Part No. 62
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Chapter: LXII 

Verse: 5171    Than bêd that barn godes   - bendi tholode
Verse: 5172    
an themu thinghûse -,   huan êr thiu [thiod] under im,
Verse: 5173    
erlos ênuuordie   alle uurðin,
Verse: 5174    
huat sie imu [than] te ferahquâlu   [frummian uueldin.]
Verse: 5175    
[Thô thar] an them benkiun arês   bodo kêsures
Verse: 5176    
fan Rûmuburg   endi geng imu uuið that rîki Iudeono
Verse: 5177    
môdag mahlien,   thar thiu menigi stôd
Verse: 5178    
aftar themu hoƀe [huarƀon:]   ni uueldun an that hûs kuman
Verse: 5179    
an themu paschadage.   Pilatus bigan
Verse: 5180    
frôkno frâgon   oƀar that folc Iudeono,
Verse: 5181    
mid huiu the man habdi   morđes gisculdit,
Verse: 5182    
uuîties giuuerkot:   "be huî gi imu uurêðe sind,
Verse: 5183    
an iuuuomu hugea hôtie?"   Sie quâðun that he im habdi harmes filu,
Verse: 5184    
lêðes gilêstid:   "ni gâƀin ina thesa liudi thi,
Verse: 5185    
thar sie ina êr biforan   uƀilan ni uuissin,
Verse: 5186    
uuordun faruuarhten.   He haƀat theses uuerodes filu
Verse: 5187    
farlêdid mid is lêrun   - endi thesa liudi merrid,
Verse: 5188    
dôit im iro hugi tuîflien -,   that uui ni môtun te themu hoƀe kêsures
Verse: 5189    
tinsi gelden;   that mugun uui ina gitellien an
Verse: 5190    
mid uuâru geuuitscepi.   He sprikid ôk uuord mikil,
Verse: 5191    
quiðit that he Crist ,   kuning oƀar thit rîki,
Verse: 5192    
begihit ina grôtes."   Thô im [eft] tegegnes sprak
Verse: 5193    
bodo kêsures:   "ef he barlîco", quað he,
Verse: 5194    
"under thesaru menigi   mênuuerk frumid,
Verse: 5195    
antfâhad ina than eft under iuuue folcscepi,   ef he is ferhes scolo,
Verse: 5196    
endi imu adêliad,   ef he dôđes uuerð,
Verse: 5197    
it an iuuuaro aldrono   êo gebiode."
Verse: 5198    
Sie quâðun thô, that sie ni môstin   manno [nigênumu]
Verse: 5199    
an [thea] hêlagon tîd   te [handbanon],
Verse: 5200    
[uuerðen mid uuâpnun   an themu uuîhdage.]
Verse: 5201    
Thô uuende ina fan themu uuerode   uurêðhugdig man,
Verse: 5202    
thegan kêsures,   [the] oƀar thea thioda uuas
Verse: 5203    
bodo fan [Rûmuburg] -:   hêt imu thô that barn godes
Verse: 5204    
nâhor gangan   endi [ina] niudlîco,
Verse: 5205    
frâgoda frôkno,   ef he oƀar that folc kuning
Verse: 5206    
thes uuerodes uuâri.   Thô habde eft    is uuord garu
Verse: 5207    
sunu drohtines:   "hueðer thu that fan thi selƀumu sprikis", quað he,
Verse: 5208    
"the it thi ôðre hêr   erlos sagdun,
Verse: 5209    
quâðun umbi mînan kuningduom?"   Thô sprak eft [the] kêsures bodo
Verse: 5210    
uulank endi uurêðmôd,   thar he uuið uualdand Krist
Verse: 5211    
reðiode an them rakude:   "ni bium ik theses rîkies hinan", quað he,
Verse: 5212    
"Giudeo liudio,   ni gadoling thîn,
Verse: 5213    
thesaro manno mâguuini,   ac mi thi thius menigi bifalah,
Verse: 5214    
agâƀun thi thîna gadulingos [mi],   Iudeo liudi,
Verse: 5215    
[haftan] te handun.   Huat haƀas thu harmes giduan,
Verse: 5216    
that thu [bittro] scalt   bendi [tholoian,
Verse: 5217    
qualm] undar thînumu kunnie?"   Thô sprak [imu eft Krist] angegin,
Verse: 5218    
hêlendero bezt,   thar he giheftid stôd
Verse: 5219    
an themu rakude innan:   "nis mîn rîki hinan", quað he,
Verse: 5220    
"fan thesaru uueroldstundu.   Ef it [thoh] uuâri ,
Verse: 5221    
than uuârin starkmôde   uuiðer strîdhugi,
Verse: 5222    
uuiðer grama thioda   iungaron mîne,
Verse: 5223    
man mi ni gâƀi   Iudeo liudiun,
Verse: 5224    
hettendiun an hand   an herubendiun
Verse: 5225    
te uuêgeanne te uundrun.   Te thiu uuarð ik an thesaru uueroldi giboran,
Verse: 5226    
that ik geuuitscepi [giu   uuâres] thinges
Verse: 5227    
mid mînun kumiun kûðdi.   That mugun antkennien uuel
Verse: 5228    
the uueros, the sind fan uuâre kumane:   the mugun mîn uuord farstanden,
Verse: 5229    
[gilôƀien] mînun lêrun."   Thô ni mahte lasteres uuiht
Verse: 5230    
an them barne godes   bodo kêsures,
Verse: 5231    
findan [fêknea] uuord,   that he is ferhes bethiu
Verse: 5232    
sculdig uuâri.   Thô geng he im eft uuið thea scola Iudeono
Verse: 5233    
môdag mahlien   endi theru menigi sagde
Verse: 5234    
oƀar hlust mikil,   that he an themu hafton manne
Verse: 5235    
sulica firinsprâka   finden ni mahti
Verse: 5236    
[for them folcscipie],    he uuâri is ferhes scolo,
Verse: 5237    
dôđes uuirðig.   Than stôdun dolmôde
Verse: 5238    
Iudeo liudi   endi thane godes sunu
Verse: 5239    
uuordun    uurôgdun:   quâðun that he giuuer êrist
Verse: 5240    
begunni an [Galileo lande,]   "endi oƀar Iudeon fôr
Verse: 5241    
heroduuardes thanan,   hugi [tuîflode,]
Verse: 5242    
manno môdseƀon,    he is morđes uuerð,
Verse: 5243    
that man ina [uuîtnoie]   uuâpnes eggiun,
Verse: 5244    
ef eo [man] mid sulicun dâdiun mag   dôđes gesculdien."

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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