Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 94
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Chapter: 93 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Conversantibus autem eis in Galilea dixit illis Ihesus: filius hominis tradendus est in manus hominum, Link to gotnt et occident eum, et tertia die resurgit. Et contristati sunt vehementer.
In tho uuonanten in Galileu quad in der heilant: mannes sun ist zi sellenne in hant manno, inti sie slahent inan, inti dritten taga arstentit. Inti gitruobta uuarun thrato sie.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Et cum venissent Capharnaum, accesserunt qui didragma accipiebant ad Petrum et dixerunt: magister vester non solvit didragma. Link to gotnt Ait: etiam. Et cum intrasset domum, praevenit eum Ihesus dicens: quid tibi videtur, Simon? reges terrae a quibus accipiunt tributum vel censum, a filiis suis an ab alienis?
Inti mittiu sie quamun Capharnaum, zuogiengun thie dar zinsscaz intfiengun zi Petre inti quadun: iuuuer meistar ni losit zinsscaz. Quad: zisperi. Inti tho her ingieng in thaz hus, foraquam inan der heilant quedenti: uuaz ist dir gisehan, Simon? erdcuniga fon uuen intfahent thribuz odo zins, fon iro sunin odo fon fremiden?
Sentence: 3    Link to gotnt
Et ille dixit: ab alienis. Dixit illi Ihesus: ergo liberi sunt filii. Link to gotnt Ut autem non scandalizemus eos, vade ad mare et mitte hamum, et eum piscem qui primus ascenderit tolle, et aperto ore eius invenies staterem: illum sumens da eis pro me et te.
Her quad tho: fon fremiden. Tho quad imo der heilant: thanne sint thiu kind friiu. Zi thiu thaz uuir sie ni bisuuichemes, uar zi themo seuue inti uuirf thinan angul, inti then fisg thie dar erist ufquimit nim, inti giofnotomo sinemo munde fintis scaz: then thanne nemmenti gib in furi mih inti thih.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.