Part No. 30
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Chapter: XXX 

Verse: 2431    Thô im eft tegegnes   gumono bezta
Verse: 2432    
anduuordi gesprak:   "ni mênde ik elcor uuiht", [quað he,]
Verse: 2433    
"te bidernienne   dâdio mînaro,
Verse: 2434    
uuordo eftha uuerco;   thit sculun gi [uuitan] alle,
Verse: 2435    
iungaron mîne,   huand iu fargeƀen haƀad
Verse: 2436    
uualdand thesaro uueroldes,   that gi uuitan môtun
Verse: 2437    
an iuuuom hugiskeftiun   [himilisc] gerûni;
Verse: 2438    
them ôðrun scal man be biliðiun   that gibod godes
Verse: 2439    
uuordun uuîsien.   Nu uuilliu ik iu te uuârun hier
Verse: 2440    
mârien, huat ik mênde,   that gi mîna thiu bet
Verse: 2441    
oƀar al thit landskepi   lêra farstandan.

Verse: 2442    
That sâd, that ik iu sagda,   that is selƀes uuord,
Verse: 2443    
thiu hêlaga lêra   heƀencuninges,
Verse: 2444    
huô man thea mârien scal   oƀar [thene] middilgard,
Verse: 2445    
uuîdo aftar thesaro uueroldi.   Uueros sind im gihugide,
Verse: 2446    
man mislîco:   sum    [sulican] môd dregid,
Verse: 2447    
harda hugiskefti   endi hrêan seƀon,
Verse: 2448    
that ina ni geuuerðod,   that he it be iuuuon uuordun [due,]
Verse: 2449    
that he [thesa] mîna lêra forð   lêstien uuillie,
Verse: 2450    
ac uuerðad thar farlorana   lêra mîna,
Verse: 2451    
godes ambusni   endi iuuuaro gumono uuord
Verse: 2452    
an themu uƀilon manne,    ik iu êr sagda,
Verse: 2453    
that that korn faruuarð,   that thar mid kîðun ni mahte
Verse: 2454    
an themu stêne uppan   stedihaft uuerðan.

Verse: 2455    
uuirðid al farloran   eðilero sprâka,
Verse: 2456    
ârundi godes,    huat man themu uƀilon manne
Verse: 2457    
uuordun geuuîsid,   endi [he] an thea uuirson hand,
Verse: 2458    
undar fîundo folc   fard gekiusid,
Verse: 2459    
an godes unuuilean   endi an gramono hrôm
Verse: 2460    
endi an fiures [farm].   Forð scal he [hêtean]
Verse: 2461    
mid is breosthugi   brêda logna.

Verse: 2462    
Nio gi an thesumu lande thiu lês   lêra mîna
Verse: 2463    
uuordun ni uuîsiad:   is theses uuerodes filu,
Verse: 2464    
erlo aftar thesaro erðun:   bistêd thar ôðar man,
Verse: 2465    
the is [imu iung] endi glau, -   endi haƀad imu gôdan môd -,
Verse: 2466    
sprâkono spâhi   endi uuêt iuuuaro spello giskêđ,
Verse: 2467    
hugid is than an is herton   endi hôrid thar mid is ôrun [tô]
Verse: 2468    
suîðo niudlîco   endi nâhor stêd,
Verse: 2469    
an is breost hledid   that gibod godes,
Verse: 2470    
lînod endi lêstid:   is is gilôƀo gôd,
Verse: 2471    
talod imu, huô he ôðrana   eft gihuerƀie
Verse: 2472    
[mên]dâdigan man,   that is môd draga
Verse: 2473    
hluttra treuua   te heƀencuninge.

Verse: 2474    
Than brêdid an thes breostun   that gibod godes,
Verse: 2475    
thie luƀigo gilôbo,    an themu lande duod
Verse: 2476    
that korn mid kîðun,   thar it [gikund] haƀad
Verse: 2477    
endi imu thiu [uurð] bihagod   [endi uuederes gang],
Verse: 2478    
regin endi sunne,   that it is reht haƀad.

Verse: 2479    
duod thiu godes lêra   an themu gôdun manne
Verse: 2480    
dages endi nahtes,   endi [gangid] imu    [diuƀal] fer,
Verse: 2481    
uurêða uuihti   endi the uuard godes
Verse: 2482    
nâhor mikilu   [nahtes endi dages],
Verse: 2483    
anttat sie ina brengead,   that thar bêðiu uuirðid
Verse: 2484    
ia thiu lêra te frumu   liudio barnun,
Verse: 2485    
[the] fan is mûðe cumid,   [iac] uuirðid the man gode;
Verse: 2486    
haƀad [giuuehslod]   te [thesaro uuerold]stundu
Verse: 2487    
mid is hugiskeftiun   himilrîkeas gidêl,
Verse: 2488    
uuelono [thene] mêstan:   farid imu an giuuald godes,
Verse: 2489    
[tionuno tômig].   Treuua sind gôda
Verse: 2490    
gumono gehuilicumu,    nis [goldes] hord
Verse: 2491    
gelîk sulicumu gilôƀon.   Uuesad iuuuaro lêrono forð
Verse: 2492    
mancunnie mildie;   sie sind mislîka,
Verse: 2493    
heliðos gehugda:   sum haƀad iro hardan strîd,
Verse: 2494    
uurêðan uuillean,   uuancolna hugi,
Verse: 2495    
is imu fêknes ful   endi firinuuerko.

Verse: 2496    
Than biginnid imu thunkean,   than he undar theru thiodu stâd
Verse: 2497    
endi thar gihôrid   oƀar hlust [mikil]
Verse: 2498    
thea godes lêra,   than thunkid imu, that he sie [gerno forð]
Verse: 2499    
lêstien uuillie;   than biginnid imu thiu [lêra godes]
Verse: 2500    
an is hugi hafton,   anttat imu [than] eft an hand cumid
Verse: 2501    
feho te gifôrea   endi fremiði scat.

Verse: 2502    
Than farlêdead ina   lêða uuihti,
Verse: 2503    
than he imu farfâhid   an fehogiri,
Verse: 2504    
aleskid thene gilôbon:   than uuas imu that luttil fruma,
Verse: 2505    
that he it gio an is hertan [gehugda,]   ef he it halden ne uuili.

Verse: 2506    
That is the uuastom,   the an themu uuege began,
Verse: 2507    
liodan an themu lande:   [thô] farnam ina eft thero liudio fard.

Verse: 2508    
duot [thea] meginsundeon   an [thes] mannes hugi
Verse: 2509    
thea godes lêra,   ef he is ni gômid uuel;
Verse: 2510    
elcor bifelliad sia ina   ferne te boðme,
Verse: 2511    
an thene hêtan hel,   [thar] he [heƀencuninge
Verse: 2512    
ni] uuirđid furður te frumu,   ac ina fîund sculun
Verse: 2513    
[uuîtiu giuuaragean.]   Simla gi mid uuordun forð
Verse: 2514    
lêread an thesumu lande:    *ik can thesaro liudio hugi,
Verse: 2515    
mislîcan muodseƀon   manno cunnies,
Verse: 2516    
uuanda uuîsa   ............

Verse: 2517    
Sum haƀit all te thiu is muod gilâtan   endi [mêr] sorogot,
Verse: 2518    
huô hie that [hord bihalde,   than] huô hie heƀancuninges
Verse: 2519    
uuilleon giuuirkie.   Bethiu thar uuahsan ni mag
Verse: 2520    
that hêlaga gibod godes,   thoh it thar ahafton mugi,
Verse: 2521    
uurtion biuuerpan,   huand it thie uuelo thringit.

Verse: 2522    
samo that crûd endi thie thorn   that corn antfâhat,
Verse: 2523    
uueriat im thena [uuastom],    duot thie uuelo manne:
Verse: 2524    
giheftid is herta,   that hie it gihuggian ni muot,
Verse: 2525    
thie man an is muode,   thes hie mêst bitharf,
Verse: 2526    
huô hie that giuuirkie,   than lang thie hie an thesaro uueroldi ,
Verse: 2527    
that hie ti êuuondage   after muoti
Verse: 2528    
hebbian thuru is hêrren thanc   himiles rîki,
Verse: 2529    
endilôsan uuelon,    that ni [mag] ênig man
Verse: 2530    
uuitan an thesaro uueroldi.   Nio hie uuîdo ni can
Verse: 2531    
te githenkeanne,   thegan an is muode,
Verse: 2532    
that it bihaldan mugi   herta thes mannes,
Verse: 2533    
that hie that ti uuâron uuiti,   huat uualdand god haƀit
Verse: 2534    
guodes gigereuuid,   that all geginuuerd stêð
Verse: 2535    
manno huilicon,    ina hier minniot uuel
Verse: 2536    
endi selƀo te thiu   is seola gihaldit,
Verse: 2537    
that hie an lioht godes   lîðan muoti."

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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