Part No. 49
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Chapter: XLIX 

Verse: 4025    Thô them uuîbun uuas   uuilleono mêsta
Verse: 4026    
cumi drohtines   endi Cristes uuord
Verse: 4027    
te gihôrienne.   Heoƀandi geng
Verse: 4028    
Martha [môdkarag]   uuið mahtigne
Verse: 4029    
uuordun uuehslan   endi uuið uualdand sprak
Verse: 4030    
an iro hugi hriuuig:   "thar thu mi, hêrro mîn", quað siu,
Verse: 4031    
"neriendero bezt,   nâhor uuâris,
Verse: 4032    
hêleand the gôdo,   than ni thorfti ik [nu] sulic harm tholon,
Verse: 4033    
bittra breostkara,   than ni uuâri nu mîn brôđer dôd,
Verse: 4034    
Lazarus fan thesumu liohte,   ac he [imu mahti] libbien forð
Verse: 4035    
ferahes gefullid.   Ik thoh, frô mîn, te thi
Verse: 4036    
liohto gilôƀiu,   lêriandero bezt,
Verse: 4037    
hues thu biddien uuili   berhton drohtin,
Verse: 4038    
that he it thi sân fargiƀid,   god alomahtig,
Verse: 4039    
giuuerðot thînan uuillean."   Thô sprak eft uualdand Krist
Verse: 4040    
theru idis [anduuordi:]   "ni lât thu thi an innan thes", quað he,
Verse: 4041    
"thînan seƀon suerkan:   ik thi seggian mag
Verse: 4042    
uuârun uuordun,   that thes nis giuuand ênig,
Verse: 4043    
[neƀu] thîn brôðer scal   thurh gibod godes,
Verse: 4044    
thurh drohtines craft   fan dôđe astanden
Verse: 4045    
an is lîchamon."   "All hebbiu ik gilôƀon ", quað siu,
Verse: 4046    
"that it giuuerðen scal,    huan thius uuerold endiod
Verse: 4047    
endi the mâreo dag   oƀar man ferid,
Verse: 4048    
that he than fan erðu scal   up astanden
Verse: 4049    
an themu [dômes] daga,   than uuerðad fan dôđe quica
Verse: 4050    
thurh maht godes   mankunnies gehuilic,
Verse: 4051    
arîsad fan restu."      Thô sagde [rîkeo] Krist
Verse: 4052    
theru idis alomahtig   oponun uuordun,
Verse: 4053    
that he selƀo uuas   sunu [drohtines],
Verse: 4054    
[bêðiu ia lîf ia lioht]   liudio [barnon]
Verse: 4055    
te astandanne:   "nio the [sterƀen] ni scal,
Verse: 4056    
lîf farliosen,   the hêr gilôƀid te mi:
Verse: 4057    
thoh ina eldibarn   erðu bithekkien,
Verse: 4058    
diapo bidelƀen,   nis he dôd thiu mêr:
Verse: 4059    
that flêsk is bifolhen,   that ferah is gihalden,
Verse: 4060    
is thiu siola gisund."   Thô sprak imu eft sân angegin
Verse: 4061    
that uuîf mid iro uuordun:   "ik gilôƀiu that thu the uuâro bist", quað siu,
Verse: 4062    
"[Krist godes sunu:]   that mag man antkennien uuel,
Verse: 4063    
uuiten an thînun uuordun,   that thu giuuald haƀes
Verse: 4064    
thurh thiu hêlagon giscapu   himiles endi erðun."
Verse: 4065    
Thô gefragn ik that [thar thero idisio quam]   ôðar gangan
Verse: 4066    
Maria môdkarag:   gengun iro managa aftar
Verse: 4067    
Iudeo [liudi.]   Thô siu themu godes barne
Verse: 4068    
sagde sêragmôd,   huat iru te sorgun gistôd
Verse: 4069    
an iro hugi harmes:   hofnu kûmde
Verse: 4070    
Lazaruses farlust,   liaƀes mannes,
Verse: 4071    
griat gornundi,   antat themu godes barne
Verse: 4072    
hugi uuarð gihrôrid:   hête trahni
Verse: 4073    
uuôpu [auuellun],   endi thô te them uuîƀun sprac,
Verse: 4074    
hêt ina thô lêdien,   thar Lazarus uuas
Verse: 4075    
[foldu] bifolhen.   Lag thar ên felis bioƀan,
Verse: 4076    
hard stên behliden.   Thô hêt the hêlago Crist
Verse: 4077    
antlûcan thea [lêia,]   that he môsti that lîk sehan,
Verse: 4078    
hrêo scauuoien.   Thô ni mahte [an] iro hugi mîðan
Verse: 4079    
[Martha] for theru menegi,   uuið mahtigne sprak:
Verse: 4080    
"frô mîn the gôdo", quað siu,   "ef man thene felis nimid,
Verse: 4081    
thene stên antlûkid,   than uuâniu ik that thanen stank kume,
Verse: 4082    
unsuôti suek,   huand ik thi seggian mag
Verse: 4083    
uuârun uuordun,   that thes nis giuuand ênig,
Verse: 4084    
[that] he thar nu bifolhen uuas   fiuuuar naht endi dagos
Verse: 4085    
an themu erðgraƀe."   Anduuordi gaf
Verse: 4086    
uualdand    themu uuîbe:   "huat, [ni] sagde ik thi te uuârun [êr]", quað he,
Verse: 4087    
"ef thu gilôƀien uuili,   than nis nu lang te thiu,
Verse: 4088    
[that] thu hêr antkennien scalt   craft drohtines,
Verse: 4089    
the mikilon maht godes?"   Thô gengun manage ,
Verse: 4090    
afhôƀun harden stên.   Thô sah the hêlago Crist
Verse: 4091    
up mid is ôgun,   ôlat sagde
Verse: 4092    
themu the these uuerold giscôp,   "thes thu mîn uuord gihôris", [quað he],
Verse: 4093    
["sigidrohtin selƀo;   ik uuêt that thu simlun duos,
Verse: 4094    
ac ik duom it be thesumu grôton   Iudeono folke,]
Verse: 4095    
that sie that te uuârun uuitin,   that thu mi an [these] uuerold [sendes]
Verse: 4096    
thesun liudiun te lêrun."   Thô he te Lazaruse hriop
Verse: 4097    
starkaru [stemniu]   endi hêt ina [standen up]
Verse: 4098    
ia fan themu graƀe gangan.   Thô uuarð the gêst kumen
Verse: 4099    
an thene lîchamon:   [he] bigan is liði hrôrien,
Verse: 4100    
antuuarp undar themu giuuêdie:   uuas imo [sô] beuunden thô noh,
Verse: 4101    
an hrêobeddion bihelid.   Hêt imu helpen thô
Verse: 4102    
uualdandeo Krist.   Uueros gengun ,
Verse: 4103    
antuundun that geuuâdi.   [Uuânum] up arês
Verse: 4104    
Lazarus te thesumu liohte:   uuas imu is lîf fargeƀen,
Verse: 4105    
that he is [aldarlagu]   êgan [môsti],
Verse: 4106    
friðu forðuuardes.   Thô fagonadun bêðea,
Verse: 4107    
Maria endi Martha:   ni mag that man ôðrumu
Verse: 4108    
giseggian te sôðe,   huô thea gesuester tuô
Verse: 4109    
[mendiodun] an iro môde.   Maneg uundrode
Verse: 4110    
Iudeo liudio,   thô sie ina fan themu graƀe sâhun
Verse: 4111    
sîðon gesunden,   thene the êr suht farnam
Verse: 4112    
endi sie bidulƀun   diapo undar [erðu]
Verse: 4113    
lîƀes lôsen:   thô môste imu libbien forð
Verse: 4114    
hêl an hêmun.    mag heƀenkuninges,
Verse: 4115    
thiu mikile maht godes   manno gehuilikes
Verse: 4116    
ferahe giformon   endi [uuið] fîundo [nîđ]
Verse: 4117    
hêlag helpen,    huemu he is huldi fargiƀid.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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