Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 47
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Chapter: 46 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Cum autem descendisset de monte, secutę sunt eum turbę multę.
Tho hér arsteig fon themo berge, folgetun imo manege menigi.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Et ecce leprosus veniens, Link to gotnt genu flexo Link to gotnt adorabat eum dicens: domine, si vis, potes me mundare.
Senu thó riob mán quementi giboganemo kneuue betota inan sús quedenti: truhtin, oba thu uuili, thú maht mih gisubiren.
Sentence: 3    Link to gotnt
Et extendens manum tetigit eum Ihesus dicens: volo, mundare! Et confestim mundata est lepra eius.
Inti thenenti sina hant biruorta inan thie heilant sus quedenti: uuilla, uúis subiri! Inti sliumo uuard tho giheilit sin rúf.
Sentence: 4    Link to gotnt
Et ait illi Ihesus: vide nemini dixeris, sed vade, ostende te sacerdoti et offer munus quod praecepit (83) Moyses in testimonium illis.
Tho quad imo ther heilant: gisih thaz thu iz niomanne ni quedes, ouh fár inti giougi thih themo biscofe inti bring thie geba thie thar gibót (83) Moyses ín zi giuúiznesse.
Sentence: 5    Link to gotnt
At ille egressus coepit praedicare et diffamare sermonem, ita ut iam non posset manifeste in civitatem introire, sed foris in desertis locis esse, et conveniebant ad eum undique.
Her thó uzganganti bigonda predigon inti maren thaz uuort, thaz her ni mohta giu ougazorhto gan in thie burg, ouh úze in vvuosten stetin uuesan, inti quamun zi imo íogiuúanan.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.