Part No. 40
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Chapter: XL 

Verse: 3223        lêrde the hêlago Crist
Verse: 3224    
thea is gôdon iungaron:   "ef ênig gumono uuið iu", quað he,
Verse: 3225    
"sundea geuuirkea,   than nim thu ina sundar te thi,
Verse: 3226    
thene rink an rûna   endi imu is [râd] saga,
Verse: 3227    
uuîsi imu mid uuordun.   [Ef] imu [than] thes [uuerð] ne ,
Verse: 3228    
that he thi gihôrie,   hala [thi] thar [ôðara]
Verse: 3229    
gôdaro gumono,   endi lah imu is grimmun uuerc,
Verse: 3230    
sak ina sôðuuordun.   Ef imu than is sundea aftar thiu,
Verse: 3231    
[lôsuuerc] ni lêðon,   [giduo] it ôðrun liudiun cûð,
Verse: 3232    
mâri it than for menegi   endi lât manno filu
Verse: 3233    
uuiten is faruurhti:   ôðo [beginnad] imu than is uuerk tregan,
Verse: 3234    
an [is] hugi hreuuen,   than [he] it gihôrid heliðo filu,
Verse: 3235    
[ahton] eldibarn   endi imu is uƀilon dâd
Verse: 3236    
[uueread] mid uuordun.   Ef he than ôk uuendien ne [uuili],
Verse: 3237    
ac [farmôdat] sulica menegi,   than lât thu thene man faren,
Verse: 3238    
haƀa ina than far hêðinen   endi lât ina thi an thînumu hugi lêðen,
Verse: 3239    
mîð is an thînumu môde,   ne that imu eft mildi god,
Verse: 3240    
hêr heƀencuning   helpe farlîhe,
Verse: 3241    
fader allaro [firiho] barno."   Thô frâgode Petrus,
Verse: 3242    
allaro thegno bezt   theodan sînan:
Verse: 3243    
"huô oft scal ik them mannun,   the uuið mi habbiad
Verse: 3244    
lêðuuerk giduan,   leoƀo drohtin,
Verse: 3245    
scal ik im siƀun sîðun   iro sundea [alâten,]
Verse: 3246    
uurêðaro uuerko,   êr [than] ik is êniga uurêka frummie,
Verse: 3247    
lêðes te lône?"   Thô sprak eft the landes uuard,
Verse: 3248    
[angegin] the godes sunu   gôdumu thegne:
Verse: 3249    
"ni seggiu ik thi fan siƀuniun,    thu selƀo sprikis,
Verse: 3250    
mahlis mid thînu mûðu,   ik duom thi mêra thar :
Verse: 3251    
siƀun sîðun siƀuntig    scalt thu sundea gehuemu,
Verse: 3252    
lêðes alâten:    uuilliu ik thi te lêrun geƀen
Verse: 3253    
uuordun uuârfastun.   Nu ik thi sulica giuuald fargaf,
Verse: 3254    
that thu mînes hîuuiskes   hêrost uuâris,
Verse: 3255    
manages mannkunnies,   nu scalt thu im mildi uuesen,
Verse: 3256    
liudiun lîði."   Thô thar te themu lêreande quam
Verse: 3257    
ên iung man angegin   endi frâgode [Iesu] Crist:
Verse: 3258    
"mêster the gôdo", quað he,   "huat scal ik [manages] duan,
Verse: 3259    
[an thiu the ik] heƀenrîki   [gehalan] môti?"
Verse: 3260    
Habde imu ôduuelon   allen geuunnen,
Verse: 3261    
mêðomhord manag,   thoh he mildean hugi
Verse: 3262    
bâri an is breostun.   Thô sprak imu that barn godes:
Verse: 3263    
"huat quiðis thu umbi [gôdon?]   nis that gumono ênig
Verse: 3264    
biûtan the êno,   the thar al gescôp,
Verse: 3265    
uuerold endi uunnea.   Ef thu is uuillean haƀas,
Verse: 3266    
that thu an lioht godes   lîðan môtis,
Verse: 3267    
than scalt thu bihalden   thea hêlagon lêra,
Verse: 3268    
[the] thar an themu aldon   êuua gebiudid,
Verse: 3269    
that thu man ni slah,   ni thu mênes ni sueri,
Verse: 3270    
[farlegarnessi] farlât   endi luggi geuuitskepi,
Verse: 3271    
strîd endi stulina;   ne uuis thu te stark an hugi,
Verse: 3272    
ne nîðin ne hatul,   ni nôdrôf ni [fremi;]
Verse: 3273    
aƀunst alla farlât;   uuis thînun eldirun gôd,
Verse: 3274    
fader endi môder,   endi thînun [friundun] hold,
Verse: 3275    
them nâhistun ginâðig.   Than thu [thi] giniodon môst
Verse: 3276    
[himilo rîkeas,]   ef thu it bihalden uuili,
Verse: 3277    
fulgangan godes lêrun."   Thô sprak eft the iungo man
Verse: 3278    
"al hebbiu ik gilêstid", quað he,      "sô thu mi lêris nu,
Verse: 3279    
uuordun uuîsis,    ik is eo uuiht ni farlêt
Verse: 3280    
fan mînero kindiski."   Thô bigan ina Crist sehan
Verse: 3281    
an mid is ôgun:   "ên is thar noh nu", quað he,
Verse: 3282    
"uuan thero uuerko:   ef thu is uuilleon haƀas,
Verse: 3283    
that thu [thurhfremid]   thionon môtis
Verse: 3284    
hêrron thînumu,   than scalt [thu] that thîn hord nimen,
Verse: 3285    
scalt thînan ôduuelon   allan farcôpien,
Verse: 3286    
diurie mêðmos,   endi dêlien hêt
Verse: 3287    
armun mannun:   than haƀas [thu] aftar thiu
Verse: 3288    
hord an himile;   cum thi than gihalden te mi,
Verse: 3289    
folgo thi mînaro ferdi:   than haƀas thu friðu sîður."
Verse: 3290    
Thô uurðun Kristes [uuord]   kindiungumu manne
Verse: 3291    
suîðo an sorgun,   uuas imu sêr hugi,
Verse: 3292    
môd umbi herte:   habde mêðmo filu,
Verse: 3293    
uuelono geuunnen;   uuende imu eft thanen,
Verse: 3294    
uuas imu unôðo   [innan] breostun,
Verse: 3295    
an is seƀon suâro.   Sah imu aftar thô
Verse: 3296    
Krist alouualdo,   quað it thô, thar he uuelde,
Verse: 3297    
te them [is] iungarun geginuuardun,   that uuâri an godes rîki
Verse: 3298    
unôði ôdagumu manne   up te cumanne:
Verse: 3299    
"ôður mag man olbundeon,   thoh he unmet grôt,
Verse: 3300    
thurh nâðlan gat,   thoh [it] naru suîðo,
Verse: 3301    
sâftur thurhslôpien,   than mugi cuman thiu siole te himile
Verse: 3302    
thes [ôdagan] mannes,   the hêr al haƀad
Verse: 3303    
giuuendid an thene uueroldscat   uuilleon sînen,
Verse: 3304    
môdgithâhti,   endi ni hugid umbi thie maht godes."

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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