Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 69
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Chapter: 68 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Et factum est in sabbato secundo primo, cum transiret Ihesus per sata, vellebant Link to gotnt esurientes Link to gotnt discipuli eius spicas et manducabant confricantes manibus.
Uuas giuuortan tho in sambaztag afteren eriren, mit thiu ther heilant fuor ubar sati, ababrachun hungerente sine iungiron thiu éhir inti azun skelente íz mit iro hanton.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Quidam autem Pharisęorum dicebant illis: quid facitis quod non licet in sabbatis?
Sume thero Phariseorum quadun ín: ziu tuot ir thaz thaz íu arloubit nist in sambaztag?
Sentence: 3    Link to gotnt
Et respondens Ihesus ad eos dixit: nec hoc legitis quod fecit David, cum esuriret ipse et qui cum ipso erant, Link to gotnt quomodo intravit in domum dei et panes propositionis sumpsit et manducavit et dedit his qui cum eo erant, quos non licebat ei manducare, nisi solis sacerdotibus? Link to gotnt Et dicebat illis:
Tho antlingita ther heilant zi ín inti quad: noh ír thaz lasut thaz Dauid teta, mit thiu ín hungirita inti thie mit imo uuarun, vvuo her íngieng in thaz gotes hús inti brót fora gote gisaztu nám inti áz inti gáb then thie mit imo uuarun, thiu erloubit ni uuarun imo zi ezzanne, nibi then einun heithaftun mannon? Inti quad in:
Sentence: 4    Link to gotnt
Aut non legistis in lege, quia in sabbatis sacerdotes (106) in templo sabbatum violant et sine crimine sunt?
Eno ni lasut ír in thero euuu, bithiu in sambaztag heithafte mán (106) in themo templo sambaztag ni uiront inti uzan lastar sint?
Sentence: 5    Link to gotnt
Dico autem vobis, quia templo maior est hic. Link to gotnt Sabbatum propter hominem factum est, et non homo propter sabbatum.
Ih sagen íu, thaz hier mera ist thanne tempal. Sambaztag thuruh man gitan ist, nalles man thuruh then sambaztag.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.