Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 21
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Part: Lib.Matr.  
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Line: 16  Ein Trauwbűchlin
Line: 17 
fűr die einfeltigen Pfarherrn.
Line: 18 
D. Martin Luth.

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Line: 19    Zum erſten auff der Cantzel auffbieten mit ſolchen
Line: 20    

Line: 21    
HAns N. vnd Anna N. Gribbas ſʒoͤw peetcz De=
Line: 22    
we Eſtadiſchenne exkan tho ſweete Loulibe dotes /
Line: 23    
Tapeetcz luudtczete ſcho Chruſtite droutczibe kha tha

Line: 24  grib

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Line: 1    
grib Dewe par thems luuckt / Ka the tho exkan Dewe
Line: 2    
Wãrde war eſʒackte / vnde ta tims lab packlayas.
Line: 3    
Vnd Ja kam labban ſcheit Ja treſʒ gir / thas dar tho
Line: 4    
py layke / yeb czeſche peetcz kluſſe / Dews dode thims
Line: 5    
ſʒouwe Szeeleſtibe / Amen.
Line: 6    
Hans grib tu Anna yempt par wene loulate Szewe?
Line: 7          
Szack.   Ja
Line: 8    
Anna grib tu Hans yempt par wene loulate Wyre?
Line: 9          
Szack.   Ja
Line: 10    
Hie laſſe ſie ſich die Trauwringe einander geben /
Line: 11    
vnd fűge jre beide rechte Hand zuſamen / vnd ſpreche.

Line: 12    
Ko Dews gir kopan ſʒalydtczenais tho
Line: 13    
nhe buus wenam Czilwhekam ſkirt.

Line: 14  Darnach ſpreche er fűr allen gemein.

Line: 15    
Aiſto ka nu Hans N. vnd Anna N. wens otre grib
Line: 16    
par loulate Drouge / vnde tho ſcheit redtczite preſchan
Line: 17    
Dewe vnd to Paſſoule adſʒiſt / vnd par to the ſʒoͤw we=
Line: 18    
notre Rokes vnde loulibes Gredtczennes deuwuſſche
Line: 19    
gir / Ta Salloulayo es thoͤs kopan / exkan to Wãrde to
Line: 20    
Thewe / vnd to Dhele / vnd to ſweete Garre / Amen.
Line: 21    
Ko Dews gir kopan Szaloulais / tho nhe buus
Line: 22    
wenam Czilwhekam ſkirt.
Line: 23    
Vor dem Alter vber dem Breutgam vnd Braut
Line: 24    
leſe er GOttes Wort / Geneſis. 2.

Line: 25    
Vnde Dews tas Kunx ſʒatcy / tas nhe gir lab / Ka

Line: 26  thas

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Line: 1    
thas Czilwhex wens gir / es grib tam wene pallige dar=
Line: 2    
ryth / Katters apkãrt to gir. Tad licke Dews tas Kunx
Line: 3    
wene czille Mege kriſt vs to Czilwheke / vnd tas aiſmig=
Line: 4    
ga / vnd yeme winge Sane koule *58 wene / vnd aiſʒledtcze
Line: 5    
to wete atkal ar Meſʒe / vnde Dews tas Kunx raddye
Line: 6    
wene Szewe aran to ſanekoule / Kattre tas no to Czil=
Line: 7    
wheke yeme / vnd wedde to py tho. Tad ſʒatczy tas Czil=
Line: 8    
whex / tas gir wens Kouls no manne Koule / vnd Meſʒa
Line: 9    
no manne Meſʒe / tha tapſe Wyriſke dheweete / tapeetz
Line: 10    
Ka tha no to Wyre yempta gir / Tapeetcz wens Czil=
Line: 11    
whex Thewe vnd Mathe atſthas / vnd py ſʒouwes
Line: 12    
Szewes pekaarſes / vnd te duewe buus wena Meſʒa.

Line: 13    
Darnach wende er ſich zu jnen beiden / Rede ſie
Line: 14    
an / Alſo.

Line: 15    
Aiſto kha yuus nu abbe duewe exkan tho Loulibe
Line: 16    
padeuwuſſche eſſeth / exkan Dewe Wãrde / Thad czir=
Line: 17    
deth pirman kaartan to Dewe Bouſʒle pär to loulibe.
Line: 18    
Tha treſʒ ſweetcz Paulus.

Line: 19    
Thãs Szewes gir packlouſʒige ſʒouwims Wy=
Line: 20    
rims / Ka tham Kungam / Aiſto thãs Wyrs gir thäs
Line: 21    
Szewes Galwa. Lydtcz kha arridtczan Chriſtus ta
Line: 22    
Galwa thãs Droudtczibes gir / vnd thas gir ſʒouwes
Line: 23    
Meſʒes Peſtitais. Beth lidtcz ka nu tha Droudtcze
Line: 24    
Chriſto gir packlouſʒiga / tha karridtczan thãs Szewes
Line: 25    
ſʒouwims Wyrims exkan wuͤſſims lethims.
Line: 26    
Juus Wyre thurret myle yuuſes Szewes / lydtcz

Line: 27  kha

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Line: 1    
kha Chriſtus myleis gir to Droudtczibe / vnde gir ſʒoͤw
Line: 2    
pattims par to doͤuwis / kha tas to ſweetite vnd gir tho
Line: 3    
ſkyſtis czour tho Vdenne exkan to Wärde / Ka tas ſʒoͤw
Line: 4    
pattim ſʒattaiſite wene Droudtczibe kattra godiga
Line: 5    
gir / kattre nhe wena grumba nedtcz applaſſenaſchenne
Line: 6    
gir / yeb czitta kada wayne / Beth kattra ſweete vnde
Line: 7    
taiſna gir.
Line: 8    
Ta buus arridtczan tims Wyrims ſʒouwes Sze=
Line: 9    
wes myleet / kha ſʒouwe patte Meſʒe / kas ſʒouwe Sze=
Line: 10    
we myle tur / tas thur ſʒoͤw pattim myle / Aiſto newens
Line: 11    
gir ſʒouwe patte Meſʒe enydeis / beth thas baryo vnde
Line: 12    
glabbo tho / Lydtcz kha arridtczan thas Kunx tho
Line: 13    
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Line: 14    
Otran kaartan / czirdeth arridtczan tho Kruſte /
Line: 15    
Kattre Dews tay Loulibe vs litczis gir / Tha treſʒ
Line: 16    
Dews vs tho Szewe.

Line: 17    
Es grib thoͤw doudtcze Sapes darryth / khad tu
Line: 18    
apgrutenata taps / Thoͤw buus touwes Bhernes ar
Line: 19    
Sapems peczimpt / vnd thoͤw buus touwam Wyram
Line: 20    
klouſiht *59 / vnd wingam buus touwam Kungam bute.

Line: 21  Vnde vs tho Wyre ſʒatcy Dews.

Line: 22    
Tapeetcz / kha tu eſſe klouſys to Balexne touwes
Line: 23    
Szewes / vnde ehdis nho tho Koke / no kattres es thoͤw
Line: 24    
ayſledtcze / vnd ſʒatcy thoͤw nhe buus no tho ehſt / nho
Line: 25    
ladeetcz gir tas Tyrums touwes puſſes peetcz / Ar be=
Line: 26    
de buus thoͤw tur wuͤrſʒon baryotes touwe cziwoſcheñe

Line: 27  J layke /

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Line: 1    
layke *60 / Ehrſches vnde Dadczes buus tham thoͤw neſth /
Line: 2    
vnd thoͤw buus tho Sale wuͤrſʒon to louke ehſt / Exkan
Line: 3    
ſwedre touwe Wayge buus thoͤwe touwe Mayſe ehſt /
Line: 4    
Tekams kha tu atkal par Semme thope / no kattre tu
Line: 5    
yemptcz eſſe / Aiſto tu eſſe Semme / Vnde taps atkal
Line: 6    
Semmes kartan.
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Line: 7    
Treſſchan Kärtan / Gir ta nu yuuſe Precibe / kha
Line: 8    
yuus ſʒinnath vnd titczath / kha yuuſe Loulibe Dewam
Line: 9    
paprate vnde ſweetita gir.

Line: 10  Aiſto tha ſthawe thur raxtytcz.

Line: 11    
Dews raddye to Czilwheke peetcz ſʒouwe Way=
Line: 12    
ge / Ja peetcz ſʒouwe Wayge raddye Dews tho / Tas
Line: 13    
raddye thoͤs wene Wyre vnd wene Szewe.
Line: 14    
Vnde Dews ſweety thoͤs / vnd ſʒatcy vs thims /
Line: 15    
Eſſeth auglige vnd peaugleetes yums / vnde pepueldeth
Line: 16    
to Semme / vnde darreth tho yums packalpige / vnde
Line: 17    
waldeeth pãr thems ſʒuewems exkan tho Jure / Vnde
Line: 18    
pãr thems Putnims appeſkan tho Debbes / vnde par
Line: 19    
wuͤſſems ſʒwerems kattre wuͤrſʒon tho Semme lede.
Line: 20    
Vnde Dews vs lukoye wuͤſſe ko thas darrys by vnde
Line: 21    
rouge / tas by wuͤſſe notal warren labs. Tapeetcz ſʒacke
Line: 22    
arridtczan Salomons / khas wene Szewe dabbu / tas
Line: 23    
dabbu wene labbe lethe / vnde thas gir tham Kungam
Line: 24    

Line: 25  Hier recke er die Hende vber ſie / vnd
Line: 26 
Bete alſo.

Line: 27  O wuͤſſe=

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Line: 1  O Wuͤſſewaldyx Kunx Dews / katters tu Wyre
Line: 2 
vnde Szewe raddys eſſe / vnde thoͤs exkan tho Loulibe
Line: 3 
pawheleis cziwoth / vnde ar auglims tãs Meſʒes ſwee=
Line: 4 
tis / vnde czour to eſtu eſymoys tho lele Myleſtibe tou=
Line: 5 
we myle Dhele JEſu Chriſti prettibe ſʒouwe Brute
Line: 6 
tho Chruſtite Droudtczibe. Mhes luudtczam touwe
Line: 7 
bes duebbenne Szeeleſtibe / tu gribbeete thade touwe
Line: 8 
Raddibe / Eſtadiumme vnde Sweetumme nhe lickt
Line: 9 
boyan edth / nedtcz ſʒamaytath / Beth ſʒeelige exkan
Line: 10 
mums paglabbath / Czour JEſum Chriſtum muſʒam
Line: 11 
Kungam / Amen.

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.