Part No. 60
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Chapter: LX 

Verse: 5039    Be thiu [nis] mannes bâg   [mikilun bitherƀi,]
Verse: 5040    
[hagustaldes] hrôm:   ef imu thiu helpe godes
Verse: 5041    
gesuîkid thurh is [sundeon,]   than is imu sân aftar thiu
Verse: 5042    
breosthugi blôðora,   thoh he êr bihêt spreca,
Verse: 5043    
hrômie    fan is [hildi]   endi fan is handcrafti,
Verse: 5044    
the man fan is megine.   That uuarð thar an themu mâreon skîn,
Verse: 5045    
thegno bezton,   thô imu is thiodanes gisuêk
Verse: 5046    
hêlag helpe.   Bethiu ni scoldi hrômien man
Verse: 5047    
te suîðo fan imu selƀon,   huand imu thar suîkid oft
Verse: 5048    
uuân endi uuilleo,   ef imu uualdand god,
Verse: 5049    
hêr heƀenkuning   [herte] ni sterkit.

Verse: 5050    
Than bêd allaro barno bezt,   bendi tholode
Verse: 5051    
thurh mancunni.   Huurƀun ina managa umbi
Verse: 5052    
[Iudeono] liudi,   sprâcun gelp mikil,
Verse: 5053    
[habdun] ina te hosca,   thar he [giheftid] stôd,
Verse: 5054    
tholode [mid] gethuldiun,    huat imu thiu [thiod] deda,
Verse: 5055    
liudi lêðes.   Thô uuarð eft lioht cuman,
Verse: 5056    
morgan te mannun.   Manag samnoda
Verse: 5057    
heri Iudeono:   habdun im hugi uulƀo,
Verse: 5058    
inuuid an innan.   Uuarð thar êosago
Verse: 5059    
an morgantîd   manag gisamnod
Verse: 5060    
irri endi ênhard,   inuuideas gern,
Verse: 5061    
uurêðes uuillean.   Gengun im an [uuarf] samad
Verse: 5062    
rinkos an rûna,   bigunnun im râdan thô,
Verse: 5063    
huô sie [geuuîsadin]   mid uuârlôsun,
Verse: 5064    
mannun [mêngeuuitun]   an mahtigna Crist
Verse: 5065    
te giseggianne sundea   thurh is selƀes uuord,
Verse: 5066    
that sie ina than te uunderquâlu   uuêgean môstin,
Verse: 5067    
adêlien te dôđe.   Sie ni mahtun an themu dage finden
Verse: 5068    
uurêð geuuitscepi,   that sie imu uuîti bethiu
Verse: 5069    
adêlien [gidorstin]   eftha dôð frummien,
Verse: 5070    
lîƀu bilôsien.   Thô quâmun thar [at laztan] forđ
Verse: 5071    
an thena [uuarf] uuero   uuârlôse man
Verse: 5072    
tuêne gangan   endi bigunnun im tellien an,
Verse: 5073    
quâðun that sie ina selƀon   seggian gihôrdin,
Verse: 5074    
that he [mahti] teuuerpen   thena uuîh godes,
Verse: 5075    
allaro hûso hôhost   endi thurh is handmegin,
Verse: 5076    
thurh is ênes craft   up arihtien
Verse: 5077    
an thriddion daga,    is [elcor] ni thorfti    bethîhan man.

Verse: 5078    
He thagoda endi tholoda:   ni sprak imu io thiu [thiod] filu,
Verse: 5079    
thea liudi mid luginun,   that he it mid lêðun angegin
Verse: 5080    
uuordun [uurâki].   Thô thar undar themu uuerode arês
Verse: 5081    
baluhugdig man,   biscop thero liudio,
Verse: 5082    
the furisto thes folkes   endi frâgode Krist
Verse: 5083    
iac ina be imu selƀon bisuôr   suîðon êðun,
Verse: 5084    
grôtte ina an godes namon   endi gerno bad,
Verse: 5085    
that he im that gisagdi,   ef he sunu uuâri
Verse: 5086    
thes libbiendies [godes]:   "thes thit lioht gescôp,
Verse: 5087    
Krist cuning êuuig.   Uui ni mugun is [antkiennien] uuiht
Verse: 5088    
ne an thînun uuordun ni an thînun uuerkun."   Thô sprak imu eft the uuâro angegin,
Verse: 5089    
the gôdo godes sunu:   "thu quiðis it for thesun Iudeon nu,
Verse: 5090    
sôðlîco segis,   that ik it selƀo bium.

Verse: 5091    
Thes ni gilôƀiad mi these liudi:   ni uuilliad mi forlâtan bethiu;
Verse: 5092    
ni sind im [mîn] uuord uuirðig.   Nu seggiu ik iu te uuârun thoh,
Verse: 5093    
that gi noh sculun sittien gisehan   an [the] suîðaron half godes
Verse: 5094    
mârean mannes sunu,   an megincrafte
Verse: 5095    
thes alouualden fader,   endi thanan eft kuman
Verse: 5096    
an himiluuolcnun herod   endi allumu heliðo cunnie
Verse: 5097    
mid is uuordun adêlien,   al iro geuurhti sind."
Verse: 5098    
Tho balg ina [the] biscop,   habde bittren hugi,
Verse: 5099    
uurêðida [uuið] themu [uuorde]   endi is giuuâdi slêt,
Verse: 5100    
brak for is breostun:   "nu ni thurƀun gi bîdan leng", quað he,
Verse: 5101    
"thit uuerod geuuitscepies,   nu im [sulic] uuord farad,
Verse: 5102    
mênsprâca fan is mûðe.   That gihôrid [hêr nu] manno filu,
Verse: 5103    
rinko an thesumu rakude,   that he ina rîkean telit,
Verse: 5104    
gihid that he god sî.   Huat uuilliad gi Iudeon thes
Verse: 5105    
adêlien te dôme?   Is he dôðes [nu]
Verse: 5106    
uuirðig be sulicun uuordun?"

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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