Part No. 35
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Chapter: XXXV 

Verse: 2899    Thô telêt that liuduuerod   aftar themu lande allumu,
Verse: 2900    
tefôr folc mikil,   sîðor iro frâho giuuêt
Verse: 2901    
an that gebirgi uppan,   barno rîkeost,
Verse: 2902    
uualdand an is uuilleon.   Thô te thes uuatares staðe
Verse: 2903    
samnodun thea gesîðos Cristes,   the he imu habde selƀo gicorane,
Verse: 2904    
sie tueliƀi thurh iro treuua gôda:   ni uuas im tueho nigiean,
Verse: 2905    
neƀu sie an [that] godes thionost   gerno uueldin
Verse: 2906    
oƀar thene sêo sîðon.   Thô lêtun [sie suîðean] strôm,
Verse: 2907    
[hôh hurnidskip]   hluttron ûðeon,
Verse: 2908    
skêðan [skîr] uuater.   Skrêd lioht dages,
Verse: 2909    
[sunne] uuarð an sedle;   the [sêolîðandean]
Verse: 2910    
naht [neƀulo] biuuarp;   nâðidun erlos
Verse: 2911    
forðuuardes an flôd;   uuarð thiu fiorðe tid
Verse: 2912    
thera nahtes cuman   - [neriendo] Crist
Verse: 2913    
uuarode [thea uuâglîðand -:]   thô uuarð uuind mikil,
Verse: 2914    
hôh uueder [afhaƀen:]   hlamodun ûðeon,
Verse: 2915    
[strôm] an [stamne;]   strîdiun feridun
Verse: 2916    
thea uueros uuiðer uuinde,   uuas im uurêð hugi,
Verse: 2917    
seƀo sorgono ful:   selƀon ni uuândun
Verse: 2918    
[lagulîðandea]   an land cumen
Verse: 2919    
thurh thes uuederes geuuin.   Thô gisâhun sie uualdand Krist
Verse: 2920    
an themu sêe uppan   selƀun gangan,
Verse: 2921    
faran an fâðion:   ni mahte an thene flôd innan,
Verse: 2922    
an thene sêo sincan,   huand ine is selƀes craft
Verse: 2923    
hêlag anthabde.   Hugi uuarð an forhtun,
Verse: 2924    
thero [manno] môdseƀo:   andrêdun that it im mahtig fîund
Verse: 2925    
te [gidroge] dâdi.   Thô sprak im iro drohtin ,
Verse: 2926    
hêlag heƀencuning,   endi sagde im that [he] iro hêrro uuas
Verse: 2927    
mâri endi mahtig:      "nu gi môdes sculun
Verse: 2928    
fastes fâhen;   ne iu forht hugi,
Verse: 2929    
[gibâriad] gi baldlîco:   ik bium that barn godes,
Verse: 2930    
is selƀes sunu,   the iu uuið thesumu sêe scal,
Verse: 2931    
mundon uuið thesan meristrôm."   Thô sprac imu ên thero manno angegin
Verse: 2932    
oƀar bord skipes,   [baruuirðig] gumo,
Verse: 2933    
Petrus [the] gôdo   - ni uuelde pîne tholon,
Verse: 2934    
uuatares uuîti -:   "ef thu it uualdand sîs", quað he,
Verse: 2935    
"hêrro the gôdo,    mi an mînumu hugi thunkit,
Verse: 2936    
[hêt] mi than tharod gangan te thi   oƀar thesen geƀenes strôm,
Verse: 2937    
[drokno] oƀar diap uuater,   ef thu mîn drohtin sîs,
Verse: 2938    
managoro mundboro."   Thô hêt ine mahtig Crist
Verse: 2939    
gangan imu tegegnes.   He uuarð garu sâno,
Verse: 2940    
stôp [af] themu stamne   endi strîdiun geng
Verse: 2941    
forð te is [frôian].   [Thiu] flôd anthabde
Verse: 2942    
thene man thurh maht godes,   antat he [imu] an is môde bigan
Verse: 2943    
andrâden diap uuater,   thô he drîƀen gisah
Verse: 2944    
thene uuêg mid uuindu:   uundun ina [ûðeon],
Verse: 2945    
[hôh] strôm umbihring.   Reht he thô an is hugi tuehode,
Verse: 2946    
uuêk imu that uuater under,   endi he an thene uuâg innan,
Verse: 2947    
sank an thene sêostrôm,   endi [he] hriop sân aftar thiu
Verse: 2948    
[gâhon] te themu godes sunie   endi gerno bad,
Verse: 2949    
that he ine thô [generidi,   thô] he an [nôdiun] uuas,
Verse: 2950    
thegan an gethuinge.   Thiodo drohtin
Verse: 2951    
antfeng ine [mid] is faðmun   endi frâgode sâna,
Verse: 2952    
te huî he [thô getuehodi:]   "huat, thu [mahtes] getrûoian uuel,
Verse: 2953    
uuiten that te uuârun,   that [thi] uuatares [craft]
Verse: 2954    
an themu sêe innen   thînes sîðes ni mahte,
Verse: 2955    
lagustrôm [gilettien],    lango thu [habdes] gelôƀon te mi
Verse: 2956    
an thînumu [hugi] hardo.   Nu uuilliu ik thi an helpun uuesen,
Verse: 2957    
[nerien thi] an thesaru nôdi".   Thô nam ine    alomahtig,
Verse: 2958    
hêlag bi handun:   thô uuarð imu eft hlutter uuater
Verse: 2959    
fast under fôtun,   endi sie an fâði samad
Verse: 2960    
bêðea gengun,   antat sie oƀar bord skipes
Verse: 2961    
stôpun [fan] themu strôme,   [endi] an themu stamne gesat
Verse: 2962    
allaro barno bezt.   Thô [uuarð] brêd uuater,
Verse: 2963    
strômos gestillid,   endi sie te staðe quâmun,
Verse: 2964    
lagulîðandea   an land [samen]
Verse: 2965    
thurh [thes] uuateres geuuin,   [sagdun tho] uualdande thanc,
Verse: 2966    
diurden [iro] drohtin   dâdiun endi uuordun,
Verse: 2967    
fellun imu te fôtun   endi filu sprâkun
Verse: 2968    
uuîsaro uuordo,   quâðun that sie uuissin garo,
Verse: 2969    
that he uuâri selƀo   sunu drohtines
Verse: 2970    
uuâr an thesaru uueroldi   endi geuuald habdi
Verse: 2971    
oƀar middilgard,   endi that he mahti allaro manno gihues
Verse: 2972    
ferahe giformon,   [al] he [im] an themu flôde dede
Verse: 2973    
uuið thes uuatares geuuin.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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