Part No. 28
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Chapter: XXVIII 

Verse: 2284     deda the drohtines sunu   dago gehuilikes
Verse: 2285    
[gôd uuerk] mid is iungeron,    neo Iudeon umbi that
Verse: 2286    
an thea is [mikilun craft]   thiu mêr ne gelôƀdun,
Verse: 2287    
that he alouualdo   alles uuâri,
Verse: 2288    
landes endi liudio:   thes sie noh lôn nimat,
Verse: 2289    
uuîdana uuracsîð,   thes sie    thar that geuuin driƀun
Verse: 2290    
uuið [selƀan] thene [sunu drohtines].   Thô he [im] mid is gesîðon giuuêt
Verse: 2291    
eft an [Galilæo land],   godes êgan barn,
Verse: 2292    
fôr im te them friundun,   thar he afôdid uuas
Verse: 2293    
endi al undar is cunnie   kindiung auuôhs,
Verse: 2294    
the hêlago hêleand.   Umbi ina heriskepi,
Verse: 2295    
theoda thrungun;   thar uuas thegan manag
Verse: 2296    
sâlig undar them gesîðe.   Thar drôgun ênna seocan man
Verse: 2297    
erlos [an] iro armun:   uueldun ina for ôgun Kristes,
Verse: 2298    
brengean for that barn godes -   uuas im bôtono tharf,
Verse: 2299    
that ina gehêldi   heƀenes uualdand,
Verse: 2300    
manno mundboro -,   the uuas êr managan dag
Verse: 2301    
liðuuuastmon bilamod,   ni mahte is lîchamon
Verse: 2302    
[uuiht] geuualdan.   Than uuas thar uuerodes filu,
Verse: 2303    
that sie ina fora that barn godes   brengean ni mahtun,
Verse: 2304    
gethringan thurh thea thioda,   that sie [sô] thurftiges
Verse: 2305    
sunnea gesagdin.   Thô giuuêt imu an ênna seli innan
Verse: 2306    
[hêleando] Crist;   [huarf] uuarð thar umbi,
Verse: 2307    
megintheodo gemang.   Thô bigunnun thea man spreken,
Verse: 2308    
the thene lêfna lamon   lango fôrdun,
Verse: 2309    
bârun mid is beddiu,   huô sie ina gedrôgin fora that [barn godes],
Verse: 2310    
[an] that uuerod innan,   thar ina uualdand Crist
Verse: 2311    
selƀo gisâuui.   Thô gengun thea gesîðos ,
Verse: 2312    
hôƀun ina mid iro handun   endi uppan that hûs stigun,
Verse: 2313    
slitun thene seli oƀana   endi [ina] mid sêlun lêtun
Verse: 2314    
an thene rakud innan,   thar the rîkeo uuas,
Verse: 2315    
cuningo craftigost.   Reht he ina [thô] kuman gisah
Verse: 2316    
thurh thes hûses hrôst,    he thô an iro hugi farstôd,
Verse: 2317    
an thero manno môdseƀon,   that sie [mikilana] te imu
Verse: 2318    
gelôƀon habdun,   thô he for    then liudiun sprak,
Verse: 2319    
quað that he thene siakon man   sundeono tômean
Verse: 2320    
lâtan uueldi.   Thô sprâkun im eft thea liudi angegin,
Verse: 2321    
[gramharde] Iudeon,   thea thes godes barnes
Verse: 2322    
uuord [aftaruuarodun],   quâðun that that ni mahti [giuuerðen] ,
Verse: 2323    
grimuuerc fargeƀen,   [biûtan] god êno,
Verse: 2324    
uualdand thesaro uueroldes.   Thô habda eft is uuord garu
Verse: 2325    
mahtig barn godes:   "ik gidôn that", quað he, "an thesumu [manne] skîn,
Verse: 2326    
the hîr siak ligid   an thesumu seli innan,
Verse: 2327    
[te] uundron giuuêgid,   that ik geuuald hebbiu
Verse: 2328    
sundea te fargeƀanne   endi ôc seokan man
Verse: 2329    
te gehêleanne,    ik ina hrînan ni tharf."
Verse: 2330    
Manoda ina thô   the mâreo drohtin,
Verse: 2331    
liggeandean lamon,   hêt ina far them liudiun astandan
Verse: 2332    
up alohêlan   endi hêt ina an is ahslun niman,
Verse: 2333    
is bedgiuuâdi te baka;   he that gibod lêste
Verse: 2334    
sniumo for [themu] [gisîðea]   endi geng imu eft gesund thanan,
Verse: 2335    
hêl fan themu hûse.   Thô thes manag hêðin man,
Verse: 2336    
uueros uundradun,   quâðun that imu uualdand self,
Verse: 2337    
god alomahtig   fargeƀan habdi
Verse: 2338    
mêron mahti   than elcor ênigumu mannes sunie,
Verse: 2339    
craft endi cûsti;   sie ni uueldun antkennean thoh,
Verse: 2340    
Iudeo liudi,   that he god uuâri,
Verse: 2341    
ne gelôƀdun is lêran,   ac habdun im lêðan strîd,
Verse: 2342    
uunnun uuiðar is uuordun:   thes sie uuerk hlutun,
Verse: 2343    
[lêðlîc] lôngeld,   endi noh lango sculun,
Verse: 2344    
thes sie ni uueldun hôrien   heƀen[cuninges],
Verse: 2345    
Cristes lêrun,   thea he cûðde oƀar al,
Verse: 2346    
uuîdo aftar thesaro uueroldi,   endi lêt sie is uuerk sehan
Verse: 2347    
allaro dago gehuilikes,   is dâdi scauuon,
Verse: 2348    
hôrien is hêlag uuord,      the he te helpu gesprak
Verse: 2349    
manno barnun,   endi manag mahtiglîc
Verse: 2350    
têcan getôgda,   that sie [gitrûodin] thiu bet,
Verse: 2351    
gilôƀdin [an] is [lêra].   He managan lîchamon
Verse: 2352    
balusuhteo [antband   endi] bôta geskeride,
Verse: 2353    
fargaf fêgiun ferah,   them the [fûsid] uuas
Verse: 2354    
helið an helsîð:   [than gideda ina the] hêland self,
Verse: 2355    
Crist thurh is craft mikil   quican aftar dôđa,
Verse: 2356    
lêt ina an thesaro uueroldi forð   uunneono neotan.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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