Part No. 33
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Chapter: XXXIII* 

Verse: 2688       [Than] fôr imu an uueg ôðran
Verse: 2689    
Iohannes mid is iungarun,   godes ambahtman,
Verse: 2700    
lêrde thea liudi   langsamane râd,
Verse: 2701    
hêt that sie frume fremidin,   firina farlêtin,
Verse: 2702    
mên endi morðuuerk.   He uuas thar managumu [liof]
Verse: 2703    
gôdaro    gumono.   He sôhte imu thô thene Iudeono cuning,
Verse: 2704    
thene heritogon at hûs,   the hêten [ûuas]
Verse: 2705    
[Erodes aftar] is eldiron,   oƀarmôdig man:
Verse: 2706    
bûide imu be theru brûdi,   thiu êr sînes brôđer uuas,
Verse: 2707    
idis [an êhti,]   anttat he ellior skôc,
Verse: 2708    
uuerold uueslode.   Thô imu that uuîf ginam
Verse: 2709    
the cuning te quenun;   êr uuârun iro kind [ôdan,]
Verse: 2710    
barn be is brôđer.   Thô [bigan] imu thea brûd lahan
Verse: 2711    
Iohannes the gôdo,   quað that it gode uuâri,
Verse: 2712    
uualdande uuiðermôd,   that it ênig uuero frumidi,
Verse: 2713    
that brôđer brûd   an is bed nâmi,
Verse: 2714    
hebbie sie imu te hîuun.   "Ef thu mi hôrien uuili,
Verse: 2715    
gilôƀien mînun lêrun,   ni scalt thu sie leng êgan,
Verse: 2716    
ac mîð ire an thînumu môde:   ni haƀa [thar] sulica minnea ,
Verse: 2717    
ni sundeo thi te suîðo."   Thô uuarð an sorgun hugi
Verse: 2718    
thes uuîƀes aftar them uuordun;   andrêd that he thene uueroldcuning
Verse: 2719    
[sprâcono] gespôni   endi spâhun uuordun,
Verse: 2720    
that he sie farlêti.   Began siu imu thô lêðes filu
Verse: 2721    
râden an rûnon,   endi ine rinkos hêt,
Verse: 2722    
unsundigane   erlos fâhan
Verse: 2723    
endi [ine an ênumu] karkerea   klûstarbendiun,
Verse: 2724    
[liðo]cospun [bilûcan:   be them liudiun ne] gidorstun
Verse: 2725    
[ine] ferahu bilôsien,   huand sie uuârun imu friund alle,
Verse: 2726    
uuissun ine gôden   endi gode uuerðen,
Verse: 2727    
[habdun ina for uuârsagon,    sia uuela mahtun.]
Verse: 2728    
Thô uurðun an themu gêrtale   [Iudeo] cuninges
Verse: 2729    
tîdi cumana,    thar gitald habdun
Verse: 2730    
frôde folcuueros,   [thô] he gifôdid uuas,
Verse: 2731    
an lioht cuman.    uuas thero liudio thau,
Verse: 2732    
that that [erlo] gehuilic   ôƀean scolde,
Verse: 2733    
Iudeono mid gômun.   Thô uuarð thar an thene gastseli
Verse: 2734    
megincraft mikil   manno gesamnod,
Verse: 2735    
[heritogono] an that hûs,   thar iro hêrro uuas
Verse: 2736    
an is kuningstôle.   Quâmun    managa
Verse: 2737    
Iudeon an thene gastseli;   uuarð im thar gladmôd hugi,
Verse: 2738    
blîði an iro breostun:   gisâhun iro bâggeƀon
Verse: 2739    
uuesen an uunneon.   Drôg man uuîn an flet
Verse: 2740    
skîri mid scâlun,   skenkeon huurƀun,
Verse: 2741    
gengun mid goldfatun:   gaman uuas thar inne
Verse: 2742    
hlûd an thero hallu,   heliðos drunkun.

Verse: 2743    
Uuas thes an lustun   landes hirdi,
Verse: 2744    
huat he themu uuerode mêst   te uunniun [gifremidi.]
Verse: 2745    
Hêt he thô gangen forð   gêla thiornun,
Verse: 2746    
is brôder barn,   thar he an is benki sat
Verse: 2747    
uuînu giuulenkid,   endi thô te themu uuîbe sprac;
Verse: 2748    
grôtte sie fora themu gumskepie   endi gerno bad,
Verse: 2749    
that siu thar fora them gastiun   gaman afhôƀi
Verse: 2750    
fagar an flettie:   "lât thit folc sehan,
Verse: 2751    
huô [thu] gelînod haƀas   liudio menegi
Verse: 2752    
te [blîðseanne an] benkiun;   ef thu [mi thera] bede [tugiðos],
Verse: 2753    
mîn uuord for thesumu uuerode,   than uuilliu ik it hêr te uuârun [gequeðen,]
Verse: 2754    
liahto fora thesun liudiun   endi ôk gilêstien ,
Verse: 2755    
that ik thi than aftar thiu   êron uuilliu,
Verse: 2756    
hues thu mi bidis   for thesun mînun bâguuiniun:
Verse: 2757    
thoh thu mi thesaro heridômo   halƀaro fergos,
Verse: 2758    
rîkeas mînes,   [thoh gidôn ik,] that it ênig rinko ni mag
Verse: 2759    
uuordun giuuendien,   endi it scal giuuerðen sô."
Verse: 2760    
Thô uuarð thera magað aftar thiu   môd gihuorƀen,
Verse: 2761    
hugi aftar iro hêrron,   that siu an themu hûse innen,
Verse: 2762    
an themu gastseli   gamen up ahuof,
Verse: 2763    
al thero liudio   landuuîse gidrôg,
Verse: 2764    
thero thiodo thau.   Thiu thiorne spilode
Verse: 2765    
hrôr aftar themu hûse:   hugi uuas an lustun,
Verse: 2766    
[managaro] môdseƀo.   Thô thiu magað habda
Verse: 2767    
githionod te thanke   thiodcuninge
Verse: 2768    
endi allumu themu erlskepie,   [the] thar inne uuas
Verse: 2769    
gôdaro gumono,   siu    uuelde thô ira geƀa êgan,
Verse: 2770    
thiu magað for theru menegi:   geng thô uuið iro môdar sprekan
Verse: 2771    
endi frâgode sie   firiuuitlîco,
Verse: 2772    
hues siu thene [burges] uuard   biddien scoldi.

Verse: 2773    
Thô uuîsde siu aftar iro uuilleon,   hêt that siu uuihtes than êr
Verse: 2774    
ni gerodi for themu gumskepie,   [biûtan] that man iru Iohannes
Verse: 2775    
an theru hallu innan   hôƀid gâƀi
Verse: 2776    
alôsid [af] is lîchamon.   That uuas allun them liudiun harm,
Verse: 2777    
them mannun an iro môde,   thô sie [that] gihôrdun thea magað sprekan;
Verse: 2778    
uuas it ôk themu kuninge:   he ni mahte is quidi liagan,
Verse: 2779    
is uuord uuendien:   hêt thô is uuêpanberand
Verse: 2780    
gangen fan themu gastseli   endi hêt thene godes man
Verse: 2781    
lîƀu bilôsien.   Thô ni uuas lang te thiu,
Verse: 2782    
that man an thea halla   hôƀid brâhte
Verse: 2783    
thes thiodgumon,   endi it thar theru thiornun fargaf,
Verse: 2784    
magað for theru menegi:   siu drôg it theru môder forð.

Verse: 2785    
Thô uuas êndago   allaro manno
Verse: 2786    
thes uuîsoston,   [thero the gio] an thesa uuerold [quâmi],
Verse: 2787    
thero the quene ênig   kind [gibâri],
Verse: 2788    
idis fan erle,   lêt man simla then [ênon] biforan,
Verse: 2789    
the thiu thiorne [gidrôg],   [the] gio thegnes ni uuarð
Verse: 2790    
uuîs an iro uueroldi,   [biûtan] ine uualdand god
Verse: 2791    
fan heƀenuuange   hêlages gêstes
Verse: 2792    
gimarcode mahtig:   the ni habde [ênigan] gimacon huergin
Verse: 2793    
êr nec aftar.   Erlos huurƀun,
Verse: 2794    
gumon umbi [Iohannen],   is iungaron managa,
Verse: 2795    
sâlig gesîði,   endi ine an sande bigrôƀun,
Verse: 2796    
leoƀes lîchamon:   uuissun that he lioht godes,
Verse: 2797    
diurlîcan [drôm]   mid is drohtine [samad,
Verse: 2798    
upôdas hêm]   êgan môste,
Verse: 2799    
sâlig sôkean.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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