Part No. 64
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Chapter: LXIV 

Verse: 5335    Thuo uuarð thie an forahton,   thie thes folkes giuueld,
Verse: 5336    
mikilon an is muode,   thuo hie gihôrda thia man sprecan,
Verse: 5337    
that sia ina selƀon   seggian gihôrdin,
Verse: 5338    
gehan fur them gumscipe,   that hie uuâri godes suno.

Verse: 5339    
Thuo [huarf] im eft thie heritogo   an that hûs innan
Verse: 5340    
te thero thingstedi,   thrîstion uuordon
Verse: 5341    
gruotta thena godes suno   endi frâgoda, huat hie gumono uuâri:
Verse: 5342    
"huat bist thu manno?" quathie.   "Te huî thu mi thînan muod hilis,
Verse: 5343    
dernis diopgithâht?   Uuêst thu that it all an mînon duome stêd
Verse: 5344    
umbi thînes lîƀes gilagu?   Mi [thi] hebbiat thesa liudi fargeƀan,
Verse: 5345    
uuerod Iudeono,   thak ik giuualdan muot
Verse: 5346    
thik te spildianne   an speres orde,
Verse: 5347    
ti quellianne an crûcium,    quican lâtan,
Verse: 5348    
hueðer mi selƀon   suotera thunkit
Verse: 5349    
te gifrummianne mid mînu folcu."   Thuo sprac eft that friðubarn godes:
Verse: 5350    
"uuêst thu that te uuâron", quathie,   "that thu giuuald oƀar mik
Verse: 5351    
hebbian ni mohtis,   ne uuâri that it thi hêlag god
Verse: 5352    
selƀo fargâƀi?   Ôc hebbeat thia sundeono mêr,
Verse: 5353    
thia mik thi bifulhun   thuru fîondscipi,
Verse: 5354    
gisaldun an sîmon haftan."   Thuo uuelda ina [sîð] after thiu
Verse: 5355    
[gramhugdig] man   gerno farlâtan,
Verse: 5356    
thegan kêsures,   thar hie is haƀdi for thero thioda giuuald;
Verse: 5357    
ac sia uueridun im thena uuillion   uuordu gihuilicu,
Verse: 5358    
kunni Iudeono:   "ne bist thu", quâðun sia, "thes kêsures friund,
Verse: 5359    
thînon hêrren hold,   ef thu ina hinan lâtis
Verse: 5360    
sîðon gisundon:   that thi noh te soragan mag,
Verse: 5361    
uuerðan te uuîte,   huand hue sulic uuord sprikit,
Verse: 5362    
ahaƀið ina hôho,   quiðit that hie hebbian mugi
Verse: 5363    
cuningduomes namon,   ne that ina im thie kêsur geƀe,
Verse: 5364    
hie uuirrid im is uueruldrîki   endi is uuord farhugid,
Verse: 5365    
farman ina an is muode.   Bethiu scalt thu sulic mên uurekan,
Verse: 5366    
[hoscuuord manag,   ef thu umbi thînes hêrren ruokis],
Verse: 5367    
umbi thînes frôhon friundscipi,   than scalt thu ina thiu ferhu beniman."
Verse: 5368    
Thuo gihôrda thie heritogo   thia [hêri] Iuðeono
Verse: 5369    
[thrêgian] fan is thiodne;   thuo hie [far] thero thingstedi geng
Verse: 5370    
selƀo gisittian,   thar gisamnod [uuas]
Verse: 5371    
[sô mikil uuarf] uuerodes,   hiet uualdand Crist
Verse: 5372    
lêdian for thia liudi.   Langoda Iudeon,
Verse: 5373    
huan êr sia that hêlaga barn   hangon gisâuuin,
Verse: 5374    
quelan an crûcie;   sia quâðun that sia cuning ôðran
Verse: 5375    
ne haƀdin undar iro heriscipie,   neƀan thena hêran kêsar
Verse: 5376    
fan Rûmuburg:   "thie haƀit hier rîki oƀer ûs.

Verse: 5377    
Bethiu ni scalt thu thesan farlâtan;   hie haƀit ûs filo lêðes gisprokan,
Verse: 5378    
farduan haƀit hie im mid is dâdion.   Hie scal dôð tholon,
Verse: 5379    
uuîti endi uundarquâla."   Uuerod Iudeono
Verse: 5380    
manag mislîc thing   an mahtigna Crist
Verse: 5381    
sagdun te sundiun.   Hie suîgondi stuod
Verse: 5382    
thuru ôðmuodi,   ne antuuordida [niouuiht]
Verse: 5383    
uuið iro uurêðun uuord:   uuolda thesa uuerold alla
Verse: 5384    
lôsian mid is lîƀu:   bithiu liet hie ina thia lêðun thiod
Verse: 5385    
uuêgian te uundron,   all iro uuillio geng:
Verse: 5386    
ni uuolda im opanlîco   allon cûðian
Verse: 5387    
Iudeo liudeon,   that hie uuas god selƀo;
Verse: 5388    
huand uuissin sia that te uuâron,   that hie sulica giuuald haƀdi
Verse: 5389    
oƀar theson middilgard,   than uurði im iro muodseƀo
Verse: 5390    
giblôðit an iro brioston:   [than] ne gidorstin sia that barn godes
Verse: 5391    
handon anthrînan:   [than] ni uuurði heƀanrîki,
Verse: 5392    
antlocan liohto mêst   liudio barnon.

Verse: 5393    
Bethiu mêð hie is an is muode,   ne lêt that manno folc
Verse: 5394    
uuitan, huat sia uuarahtun.   Thiu uurd nâhida thuo,
Verse: 5395    
mâri maht godes   endi middi dag,
Verse: 5396    
that sia thia ferahquâla   frummian scoldun.

Verse: 5397    
Than lag thar ôc an bendion   an thero burg innan
Verse: 5398    
ên ruof reginscaðo,   thie habda under them rîke filo
Verse: 5399    
morðes girâdan   endi manslahta gifrumid,
Verse: 5400    
uuas mâri meginthiof:   ni uuas thar is gimaco huergin;
Verse: 5401    
uuas thar ôc bi [sînon]   [sundion] giheftid,
Verse: 5402    
Barrabas uuas hie hêtan;   hie after them burgion uuas
Verse: 5403    
thuru is mêndâdi   manogon [gicûðid].

Verse: 5404    
Than uuas landuuîsa   liudio Iudeono,
Verse: 5405    
that sia iâro [gihuen]   an godes minnia
Verse: 5406    
an them hêlagon dage   ênna haftan mann
Verse: 5407    
abiddian scoldun,   that im iro burges uuard,
Verse: 5408    
iro folctogo   ferah fargâƀi.

Verse: 5409    
Thuo bigan thie heritogo   thia hêri Iudeono,
Verse: 5410    
that folc frâgoian,   thar sia im fora stuodun,
Verse: 5411    
hueðeron sia thero tueio   tuomian uueldin,
Verse: 5412    
ferahes biddian:   "thia hier an feteron sind
Verse: 5413    
haft undar theson heriscipie?"   Thiu hêri Iudeono
Verse: 5414    
habdun thuo thia aramun man   alla gispanana,
Verse: 5415    
that sia themo landscaðen   lîf abâdin,
Verse: 5416    
githingodin them thioƀe,   thie oft an thiustria naht
Verse: 5417    
uuam giuuarahta,   endi uualdand Crist
Verse: 5418    
quelidin an crûcie.   Thuo uuarð that cûð oƀar all,
Verse: 5419    
[huô thiu thiod haƀda duomos adêlid.   Thuo scoldun sia thia dâd frummian,]
Verse: 5420    
[hâhan] that hêlaga barn.   That uuarð them heritogen
Verse: 5421    
sîðor te sorgon,   that hie thia saca uuissa,
Verse: 5422    
that sia thuru nîðscipi   neriendon Crist,
Verse: 5423    
hatoda thiu hêri,   endi hie im hôrda te thiu,
Verse: 5424    
uuarahta iro uuillion:   thes hie uuîti antfeng,
Verse: 5425    
lôn an theson liohte   endi lang after,
Verse: 5426    
[uuôi sîðor] uuann,   sîðor hie thesa uuerold agaf.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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