Part No. 63
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Chapter: LXIII 

Verse: 5245     uurôgdun ina mid uuordun   uuerod Iudeono
Verse: 5246    
thurh hôtean hugi.   Thô the heritogo,
Verse: 5247    
slîðmôdig man   seggian gihôrde,
Verse: 5248    
fan huilicumu kunnie [uuas]   Krist afôdid,
Verse: 5249    
manno the bezto:   he uuas fan theru mârean [thiadu],
Verse: 5250    
the [gôdo] fan [Galilealande;]   thar uuas gumscepi
Verse: 5251    
eðiliero manno;   Erodes biheld [thar]
Verse: 5252    
[craftagne] kuningdôm,    ina imu the kêsur [fargaf],
Verse: 5253    
the rîkeo fan Rûmu,   that he thar rehto gehuilic
Verse: 5254    
gefrumidi undar themu folke   endi friðu lêsti,
Verse: 5255    
dômos adêldi.   He uuas ôk an themu dage selƀo
Verse: 5256    
an Hierusalem   mid is gumscepi,
Verse: 5257    
mid is uuerode [at] themu uuîhe:    uuas iro uuîse than,
Verse: 5258    
that sie thar [thia hêlagun tîd   haldan] scoldun,
Verse: 5259    
[pascha] Iudeono.   Pilatus gibôd thô,
Verse: 5260    
that thena hafton man   heliðos nâmin
Verse: 5261    
[gibundanan],   that barn godes,
Verse: 5262    
[hêt] that sie ina Erodese,   erlos brâhtin
Verse: 5263    
haften te handun,   huand he fan is heriscepi uuas,
Verse: 5264    
fan is uuerodes geuuald.   Uuîgand frumidun
Verse: 5265    
iro hêrron uuord:   hêlagne Krist
Verse: 5266    
fôrdun an fiteriun   for thena folctogun,
Verse: 5267    
allaro barno bezt,   thero the io [giboren] uurði
Verse: 5268    
an liudio lioht;   an liðubendiun geng,
Verse: 5269    
antat sie ina brâhtun,   thar he an is benkia sat,
Verse: 5270    
cuning Erodes:   umbihuarf ina craft uuero,
Verse: 5271    
[uulanke uuîgandos]:   uuas im uuilleo mikil,
Verse: 5272    
that [sie] thar [selƀon] Crist   gisehan môstin:
Verse: 5273    
uuândun that he im sum têkan thar   tôgean scoldi,
Verse: 5274    
mâri endi mahtig,    he managun dede
Verse: 5275    
thurh is godcundi   Iudeo    *liudeon.

Verse: 5276    
Frâgoda ina thuo thie folccuning   firiuuitlîco
Verse: 5277    
managon uuordon,   uuolda is muodseƀon
Verse: 5278    
forð undarfindan,   huat hie te frumu mohti
Verse: 5279    
mannon gimarcon.   Than stuod mahtig Crist,
Verse: 5280    
thagoda endi tholoda:   ne uuolda them thiedcuninge,
Verse: 5281    
Erodese ne is erlon   antsuôr geƀan
Verse: 5282    
uuordo nigênon.   Than stuod thiu uurêða thiod,
Verse: 5283    
Iudeo liudi   endi thena godes suno
Verse: 5284    
uuurrun endi uuruogdun,   anthat im uuarð thie uueroldcuning
Verse: 5285    
an is huge huoti   endi all is heriscipi,
Verse: 5286    
farmuonstun ina an iro muode:   ne antkendun maht godes,
Verse: 5287    
himiliscan hêrron,   ac uuas im iro hugi thiustri,
Verse: 5288    
baluuues giblandan.   Barn drohtines
Verse: 5289    
iro [uurêðun] uuerc,   uuord endi dâdi
Verse: 5290    
thuru ômuodi   all githoloda,
Verse: 5291    
huat sia im tionono [thuo]   tuogian uuoldun.

Verse: 5292    
Sia hietun im thuo te hoske   huît giuuâdi
Verse: 5293    
umbi is liði leggian,   thiu mêr hie uurði them liudion thar,
Verse: 5294    
[iungron] te gamne.   Iudeon faganodun,
Verse: 5295    
thuo sia ina te [hosce]   hebbian gisâhun,
Verse: 5296    
erlos oƀarmuoda.   Thuo senda ina eft thanan
Verse: 5297    
Erodes se cuning   an that ôðer folc;
Verse: 5298    
[alêdian] hiet ina lungra mann,   endi lastar sprâcun,
Verse: 5299    
[felgidun] im firinuuord,   thar hie an feteron geng
Verse: 5300    
bihlagan mid hoscu:   ni uuas im hugi tuîfli,
Verse: 5301    
neƀa hie it thuru ôdmuodi   all githoloda;
Verse: 5302    
ne uuelda iro uƀilun uuord   [iduglônon],
Verse: 5303    
hosc endi harmquidi.   Thuo brâhtun sia ina eft an that hûs innan,
Verse: 5304    
an [thia] palencea uppan,   thar Pilatus uuas
Verse: 5305    
an thero thingstedi.   Thegnos agâƀun
Verse: 5306    
barno that besta   [banon te] handon
Verse: 5307    
sundilôsian,    hie selƀo gicôs:
Verse: 5308    
uuelda manno barn   [morðes] atuomian,
Verse: 5309    
nerian af nôdi.   Stuodun nîðhuata,
Verse: 5310    
Iudeon far them gastselie:   habdun sia [gramono] barn,
Verse: 5311    
thia scola farscundid,   that sia ne bescriƀun iouuiht
Verse: 5312    
grimmera dâdio.   Thuo giuuêt im gangan tharod
Verse: 5313    
thegan kêsures   uuið thia thiod sprecan,
Verse: 5314    
hard heritogo:   "huat, gi mi thesan haftan mann", quathie,
Verse: 5315    
"an thesan seli sendun   endi selƀon anbudun,
Verse: 5316    
that hie iuuues uuerodes filo   auuerdit habdi,
Verse: 5317    
[farlêdid] mid is lêron.   Nu ik mid theson liudon ni mag,
Verse: 5318    
findan mid thius folku,   that hie is ferahes
Verse: 5319    
furi thesaro scolu sculdig.   Scîn uuas that hiudu:
Verse: 5320    
Erodes mohta,   thie iuuuan êo bican,
Verse: 5321    
iuuuaro liudo landreht,   hie ni mahta is lîƀes gifrêson,
Verse: 5322    
that hie hier thuru êniga sundia te dage   sueltan scoldi,
Verse: 5323    
lîf farlâtan.   Nu uuilliu ik ina for theson liudion hier
Verse: 5324    
githrôon mid thingon,   thrîstion uuordun,
Verse: 5325    
buotian im is briosthugi,   lâtan ina brûcan forð
Verse: 5326    
ferahes [mid] firion."   Folc Iudeono
Verse: 5327    
hreopun thuo alla samad   hlûdero stemnu,
Verse: 5328    
hietun flîtlîco   ferahes âhtian
Verse: 5329    
Crist mid qualmu   endi an crûci slahan,
Verse: 5330    
uuêgian te uuundron:   "hie mid is uuordon haƀit
Verse: 5331    
dôðes gisculdid:   sagit that hie drohtin ,
Verse: 5332    
gegnungo godes suno.   That hie ageldan scal,
Verse: 5333    
inuuidsprâca,    is an ûson êuue giscriƀan,
Verse: 5334    
that man sulica firinquidi   ferahu côpo."

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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