Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 63
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Chapter: 62 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Pharisei autem dicebant: Link to gotnt in Beelzebub principe demoniorum hic eicit demones.
Thie Pharisei quadun thó: in Belzebube heristen thero diuualo theses uuirphit thie diuuala.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Ipse autem ut vidit cogitationes eorum, (98) dixit eis: omne regnum in se ipsum divisum desolabitur, Link to gotnt et domus divisa adversus se non stabit.
hér thó gisah iro githanca, (98) quad ín: íogiuuelih rihhi in imo selbemo ziteilit uuirdit ziúuorphan, inti hús ziteilit uuidar imo selbemo ni gistentit.
Sentence: 3    Link to gotnt
Si autem et Satanas in se ipsum divisus est, quomodo stabit regnum ipsius? Link to gotnt Non potest stare, sed finem habet: Link to gotnt quia dicitis in Beelzebub eicere me demonia.
Oba Satanas in imo selbemo ziteilit ist, vvuo gistentit thanne sin rihhi? íz ni mag gistantan, ouh enti habet: uuanta ír quedet in Belzebube míh uuerphan diuuala.
Sentence: 4    Link to gotnt
Si autem ego in Beelzebub eicio demonia, filii vestri in quo eiciunt? ideo ipsi iudices vestri erunt.
Oba ih in Belzebube fóruuirphu diuuala, íuuaru kind in hiu uuerphent sie? bithiu sint sie íuuare tuomon.
Sentence: 5    Link to gotnt
Porro si in digito dei eicio demonia, profecto pervenit in vos regnum dei.
Zisperi oba ih in gotes fingare uuirphu diuuala, giuuesso quimit in íuuih gotes rihhi.
Sentence: 6    Link to gotnt
Aut quomodo potest quisquam intrare in domo fortis et vasa eius diripere Link to gotnt in quibus confidebat, Link to gotnt nisi prius alligaverit fortem et tunc domum illius diripiat?
Odo vvuo mag einig ingangan in hús strenges inti sinu uaz gineman in thiu hér anagitruuueta, nibi her ér gibinte then strengon, inti thanne sín hús imo binimit?
Sentence: 7    Link to gotnt
Qui non est mecum, contra me est, et qui non congregat mecum, spargit.
Thie mit mir nist, ther ist uuidar mír, inti thie mit mir ni samanot, ther zispreitit.
Sentence: 8    Link to gotnt
Ideo dico vobis: omne peccatum et blasphemia remittetur hominibus, spiritus autem blasphemia non remittetur. Link to gotnt Et quicumque dixerit verbum contra filium hominis, remittetur ei, qui autem dixerit contra spiritum sanctum, non remittetur ei neque in hoc sęculo neque in futuro.
Bithiu quidu ih íu: iogiuuelih sunta inti bismarunga uuirdit furlazzan mannun, thes geistes bismarunga ni uuirdit furlazan. Inti uúer quidit uuort uuidar then mannes sún, uuirdit imo fúrlazan; thie thar quidit uuidar themo heilagen geiste, ni uuirdit imo furlazan noh in therro uuerolti noh in thero zuoúuartun.
Sentence: 9    Link to gotnt
(99) Aut facite arborem bonam et fructum eius bonum, aut facite arborem malam et fructum eius malum, siquidem ex fructu arbor agnoscitur.
(99) Odo tuot guotan boum inti sinan uuahsmon guotan, odo tuot ubilan boum inti sinan uuahsmon ubilan: giuuesso fon themo uuahsmen thie boum uuirdit furstantan.
Sentence: 10    Link to gotnt
Progenies viperarum, quomodo potestis bona loqui, cum sitis mali? Ex abundantia enim cordis os loquitur.
Barn natrono, vvuo mugut ír guotu sprehhan, mit thiu ír ubile birut? Fon ginuhtsami thes hérzen sprihhit thie mund.
Sentence: 11    Link to gotnt
Bonus homo de bono thesauro profert bona, et malus homo de malo thesauro profert mala.
Guot man fon guotemo tresouue bringit guotu, inti ubil man fon ubilemo tresouue bringit ubilu.
Sentence: 12    Link to gotnt
Dico autem vobis, quoniam omne verbum otiosum quod locuti fuerint homines, reddent rationem de eo in die iudicii. Link to gotnt Ex verbis enim tuis iustificaveris et ex verbis tuis condemnaberis.
Ih quidu íu, thaz iogiuuelih uuort unnuzzi thaz man sprehhenti sint, geltent reda fon themo in tuomes tage. Fon thinen uuorton uuirdistu girehfestigot inti fon thinen uuorton uuirdistu fornidarit.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.