gineriti.
Line: 36     
Nu uuillih, thaz mir uolgon   Alle godes holdon.
Line: 37     
Giskerit ist thiu hieruuist   So lango so uuili Krist;
Line: 38     
Uuili her unsa hinauarth,   Thero habet her giuualt.
Line: 39     
So uuer so hier in ellian   Giduot godes uuillion,
Line: 40     
Quimit he gisund uz,   Ih gilonon imoz;
Line: 41     
Bilibit her thar inne,   Sinemo kunnie."
Line: 42     
Tho nam her skild indi sper,   Ellianlicho reit her:
Line: 43     
Uuolder uuar errahchon   Sinan1 uuidarsahchon.
Line: 44     
Tho ni uuas iz burolang,   Fand her thia Northman:
Line: 45     
Gode lob sageda,   Her sihit thes her gereda.
Line: 46     
Ther kuning reit kuono,   Sang lioth frano,
Line: 47     
Ioh alle saman sungun   "Kyrrieleison".
Line: 48     
Sang uuas gisungan,   Uuig uuas bigunnan,
Line: 49     
Bluot skein in uuangon:   Spilodun ther Urankon.
Line: 50     
Thar uaht thegeno gelih   Nichein soso Hluduig:
Line: 51     
Snel indi kuoni,   Thaz uuas imo gekunni.2
Line: 52     
Suman thuruhskluog her,   Suman thuruhstah her.
Line: 53     
Her skancta ce hanton   Sinan fianton3
Line: 54     
Bitteres lides.   So uue hin hio thes libes!
Line: 55     
Gilobot si thiu godes kraft!   Hluduig uuarth sigihaft.

Cod. Valenc. (Bibl.), ms. 150, p. 143r

Ms. page: 143r 
Line: 56     
Ioh4 allen heiligon thanc!   Sin uuarth ther sigikamf.
Line: 57     
Uuolar5 abur Hluduig,   Kuning ... salig!6
Line: 58     
So7 garo soser hio uuas,   So uuar soses thurft uuas,
Line: 59     
Gihalde inan truhtin   Bi sinan ergrehtin!
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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Minor Old High German Monuments.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.