Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 3
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Part: II._Cr.  
Paragraph: Inc.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
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Line: 13  II.
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Der Glaube.
Line: 15 
Ta Tytczibe.

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Line: 16    Es titez exkan Dewe to Thewe / Wůſſewal=
Line: 17    
dytaye / Radditaye / Debbes vnd täs Sem=
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Line: 18    
mes. Vnde exkan JEſum Chriſtum win=
Line: 19    
gam wenigam Dhelam muſſam Kungam
Line: 20    
katters eyemptcz gir / no to ſweete Garre /
Line: 21    
peczimmis no thäs Jumprouwas Maria /

Line: 22  A 2 czetis

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- (4) -

Line: 1  czetis appeſkan Pontio pilato / Kruſtan
Line: 2 
ſʒyſtz / Nomuͤrris vnde abbeeſtz / Semmen
Line: 3 
kapis exkan Helles treſtchen *1 Denan atkal
Line: 4 
auxkam czeeles no tims Muͤrronims / vſʒ=
Line: 5 
kapis Debbeſſis / ſeedhe py tho labbe roke /
Line: 6 
Dewe ta Wuͤſſewalditaye Thewe / no tur=
Line: 7 
renes thas atees / ſʒodit thoͤs cziwes vnde
Line: 8 
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Line: 9 
Es titcz exkan to ſweete Garre / Wena
Line: 10 
ſweeta Chruſtita Baſnicza / to drowczibe
Line: 11 
thoͤs Sweetes / Pammeſſchen thoͤs Gree-/
Line: 12 
kes / auxkam czelſchenne / thas Meſʒes / vnd
Line: 13 
wene muſʒige cziwoſchen / Amen.
Line: 14 

Line: 15 
Ko maetce tu aran tho Tytczibe?
Line: 16 

Line: 17       
Es maetce tur aran / Ka man / Dews
Line: 18    
raddis gir / vnde JEſus Chriſtus gir man
Line: 19    
peſtis / vnde ka manne Greeke czour to we=
Line: 20    
ne pammeſthe tope / vnde tas ſweetcz gars
Line: 21    
gir mans ſweete darritais.

Line: 22  Das

Page: 5  
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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.